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Flaming Guantlet

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Everything posted by Flaming Guantlet

  1. THERE IS A GOD! Oh is my wallet gonna hate more!
  2. Aside from whats already mentioned(DYRL was kickass and 8th MS team was...damn), I will say that episodes 15-17 of Full Metal Panic were definantly some of the best examples of mech fighting I can think of.
  3. Rest in peace Mr. Doohan. I know your in a much better place now. *tips hat*
  4. Is it because your pregnant? Oh and that its for me.
  5. http://www.n2n2.com/OTM/ Be forwarned, the website is in chinese. With a little poking and a little patience you'll for find what you seek.
  6. Hmm...Lime flavored gummy pilots...now theres a treat!
  7. Found it at 4chan. I would have posted it the 4chan thread but I thought it would be better to post it here. As for it being a hemroid? Dunno but if it is, its gonna A LOT of buttcream!
  8. I'll let this one speak for itself in its full sized glory...
  9. BAN DUKE TOGO!!!!!!!!!! lol just kidding good sir. Feel better now Duke? But seriously what's up with Macross World these days? First theres there's the drama over at Other Anime and Sci-Fi, then the "friendly cracker" warning and now the so called "plea" as I see it by Memodominon. These are some odd days for MW I tell ya.
  10. Oh really? Was he dashing and handsome like me? Oh and was he just as crazy? Here some yukikaze.
  11. I can see it now, after dem Rebels done blow up the Deaf Star, Han goes and tells Leia... Han: You's love him duzn't ya'? Leia: You know I do boo. Han: Aight cool, I stay out da way. Leia: Nah boo it ain't like that at all. He's my brother. Han: WHAT?! HELL NAH! AFTER SEEIN' WHAT YO TRICK SELF DID WITH LUKE ON MUTHAF*****' HOTH?! HELL NAH! THIS IS SOME STRAIGHT JERRY SPRINGER $HIT! Sorry couldn't resist. You can thank my younger brother for this post since blasts his rap music all over my house(not that i have a problem with rap mind you).
  12. Kick ass work striderhiryu. It's nice to know Im not the only one here appriciates paint and Strider Hiryu.
  13. I too wish too see the old forums (I was just a lurker then for 2 years). A lot of good images were shown including the Macross World Color Scheme . By the way, who was responsible for creating that MW color scheme anyway?
  14. That would be sort of a mixed blessing don't you think? On one hand we would finally get those valks at cheaper price. On the other hand we would have to deal with RT and HG. Edit: Holy crap I'm a Deck Swabber now. Cool.
  15. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000184/ A complete list of what Lucas has been resposible for since his inception into film making for your convienence. And what about THX 1138? I haven't seen anyone mention it.
  16. Truth and I know MGREXX is an easy mark for bashing but lets just cut him outright of any attention (only when he's trolling) becuase we're better than that (not trying to sound like a self righteous nag yet still) and continue with what Kevin posted. Hmm if I were to wager a guess as to what the toy will be; a Cyclone. But with even that in mind its not inconceivable to guess any of the following: Logan Spartan HoverTank (personally I hope its this one) Invid Mecha (Shock Trooper preferred) Zentreadi Mecha(why not, could be a battlepod ) Beta (just as likely as a Cyclone) Shadow Chronicles Mecha (would'nt suprise me at all) We will as usual have to let time tell as things roll on.
  17. Light bulb! What about Master P? For the soundtrack portion of the film, Master P and No Limit productions will be responsible for recording an new muscial score for the films with such soon to beloved classics such as "Storm Troopin' ", "F*** the Dark Side", "Bitch the Force ain't stong in you!", "Vader Hater" and lastly "Greedo got capped".
  18. Hey Graham that fighter is called the F/A-37 Strega and you should check out the wood model this made out of it too! http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/3324829/ Hmm, well here is my personal top picks. -RVR-01 Guantlet (Thunder Force V, PSX) -RVR-02 Vambrace (Thunder Force V, PSX) -Silverhawk (Darius game, various platforms) -Endymion FRS Mk.II (Einhander, PSX) -R-9 "Delta" (R-Type Delta/Final, PS2) -Axelay Starfighter (Axelay, SNES) -A-144 Phalanx Enforcer Fighter (Phalanx, SNES) -Starfleet "Valkyrie" class fighter (Star Trek Invasion, PSX) -F/A-37 Strega (Philosoma, PSX) -Vic Viper (Gradius, various platforms) -X-Wing Starfighter (Star Wars) -Earth Alliance Starfury (Babylon 5) -ARC-170 Starfighter (Staw Wars Episode III) -Gunstar (The Last Star Fighter) Oh and here is a pic of what starfleet's valk looks like incase anyone was curious.
  19. Sorry not trying to double post but I have to show this to all who have seen Espisode III. Seriously I am in love with the ARC 170 Starfighter.
  20. With a name like this, I can only imagine the name to uttering confusion hitting a bridge crew during a heated battle.
  21. I finally got the chance to see it and I gotta say IT SUCKED! WHY!? BECAUSE JAR-JAR DIDN"T DIE THATS WHY!! lol Just kidding it rocked. This has got to be the most dark brutal SW film ever and I'm glad it is. Definantly not for the younglings to watch. Oh and the ARC-170 kicked ass too!
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