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Flaming Guantlet

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About Flaming Guantlet

  • Birthday 09/20/1983

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Carmichael, CA
  • Interests
    Anime, toys, gaming...you know, that usual affair...

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Flaming Guantlet's Achievements

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



About Me

What am I? An oddity. Who am I? Someone who is slightly whacked out ...err yeah ok you get the gist I'm just a weird guy alright? Do I really need to explain what my interests are, I mean look where I'm posting at. :lol: Any who I can also draw cool stuff. Don't believe me? Look here, see the awesome(as my clientele would put it):


Nice huh? Mostly done in MS Paint with a hint of Photoshop for the effects. I drew a lot for Seto Kaiba back in the day(still do we're macrossbros after all) but now I do commission work for the fine folks at Macross New Horizon and love it(I also love (read:addicted) selling on eBay but don't tell nobody). I also own a lot of toys... which is kinda redundant to mention because hey, like I said earlier look where I'm posting at. ^_^

Now if ya excuse me, I'm gonna indulge in my favorite genre of video gaming, SHOOTERS!!! ...um not the I mean not ones in 3D, I mean the ones in 2D. I think they have a specific name for those. It started with a D, was it dikembe, dakimakura, or was it danmaku... it's one of those. :p

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