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J A Dare

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Everything posted by J A Dare

  1. Well, my mugshot is all over the place, i.e. avatar, meine welt, porno sites, etc. So, I uploaded an alter-ego of mine. BTW, you can create your own südpark character here. p.s. What does it take to be honored with a title?
  2. Valkyrie, from Norse mythology. Warrior demigoddesses taking on the form of winged young maidens.
  3. Winner! OK MSW, it's up to you. But I suggest keeping your head.
  4. Damn, forgot about me winning. OK...hrmmm...I'm not so hot with trivial questions too...OK...here it is... During the anime sequence in Kill Bill, how many people did O-ren Iishi kill on-screen?
  5. 6 + 12 = 18
  6. Source: thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=5217&st=0
  7. J A Dare

    custom 1/48 CF + FP

    Obscene! Pure valkyrie pornography!
  8. Here you go...
  9. heh...I was thinking the same thing. Does anyone else think, appearance wise Roy's VA looks more like Max, and Max's VA looks like Roy?
  10. Thanks Beltane70.
  11. Nice. But will wait for the 15th or 20th anniv addition when I actually have disposable income.
  12. That sounds a bit creepy to me. In A1's head, he'd be making love to Minmay (a cartoon), no Mari (all woman). Eeewwww...
  13. Mari has aged gracefully. And I think SK agrees (referring to the smirk on his face).
  14. One man's crap is another man's fertilizer. p.s. as much as I like M+ (hell, I had Guld as my avatar!), there are some aspects of it that I have serious misgivings with, i.e. aspects of which I think are "crappy". Of course, if I elaborate on them, I'm sure I'd be lynched on this board.
  15. Can anyone translate the Perfect Memory cast pages (starting on p. 254) to figure out who's who?
  16. Watch Dynamite 7 OVA. Basically, it's a retelling of a "classic" story. Story-wise, nothing earth shattering, but entertaining nevertheless. It's good when you want a change of pace to M+ (moody, serious) or DYRL (epic, dramatic). I guess D7 would be well, energetic with a bit of humor thrown in. Besides, D7 has arguably (IMHO) the best opening animation/music of the Macross franchise. I never get tired of it. And there is nothing wrong with singing whales...as long as they keep in tune.
  17. I don't think there was any outfit that Misa looked bad in? Well, unless if you prefer her like this...
  18. Sie sehen unterrechts in das Bild...
  19. Looks Science Fiction to me!!! I wonder what velocity the house hit the truck with?
  20. I might be biased, but you should stick with Macross (forget Gundam ) models! Your 19A is gorgeous!
  21. Wasn't DYRL made for Macross fans? I could understand why the uninitiated would be turned off with a WTF-is-going-on? mentality. It's a bit confusing without the SDF background info. Besides, you have to like cheesy love triangles/songs/dramas/soap operas to LOVE Macross. If you just like the mechs/action, then you ain't a TRUE Macross fan.
  22. I bought the original 3-disc M2K boxset (the blue software style box), then upgraded to the 4-disc pink boxset which you had to pay extra (can't remember the price?). But it was worth it, as I watch the Hurricane Live disc often when I need a quick BGC fix. If Animeigo remasters BGC like what they did with Macross and do another upgrade plan, I'd sign up.
  23. I totally agree. Your VF-4 looks great! And your Yukikaze Super Sylph...whoa!...you did a fine job with the weathering!
  24. I have 5 or 6, can't remember. My turntable is boxed up because I don't have enough space and wall-sockets in my tiny studio apartment.
  25. Heh, Heh. Agent One. I don't post that much, but I just gotta say: YOU DA MAN!! I love your attitude; it livens up this board and your posts ALWAYS make for an interesting read. By the way, I also think DYRL is the absolute best and M7 definitely spirals in the wrong direction. Whoa...PC Valkyrie! Be careful handing out compliments to Agent ONE. Next thing you know, you'll be circle jerking with him infront of a door knob the Agent ONE Way.
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