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Flaming Guantlet

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Everything posted by Flaming Guantlet

  1. DAMN! This has to be one the slikest use of sprites I ever seen. This guy definantly knew what he was doing when he made this. Bravo I say.
  2. This is hilariously awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Thats a helluva awesome lego. Must have took a lot of patience to create something like that. I'm tipping my hat to the builder.
  4. Definantly nice for something drawn 15 years ago. BTW how old were you when you drew this?
  5. I hear Gimp is good. Edit: Oops did not mean to repost but as we say on 4chan; Everyday is repost day.
  6. BAM! I just put Sac on the map.
  7. I know EXACTLY how you feel in this department. One of my best friends played yuGAY-OH! right up through high school. He STILL plays YuGAY-Oh! to this very day and just so you know he's 23(I'm 22 BTW), and we graduated high school back in '02. Sad eh? As for your predicament, you need to tell these "anime fans" if they want to experience anime at its best, they need to look back at the classics. If you can, show em some Macross Zero first to warm em up. Then work your way down with M+, M2 and finally down to DYRL. If all else fails show some gundam or more mecha based anime if ya can. On a final note, my yugay-oh dueling cronnie was atleast open minded about what I showed him. But then again, he thought Macross Plus was just like Gundam Wing. Can he be helped?
  8. I love the smell of chared smurf in the morning.
  9. This brings the hissyfit to a whole new level.
  10. Don't worry it wont be so bad. Hell if it has Peter Jackson then we'll be ok. Besides we already have this to hold the title of "worst vg movie in human history". So we're good.
  11. I would not mind a dub version since I missed out on the animeigo sets. As long as its done well I won't gripe. Plus if they get Mari to reprise her role, that would make for a definant plus in my book. After all they're some days I dont feel like reading subs. IMHO I think Cam Clake is awesome. Heres a fun fact, Cam also did voice overs for not one but two H animes. Its was so bad it was hilarious and kinda freaky too. Hows that for a fun fact.
  12. Someone get a window wiper and scrape him off. If that kid thinks he's having a bad time, just wait until he hits the engine. Ooohh messy!
  13. "If you can read this, you don't need glasses."
  14. Ok lets see, we got meteors, tsunamis, food shotages, nuclear winter, supernovas, pandemics, aliens, achient prophecies, and now a planet dissolving cloud? Thats a new one. Makes ya wonder how the world is NOT gonna end eh?
  15. Woow... Now this is Macross World as it should look. Looks like we're finally getting that custom skin going. Awesome work guys!
  16. Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. No pun intended.
  17. Though I admit I've never read the book (which I need to), still I thought it would be good if I chipped in my own intetpretation based on observations on Studio Nue's design, and the logic that went behind combating a giant bug in a powered suit. So I humbley (and belatedly) submit my own M.I. design. What do you guys think? Oh an nice designs everyone.
  18. Great system indeed, but i miss my Bangi-O game *sob*.
  19. Bump for Tenacious D and thanks for sharing your story Mechamaniac. That was very cool of Mr. Shatner indeed.
  20. I'm not even gonna touch this one.
  21. I've seen worse, but yeah show anyone who'll fling crap at ya some hentai and that will shut 'em up REAL good! Oddly enough I've yet to encounter anyone giving me flak about watching anime. Plus I talked about anime to some people who've never seen it tell me "hmm mabye I should check it out." Just lucky I guess. *shrugs*
  22. Hentai is the best thing since sliced bread foo! Just kidding. It's not about being a fan. It's about being embarrassed of the "fanhood" thanks to the sheer stupidity of so called "uber fans/otaku". 325948[/snapback] Your always gonna have that in any fandom. Hell I can't even talk to other Dale Jr fans..they're morons. 325952[/snapback] Couldn't have said it better myself. As for me,I am indeed an anime fan. But does that mean I should follow every new show or trend that comes along? No because I'm too picky. Does that mean that I should read all of the new popular manga coming out to bookstores and scantilation groups? Nope. Does that mean I should try to write bad fan-fiction? Nah. Does that mean I should try to be japanese (like cosplay and speaking it)? NO WAY BUB (seriously I know some people that really do want to be japanese cuz they love anime THAT much)! Why? Because I'm the casual type. I not vieing for the title of "Alpha Otaku" of "Alpha Nerd". I just enjoy what I like and I happen to like anime. I guess I'm a member too. Yet a few of these traits I described applies to my two bests friends I know. First one lets call her "Jen". She is the kind of person doesn't follow every new show (because she sticks to those male/male kind of shows with the non-sexually threatening female lead) but follows the manga scene very closely. She likes to cosplay male characters, writes yaoi fan-fiction and collects yaoi doujins *YACK!*. Yet why am I not repeled by her? Because she's polite, level-headed, non-imposing of her tastes and very respectful of other peoples taste in anime. In short she is not an outright otaku. That and she likes Macross Zero . Now lets talk about my other friend which well call "Lou". He's not much of an anime fan now but back the he would follow every new monster/trainer anime out there. Once he start following it, there was no turning back. First it would start with the video games, then lastly it would acummulate into entire decks of monster cards (I.E. Yugi-Oh). From time to time he would compete against younger adversaries(my kid brother thank you very much)to full blown tournaments with other little kids at card shops(in fact, thats all he ever really dueled against, little kids). Nothing stands out more than seeing a 23yr old prince look-a-like dueling it out with a 10yr old in a Yugi-Oh Duel (he still duals today mind you). Plus he thought Macross Plus was like Gundam Wing *shudders*... Also he is still hoping for another Gundam Wing sequel despite the fact that it was intended for female audiences (which he doesn't believe) . So who repluses me more? I think you know the answer. As for those "uber otakus", I seen my fair share. Just today I went to a comics show here in Sacramento. Mind you I go there because unlike many of you here I don't have the luxury of buying Macross/gundam items off the the internet. That and sometimes its nice just to go. As I was in line I overheard some people discussing there fan-fiction*groans* and how they created a character that looked like Kagome for Inuyasha but with a kick-ass personality which I can care less about and I couldn't help but feel dumb AND embarrassed in their presence. It's not like I hate them but yeesh way to make the next guy feel embarrassed about himself! I also talked to this guy I met one time when he discoverd anime back in '01. Since then he has been playing anime only video games. As a proud gamer I told him he was only limiting himself from the broader range games out there. As you know the world of anime licensed video-games is spotty at best. Thankfully he was a nice guy and listed to what I said and hopfully he'll heed my words. Of course there are the other kinds of otaku/nerds but I think we pretty much covered that thoughout the entire discussion. Sorry for the lengthy post but I want to share my 0.02 cents in full. Now if you excuse me, Im gonna go tell "Jen" what a good friend she has been to me. *Edit for minor corrections.
  23. Though I know you not, I wish you nuttin but good forture.
  24. While I do find that the soundforce valk designs a little... off, but I have yet to hear your thoughts on some of the other NON CLOWN FACED valks like the Diamond Force VF-19s, the stealth VF-17s, and of course the Full Armor VF-11C. Even you have to admit that the Full Armor VF-11C is a nice looking machine. Unless that is that you simply hate all the afor metioned valks simply because they are associated with Mac7.
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