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Flaming Guantlet

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Everything posted by Flaming Guantlet

  1. AWESOMO!! Love the new humor. But I wonder, who would host "Pimp my Valkyrie"? :lol:lol Seriously you never disappoint.
  2. I now have the sudden urge to to a EMSiA Wing Zero figure.
  3. I only know of one shooter that ever did that, and it was Ikaruga.
  4. Wow its been while since I posted, well on to my question. I wasn't sure where to ask so I thought I'd try here without starting a whole new thread. What are the Macross 13's colors from VF-X2? I've always been curious about the color schemes certain mecha and and warships we've only seen in B&W lineart. Not exactly a newbie question, but again I thought this thread would be the best place to ask.
  5. No Thunder Force games = Fail I must agree its a nice lineup and that it has the Vectorman games and all, but I can get that and then some on the Sonic Gems Collection so I'm gonna pass on this.
  6. Uh-oh... ...and I like trek too.
  7. I remember catching this at Fanime '03 many moons ago. Once the masses(we're talking about a full auditorium here) saw the VFs they couldn't stop cheering. Needles to say it was a hit with the crowd.
  8. If you think the heat mechanics are bad in AC3, try playing Nexus (for full dirt on the changes check here). Thankfull I have my AC tuned like a walking, shooting fridge so I'm good. Since when were machine guns useful in a chaser mission? Slap on me some hover legs and a sawa and I'm good to go! Then again there hasn't be a chaser mission since SL I think. (Chaser missions are when you have to chase down big and fast moving targets right?)
  9. Ah yes the chain guns... I forgot about those. I definalty agree on chain guns should't have clips. I mean From could have thought of some other way to "balance"(AKA restrict) it out. I guess From worried that machine guns in general were used too much as spammer weapons. I still use R Arm machine guns (because the reload time hasnt effect them much) but I have since dumped the shoulder chain guns for the more efficient Vert Missles for my staple AC. I must say it was the best switch I ever made. If its any comfort, they have since nearly doubled the mag capacity for most solid weapons (esp. chain guns) so yeah. Then again maybe its not a comfort...
  10. Nexus and Ninbreaker I can understand. However they got their act together(for the most part) on Last Raven. I recommend it but you should (if you can) rent it first to see if its more to your liking. Then again its only 30 bucks so won't leave too big a hole in your wallet. Plus the game wreeks of nostalgia thanks to certain parts(coughYF-19headcough). Check this link out to see all the parts.
  11. I CALL DIBS ON THE METAL PIPE! I'm gonna break me some "bolls", UWE BOLL'S THAT IS! Seriously this is too rich!
  12. DUDE THAT IS AWESOME!!~ Any pics? 409410[/snapback] No...sadly. If doned a 10ft. tall puppet suit dressed as a giraffe won't get Arnie's attention I don't know what will! Although I did get the brief attention of his assistants though. Meh.
  13. The closest I'v came to ever meeting anyone famous was Arnold Schwarzenegger, when campaigning for Governor of Califonia at the Califonia State Fair back in '03. I was working at the time as a puppeteer. I though I try to catch his attention while doned in a giraffe puppet suit. Many jounalists surounded me abuzz about Arnold yet here I am sticking out like a 16ft. sore thumb. I never did get Arnie's attention but I did piss off a few cameramen so I settle for that.
  14. You guys need to remember that 4chan threads dissappears quickly since they're an imageboard. So whatever image you see while your there, you best download them and post it here. Maaan now I wan't to see 'em too!
  15. While not a captioned image per say. I think it still serves the same perpose. I went to this webpage and made it there. Try it out.
