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Flaming Guantlet

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Everything posted by Flaming Guantlet

  1. Does this count as engrish?(yeah I know it aint japanese but why not?)
  2. MY HEART!!!!
  3. I'll definantly be going with my younger cousin this year but for one day(saturday only) . Oh well. But one day is better than none! Plus Fanime was the first con i ever attended(sweet memories sigh). It would definantly be a plus for me to meet a fellow MWer in person and make my one day trip all the more worth while.
  4. Owww thats gotta hurt in more ways than one.
  5. Finally I am enlightened yet at the same time highly disturbed.
  6. This is some truly good stuff. It's always refreshing to see a new take on Millia. I also agree with NANI?!, stick with your own style. It works and looks good(about as good as anime style). Looking forward to more of what you have.
  7. Well this drawing was always something of an on-and-off thing. I started back in november of last year with just the AC. Then I thought it would be cool to add something extra like the pilot (which is a sprite edit from Assault Suits Valken's option screen mind you, that and I was lazy ). Then I though it would be cooler to add some more like the stats. Then one more addition lead to another which eventualy became what you see before you.
  8. Guys.... I think I went a little to far when I created this...
  9. Hey it been AGES since I've last seen it so how the hell am I suspose to remember?! Still I'm glad you like it. One of my personal favs i might add.
  10. I was bored today so I thought I'd share this. "Please put down your weapon. You have 20 seconds to comply."
  11. '83 eh, I think I was born that year oh wait I was. Seriously though congratulations on your medal!
  12. These ones I like. " Little puppies, kittens, and the French will not go near him." " Vin Diesel told Admiral Ackbar about the "Trap"." "When Vin Diesel wishes to mail a letter, he forces it down the throat of the nearest housepet, then hurls the animal in the direction of the recipient's house." "When Vin Diesel begins work on a new film project, he bludgeons a hobo to death with a hammer for good luck. For even better luck, he devours the corpse. For the best luck possible, he throws the bones at school children during recess." "The movie The Chronicles of Riddick is actually a heavily altered version of a piece of Megaman X3 fanfiction Vin Diesel wrote called "Mavericks On Tour," in which the eight bosses from the game formed a rock band and played around the world. The character of Riddick is based on Crush Crawfish." "Vin Diesel has won the international potato sack skateboarding consecutively for the last 7 years, stealing the crown from the previous holder, Tom selleck. In 1998, Vin pioneered the 'inverted tater bag head back flip', which involves removing the sack and placing it over your head, while simultaneously standing on your head on the board and back flipping, a move that was taught to him by his master, Mr. Selleck, who could not actually complete the manuver himself. Selleck was so crushed that his apprentice had finally reached a level higher than himself that he swore never to potatosack skateboard again, and is now the leader of an anti potatosack skateboarding cult in Northwest Belgium."
  13. I just finally saw the second episode. Empress Sato rocks and I thought the alternate opening(first time I saw it) was cool . We even got to see a gorn which I thought was a nice touch.
  14. DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOULD! j/k yo. I'm glad you guys are really enjoy what I have to show. I'll you a buffalo an a nickel who tells me where I got this from. EDIT: I wasn't statified with the ocean gleem so i fixed it.
  15. Now there's an idea! Oh and no prob Yohsho and remember to "Think Russian".
  16. Though this thread is old, I found something relevant (somewhat) to this discussion. http://www.tlgmedia.com/anim_pages/anewbunny.htm --WARNING LINK ABOVE CONTAINS EXTREME(no pun intened) AMOUNT OF PERVASIVE YET CENSORED ADULT LANGUAGE THAT WILL MAKE HARDCORE RAP MUSIC SOUND LIKE A NURSARY RHYME!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!-- Mods if you feel this post is too much, go right ahead and remove.
  17. Just going by what I saw in that scene.
  18. "This just in. CNN finally discovers leetspeek. Rest of world laughs at CNN."
  19. "Get away from her YOU BITCH!"
  20. I'm as mad as they come pal! And >EXO< I didn't say you accused me but I know some people might be so thought I threw it in. So you tried my F.G.R.R.M. eh? It's nice to know SOMEONE wore their bunny ears when I explained it out.
  21. Sorry pal, trade secret. Nah just kidding I'll spill. As you know there is no gradient tool for paint. So here is what you do(for all other parties interested; common kids get you bunny ears on. It's time to listen!). First start up paint(duh). Second double click on any color box you like and that will do. Next you will see the EDIT COLOR window and you will click DEFINE CUSTOM COLORS. Now here is where it gets good, next you hit the PRINT SCREEN/SYS RQ button on your keyboard. So basically your taking a screenshot when the EDIT COLOR window is displayed. Then you copy/paste the color bar on the right for instant gradient. Thats how it works. If you want the copy/pasted bar to be bigger, simply zoom in and hit the PRINT SCREEN/SYS RQ button again for a bigger bar. Easy enough for ya? I call it (not really) my patent F.G.R.R.M. (Flaming Guantlet's Rainbow Rip-off Maneuver). Now that I told you how it works, have fun with it. Oh and remember this, I'm gonna be grading ALL who us it(its my technique, I can grade you if I want!) . Hopefully this post will help you out in gradiation and help me out to cast aside any doubts(I know SOME of you were thinking it )that I used photoshop for the gradiation. Enjoy!
  22. The same program everyone else is using, good ol MS Paint. When you've been drawing with the same program for the past 5 years as I have, you tend to pick up a few things(mostly self taught). Oh and yes Hikuro that is from RobotJox, the good ol Matsumoto 14.
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