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Flaming Guantlet

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Everything posted by Flaming Guantlet

  1. I've read a lot of comments about this game from places like kotaku and acecombatskies.com, and I got to say its a real bitch-fest. Like a rational few, I will wait to pass judgment once I actually play the game. Plus Project Aces is still making these games and I have yet to feel disappointment from anything they offered so far. Before anyone here starts going apesh-t consider this. They may be exploring these new gameplay ideas to see what might or might not work for AC7, should Project Aces choose to go forward into making it. Just my $0.02.
  2. As long as they model the variants between planes properly and not half-assed like the first game, I'm down for more.
  3. is gettin' his butt whipped on playing 虫姫さまふたり.

  4. Ah Axelay... had many fond gaming memories with this one. My only real regret about that game, was that a proper sequel was never realized for Axelay. Oh what could have been... Another STG franchise that stole my heart as a youth was the Thunder Force games. Now those were challenging games to play.
  5. Ooh... shiny. Love the updates.
  6. Holy crap, Mari's in my neck of the woods. Always thought Sac-Anime charged a bit too much, but for once the price for reg. seems worth it.
  7. My Quarter just arrived a few a hours ago. Carrier mode a bit of a floppy mess but workable when you tighten the joint screws. I just wished my fingers didn't hurt while trying to transform the thing. All in all it was worth the loot. Seriously though my fingers really do hurt!
  8. I just bought this from Ami Ami for a whopping total of $135. Man I feel good. Plus I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on the design booklet that comes. A good day indeed. So begins the wait...
  9. This toy looks REAL good. Can't wait to see the line-art booklet that comes with.
  10. Since I've yet to own any of the 1/60 yamato valks (other than my VF-0S) all I have to say is SOOOLLD!
  11. Hey guys. I thought I'd share an interesting find with y'all. I decided to try out Bing search engine to see how it searches. I typed in "VF-27" to see if it'll find anything google hasn't. Low and behold it actually did and something REALLY good too. I happened to stumble upon a japanese site with some unseen lineart (for me at least) for the vfs and 2 ships of Frontier(also includes some aquarion stuff too). http://robot.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/...12/09/1494.html Seeing art like this gives me hope that we'll see them properly published, in some design works book later down should they do so (which I REALLY hope they will). Enjoy!
  12. There was going to be live adaption to Akira? Oh well life goes on.
  13. Oh how I'd love to go...but alas I'm stuck here in Sac-town(no ride to get to SF) . Be sure to take lots of photos!
  14. We'll I'd ask my own question without starting a new thread. Does anyone know if Macross F Official Creator's Magazine will feature mechanical content as well?
  15. I too am quite exited about this up coming release and quite relieved that is coming here at all. BTW heres some AC:4F lineart I found on an image search. Do enjoy.
  16. Sup. I've always been curious of the Algenix (1st image) from M3. But any pics of it aren't very good in quality. So can anyone get a better pic of it please? Plus there this ship (2nd image). From what I understand its from Dynamite 7, but I don't remember seeing it. Then again its been years since I last saw it. Info (and color pics if you can) would definantly be appriciated.
  17. Cool! Thanks for sharing the goods. Although I'm still a bit suprised they haven't shown more of the VF-25 line-art (or other mecha for that matter). Still good stuff.
  18. VF-25 Messiah eh? I rather like it a lot. As for the scans, awesome stuff and thanks for sharing kresphy . Although I am a bit surprised (and for me a bit dissapointed) that we haven't see any hand drawn line-art yet. Still its good that more info is out for us (*coughmrmarchcough* ) to poke at.
  19. A sniper type huh. Very interesting... I must say the more I see these new machines, the more impatient I am to see the line art for it.
  20. I'd go with VF-25 Prowler
  21. Holy cow! Talk about a wealth of info! As always Mr. March, you never dissapoint.
  22. Holy schnike! Just saw the scans. Now I'm really want to see SK's line-art for the mecha (and the next episode)! 2008 just keeps looking better and better!
  23. Interesting... Now I really want to see the line-art of the machines.
  24. Old indeed! Still its nice to see this thread pop up every now and then.
  25. This has win written all over it! I can't wait to see the B&W line-art of the new valk!
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