  16. I too have a story to share. Would someone be so kind as to provide a violin or cue a song called "Back in The Day"? Both would do just fine. When I was a kid, I considered myself pretty fortunate to be able to get the things I had or still have I should say. Micro Machines be it Military, Star Wars/Trek or Z-Bots(damn these are cool)? Got'em(I still even have the Babylon 5 set!). A Chunky Monkey VF-1S? No problem! It may have had one arm but DAMN I had a ball. However there was ONE toy I never got: a Snake-Man action figure from the Mega Man cartoon back in the day. I remember that day well when I had it in my hands. It was Christmas Eve of '95. I was with my mom to go finish up so late Christmas shopping at a Toys R Us right next to Arden Fair Mall hear in Sacramento. My mom let me go with her under the condition that I would just look at the toys. The store was crowded as expected to be with parents screaming at each other and store associates just as fustrated. Then there it was just as I entered the action figures section. The who isle was stocked a plenty with Snake-Man figures. Right then I knew I wanted it. I found my mom and pleaded as hard I could to let me have the figure. But alas it was not to be. So I put the toy back and dragged my feet out of the store when my mom finally finished. After Christmas and for many months after, me, my mom,my brothers and even my some of my aunts would try to find it again. In the end however, I would never see that figure ever again. In retrospect, the Snake-Man figure wasn't very poseble and only had one accessory(MSiAs have spoiled me rotten). But still if I ever see that figure again only to display it for postarity, I'd grab it in a heartbeat.
  17. Yeah it does. Check this link out on how to find them. It sure helped me so I hope it will you.
  18. Cowardly, no. Doing the bare minium...well mama always did scold me for being lazy . I don't see how blowing up yellow targets is cowradly. AA and SAMs are dowright scary when playing in Expert difficulty so I always take 'em out(that and I've always hated SAMs) and other green targets. To be serious though the downside is that knight aces don't recieve as much pay than the other 2 for more than obvious reasons. Also is it me or do some of the voices not match the actors' mouths during the interview sequences? I can't help but feel they don't sync well. -Edit for spelling.-
  19. That I'd LOVE to see, and whats wrong with knights eh? Pride, Chivalry and Honor all the way! Plus we get some kick ass schemes for our planes(and chicks dig knights too:P ) .
  20. Ah the MSiAs. I have such a terrible weakness for them. I must admit I think the BuCue is a Zoids reject but the figure is really staring to warm me up. I think I might get it and the LaGOWE. What turned me around? This photo review. Look up "Bacu".
  21. No I don't do these professionally. To be honest didn't think pixel art was popular to be considered professional because I always thought that pixel art was sort of a niche thing. Hell the only reason I draw in paint is because I thought photoshop was too hard! Oh and Radd I'd love to see those Metal Slug-ish images.
  22. Haha I love the new frontpage(especially "A ship full of idiots" ). It looks a lot better and cleaner now. Although I think the "United Nations Spacy QTDB" button could use the same treatment but thats just me. Keep up the good work! BTW I keep getting a "404 not found" in your VF-0A/B/D/S sections. Just thought you should know.
  23. You thought my avatar was WHAT!? j/k Just so you know I don't draw these in MSP out of bordem(most of the time), I draw them because I enjoy making 'em in MS Paint. And now for some shameless self pluging. To get back on topic I have to mostly agree with UN_Marine. Good mech design is indeed very subjective regardless whether its of eastern or western influence. To one person a mech design will look like the most awesome machine he's ever saw, while another person thinks the same mech belong in a garbage can and this can be said about any mech franchise be it anime, video games or even RPGs. Its all about peoples preferences and tastes that greatly vary from person to person. Even SK didn't think too highly of his VF-17(least thats what I heard). But our resident admin. Graham thinks otherwise. Edit for spelling.
  24. In my case I KNOW I can draw good, mechanicaly speaking of course. But designing something completely original, now thats something else. If I actually sat down and thought out what kind of design it would be, I think I can turn up something good that I would be satisfied with. As for thinking I would make a good mechanical designer, I'll let someone else critique me if I am or not. After all I am my own worst critic. Oh and heres a doodle I did in MS Paint to show how I can draw.
  25. He's nothing if not inventive. 397008[/snapback] Gee Seto I never knew you thought so highly of me. And here I thought I was just a pawn in you game, Just kidding. To add some relevence to the topic I must say briscojr84 your website never dissapoints. Keep it up! 397390[/snapback] Thanks FG, I'm looking forward to seeing your art here soon, Seto is very lucky to have you. 397695[/snapback] Thanks. Now back to work! More updates less chit chat! Just kidding.
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