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Flaming Guantlet

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Everything posted by Flaming Guantlet

  1. Daaaaaaaaammmmmmmnnnnn...... Now THATS a wallpaper. Awesome job!
  2. Sacramento, CA latitude 38.61057443 38° 36' 38.0679" longitude -121.48873869 -121° 29' 19.4593" Reprisentin' 916 BOOYYEEEEE!!!!
  3. After carfully looking at the images thus provided by Graham, I am going to declare that I am going insane. Due to the fact this prototype RAWKS MAH SOCKS!!!!
  4. Thats my question. I hope he shows up soon. He is a never ending source of entertainment for me. 323372[/snapback] Popcorn anyone?
  5. Me too and what sawa? I don't see no sawa. Thats a linear rifle your lookin at. But here is the real sawa. I'll let you judge its apperance for yourself.
  7. I too remember this show. Loved it. The father was such an ass. God he was hilarious. I don't know why FOX canned it. All FOX (and the masses too)seems to care about is pushing out more reality TV shows. Whats next? "For cold hard cash, what lethal object would you be willing to stuff up your A-" err ahh you get the idea.
  8. Wow now that indeed is a gif and this thread going from /gif/ to /e/"-ish" fast!
  10. 4chan is your friend 321088[/snapback] Amen to that!
  11. Did you make that one yourself or is it from the Macross II arcade game? 320324[/snapback] Nope. Not my handywork. I found it at 4chan's /gif/ section.
  12. Ah this thread never ceases to amuse me...
  13. Not really you are not the only who think that was a bad movie and I mean Peehew that was a stinker of a movie and didn't make since, lot worst than Mortal Combat 2 Annilation. 318473[/snapback] Phew glad I'm not the only one likes Van Damme. As for MK:A, I think that movie stunk worse than Street Fighter. Cheesy acting, fake ass special effects, cheep costuming, and overly done techno music pretty much round out this cheese fest. Thankfully for me, MK:A also happens to be the kind of cheese I like.
  14. The fun continues!
  15. Hey A1, are you sure you didn't hear the phase "Y ahora le pronuncio hombre y esposa." while in Mexico?
  16. Many of you have already mentioned my picks but... *dons kelvar armor* there is one film that made my top pick but makes everyone else puke, and it so happenes to be .... Street Fighter: The Movie ...I am SO going to hell for this.
  17. OH GAWD I REMEMBER HIM! I saw those sprite comics back in my lurkin' days. Damn those were awesome and were always a blast to read. I hope he's doing well.
  18. Its really amazing what people can find in a john these days... Now if only I can find a 1/48 VF-1S in a john... Hey, a guy can dream ya know. Hm second thought maybe not. Can't wait to see the colorized version.
  19. I'v read about this thu Game Informer. It doesn't sound all bad on paper, you know like ruining someones plant science project by teacher's request, dunk others kids heads in a toilet, and so on. After all that GTA:SA HOT COFEE* fiasco, this definatly Rockstar's more "tammer" projects which aims to get a "T" rating last I heard. With all the protests and controversy, I have yet to hear one peep out of my local news outlets. *Edit For Slight Clarification.
  20. Speaking of MSiAs, here is a good website to look up. http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/...p=JAEN&wb_dis=2 Sorry for the REALLY REALLY LONG link but this has a long list of MSiA's up for review and its in english too. Plus this place is pic intensive so that if you have trouble deciding if you want that particular MSiA or not, you can go there to help make up your mind.
  21. Wow this is the most intelligent post I have ever read from A1! Seriously good post.
  22. Robo-Whore 3000 will also be protected by MagnaVolt anti-theft technology to ensure prevention of unathorized "entry" by giving the perp a good shock. MAGNAVOLT! LETHAL RESPONSE!!! Sorry couldn't resist. But seriously, I first heard about this on 4chan a while back. Its stories like these that I am convinced more and more that Japan will be the first country to successfully develop a working, walking mech.
  23. Which one? (and who could forget the shooting spree from robocop 2 )
  24. I think some of you will find the following interesting...
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