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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Stealth anyone? I thought folks would appreciate the reminder of what the contest VF looked like. Personally, I want me some Low Viz!!! : )
  2. How do you order anything from Diamond? I don't think I've ever quite figured that one out. Thanks!
  3. Back scrubber at the local YWCA.
  4. Public libraries rock! In addition to having anime and manga, my public library put on a small exhibit of a bunch of my toys. I featured a lot of Macross stuff, but also some SOCs and Gundam toys. It was on display for about a month. It was pretty cool to hear feedback about how people responded to the display. Another cool thing to check out at your public library is CDs. My library system has an amazing collection of music. The nice part is that you can request anything from the whole system be delivered to your local library branch. To top it off, you can make your request on-line! My digital music collection has grown enormously through this process. Again, public libraries rock!
  5. Sold! For $331.02! Wow.
  6. I guess that's right...shotgun = wussy! All the park rangers, the toursists, and especially the children should have been outfitted with large bazookas just in case any dinos decided to get "testy." "Hey Timmy that dino is looking at you funny!" "KA-BLAAM" "Not anymore, he's not!...Stupid $#%@-ing dinosaur" : )
  7. I guess I don't think it's a fair trade. As many have stated, I too believe the fast-packs will be reissued. The Jetfire is a classic, first-generation transformer. If I were the guy with the Jetfire, I'd hold off and wait for the reissues. The 1/48s look cool with the fast-packs, but they're not critical to enjoying their inherit awesomeness. My dos centavos.
  8. So does anyone have any recommendations or preferences on where they're putting in their pre-orders? So far I know HLJ, Valk-Exchange, and Blasto have preorders up. So far it looks like Blasto is the least expensive when you take into account (estimated) shipping costs (I'm assuming HLJ will be at least $30 for SAL). Does anyone know of any other pre-order places that are reliable and will be the best price?
  9. Okay, I finally bought the "perfect" version of the DYRL movie. My copy just jumps right into the story without any intro. Is the first scene in the movie a conversation between two Zentraedi (I forget their names, but it's the Zentraei commander with the eye patch and his advisor)? Or is my version not so "perfect?" Thanks!
  10. I think Hasbro is supposed to be coming out with a "build your own" saber kit with different handles and blade colors. I think I saw it on the Entertainment Earth site (http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=HS84850&variation=&lg=1&) for about $40. Looks interesting, but I have to wonder how good it'll really be. PS I'm not up to speed with hypertext, so I don't know how to put the link in my message in a better way.
  11. If you look at the instructions for the sticker placement, it does look like you're supposed to put both the white and the kite on the same spot. But it didn't make a lot of sense to me because the white sticker wouldn't necessarily stick any better to the toy than the kite would. But if it's real purpose is to provide a nice white background for the kite, then that makes a little more sense. I'll have to look at folks pics and see if I can tell if they used the white sticker or not. Have folks been applying the kite without the white background sticker? If so, are you happy with the results?
  12. Well, I'm a relative noob on these boards, but I had to put my two cents in. My wife has been pretty cool about my collection. I think she chalks it up to, "He could have worse hobbies." And that she thinks I'm compensating for the toys I was deprived of as a kid. Which is probably very accurate; although I think I've managed to catch up by now...but I'm not telling her that! I also have a little one (13 months old) around the house that has somehow managed acquired his own plethora of toys, clothes, and furniture. My collection that is on display has been relegated to two small shelves in the office and the rest is down in the basement in these giant plastic bins. Every so often stuff gets cycled through. One month it's valkryies, next month gundam, next month Star Wars lego, next month SOC...you get the picture. The truth is I really don't mind and look forward to the day when my little guy can enjoy these toys with me. It'll be a blast!
  13. Consumer Reports says it's overrated and over-hyped. CR credits their P.R. budget for all the buzz. As of last year their top pick was a Kenmore HEPA vacuum that was fairly reasonably priced. Check out the CR website. Most of their recent reviews are under the "members" section, but you can always just sign up for a month and get some good info at a reasonable price.
  14. Radd, Since it sounds like you've used the Takatoys stickers for your 1/48s, do you have any advice on how to best cut them out? I was thinking that a nice sharp pair of scissors would be my best bet since it would be hard to "hold down" some of the smaller stickers to cut with an x-acto knife. Thanks.
  15. I've seen this question asked before, but I've yet to see a response. On the 1/48 sticker sheet there are two sets of stickers shown for the Macross insignia that goes right under the cockpit. One has the Macross insignia and the other is plain white. Are we supposed to put the white ones on first and then put on the one with the insignia? And if the answer is "Yes," what's the reason? As always, thanks for the help!
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