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J A Dare

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Everything posted by J A Dare

  1. I'm disappointed...no Macross girls in holiday outfits.
  2. That's true about the Coast Guard being under DOT, but I thought in times of war the CG takes direct orders from the Navy? I say this because I know CG Cutters augment Carrier Groups and other naval groups to do such things as coastal survelliance, interdiction, convoy escort, intelligence gathering, etc.
  3. Whoa! If you stacked them up (like Voltron), you could make a furry 6 year old child.
  4. No, but I really considered it in my senior year of high school. However, after college I worked in the defense industry building military hardware (Aegis destroyers, nuclear subs, etc). I'm out of the defense industry now, I didn't like the work culture. Pursing a career in bionics/biomedical engineering now. Oh, here's a fun fact. When I was backpacking in Kenya, the children thought I was a Nepalese Gurkha!
  5. Yeah...plugged into Prostitute Labors.
  6. Single. Problem is...there are so many women in the world. At least 3 billion last time I checked. Do I really have to choose only one wife?
  7. Look at the link Otaru Ikari provided...then click on "QRIO the future".
  8. Hey, if it really is your wife. Just play along with it. Afterall, the final gift might be her in a flightsuit or valkgirl cosplay you would have to unwrap.
  9. Do they hangout in the Amazon? Cuz I'll be in the Peruvian side of the jungle in January. Yes... they do hang out in the Amazon. Don't be worried though, Goliath Tarantulas are as harmless as babies.... unless you are a frog. Good...cuz I ain't French! (just kidding French MWers, some of my best friends are French.)
  10. I'd have to agree...it doesn't look much better than giant spiders you see in old sci-fi movies. Do they hangout in the Amazon? Cuz I'll be in the Peruvian side of the jungle in January.
  11. The Agent ONE way to handle this? Sounds more like the sick pervert, who likes to touch himself and jerk off on a door nob way to handle this. Note to self: If next MacrossWorld Bay Area meet is at Agent ONE's home, be sure to wear surgical gloves.
  12. I don't know...to me it looks like a stealthy refrigerator.
  13. Damn! Makes me wish I was on some South Pacific tropical island getting married!
  14. heheh...agreed! Hey folks, complaining about the acting? Let's see who could act in the orginal trilogy. OK...Alec Guinness, James Earl Jones' voice,....?,....?,...who else?! But I do have to admit, Billy Dee Williams was one cool mofo.
  15. Hey Kendo folks, I took this photo last year at Harbin, China's International Ice Festival. This was Japan's contribution. It's hard to see, but the sculpture is life size.
  16. I don't like the background...looks too much like a thunderstorm or something. IMHO, the green background you had for your Sara wallpaper would have been better, makes it look like spring...a la wedding season.
  17. Hsing-I Kung Fu (2 years in my younger days). Would like to get back into it when I can establish a stable life.
  18. J A Dare

    Age Check! :)

    28. I got a big fat donut valk! And remember folks, life is never too short because it's the longest thing you will ever do!
  19. hmmm...I always thought he was just pissed and over-reacted (recall, he's on meds for a reason) to see Isamu with Myung together? I mean after all, it was suppost to be a love-triangle. That's why when Guld regained his memory, both Isamu and Guld just laughed it off....and Myung was never afraid to be with Guld in M+.
  20. Monty, you are pure evil. First you tease us...now you torture us.
  21. There is something I like about every incarnation of Macross. But if I had to choose, following Graham's lead... Favorite TV: SDF Favorite OVA: D7 (but haven't seen M0 yet) Favorite Movie: DYRL
  22. ...nice...REAL NICE.
  23. Aaaahhhh...yes, you are referring to the deleted scenes. Where Hikaru and Minmay actually do go into the Persian Love Hotel, and Hikaru and Misa's love scene at the Protoculture island city, right?
  24. Okay guys...so A1 has revealed that it's 007...but I swear...at first, I thought the middle whitie-tidy guy looked strangely familiar. I was thinking Tony Curtis? What do you think?... BTW, Connery and Curtis are only 5 years apart in age, i.e. born 1930 and 1925 respectively.
  25. Or they're too busy with the unarmored picts Vostok 7 Damn, I wish I had time to draw...so I can draw nekkid chicks and flip thru research material.
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