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J A Dare

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Everything posted by J A Dare

  1. Anything in particular that you're looking for? In case of Japanese films I've just seen The Returner (I think we were talking about it at the City Beach Meet) and Versus. I'm thinking about picking up Battle Royale, Shiri, and Ichi the Killer next. Woo woo...now you're talking. Yeah, all those you mentioned plus other Asian films like 2009 Lost Memories, Wonderful Days, Avalon, Princess Blade, Gen X & Y Cops, My Wife is a Ganster I & II, My Sassy Girl, Suicide Club, Volcano High, etc. Regarding anime I'm so out of the loop on the new stuff...but older stuff I'd be interested like Patlabor TV (my 2nd fave mecha show after Macross), KOR, Maison Ikkoku, Nadesico, Dual, Sakura Diaries, OMG, Votoms, Berserk, Excel Saga, Full Metal Panic, Sakura Wars, etc. How many movies do you typically get to rent per month?
  2. But if you are not a subscriber, you can't see their entire inventory...only a preview in each catagory. Just like to add, today's Hollywood films rarely peaked my interest.
  3. Anyone subscribe to Netflix? If so, how's the anime selection? Good backlog? Recent releases? Availability(quantity)? Was just thinking, for 20 bucks a month, it's way cheaper than buying DVDs to feed my anime fix. Also, how is the Asian film selection (i.e. Korean, Chinese, HK, Japanese)? Cheers.
  4. I like it. Simple, subtle, and elegant. I usually have the UN Spacy logo showing. Or the hologram showing (i.e. shrinkwrap cut only on DVD spin side, so I slip the hologram on the backside where the Animeigo and HG logos are located). Am I the only one who thought about doing that? FYI, looks really nice. That Aussie box doesn't fit my taste, too bright and what's with Roy's valk coming out of Hikaru's eye!
  5. For really cool flight action checkout: Porco Rosso (WWII planes) Nausicaa (Mehve!) For mecha action: BGC 2032 original OVA (IMHO, the hardsuits are some of the best mecha designs ever!)
  6. Guppy's MW Shopathon Encore Special??? Good lord! Where does he get the money? Selling babies on the blackmarket? Kangaroo testicles? Koala ears? What?! So, does he get a special t-shirt?
  7. I click on link, and I get this?
  8. I think it goes something like this... 1) dating a 11 y.o...sicko 2) dating a 14 y.o...pervert 3) dating any age anime chick...loser. 4) dating a real girl...bank card.
  9. Kim on a whim. Rex for the...
  10. I don't have cable so haven't seen either show. However, I do know Puffy AmiYumi sing the intro, because it's on their Nice album which I recommend if you are into a Beatle-ish/60s garage/indie rock sound. The TT theme is the weakest song on the album, IMHO.
  11. Whoa! Did you win the Insane Toy Shopaholic Award??? BTW, great photos guys! Those sleeping pics were just too funny!
  12. Hey, if you make a 1/1 scaled doll, at least you know you'd have one customer.
  13. She might be worth a boink...but not a date.
  14. I can see your wife's boobies just fine now. Running on Netscape 7.0, PC.
  15. So, are you human or replicant? Or must I breakout my Voigt-Kampf machine?
  16. J A Dare


    Well, I've used http://www.gohtm.com/ to convert my documents to PDF for free.
  17. and hangout at the arcade, lingerie shop, the Persian motel, oogle at minmay, misa...hit on kim.
  18. Real Boomers. So, Sylia Stingray is going to be born in what? About a decade from now?
  19. It just says "user photo" where the photo is suppost to be for me. FYI, I'm using Netscape 7.0.
  20. Well MSW? Has the MSG worn off?
  21. doing/saying something stupid. Do the mods take bribes? I can direct them to some good and FREE porno websites. I'd like the title: der Weltenbummler!
  22. Might I suggest a mid-80s Mazda RX-7? I had an 86 back in high school, 90-93. I ran that thing so hard the few years that I had it. The sealant in the rotary engine broke down (a problem with the Wankel engine) which in term left my engine in smoke! Nevertheless, she was sooooo much fun while she lasted.
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