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Everything posted by M'Kyuun

  1. However, I'm glad, as I know you are, that they have given the fans an unprecedented amount of influence over the direction of their products over the last decade, and perhaps that has worked in their favor. BTW, belated congrats on being selected to design the new Factory Space sets, a very neat approach by TLC to renew the Space theme. The only thing I lament is that Factory's pallette is still very limited, although I can understand why from TLC's POV. Still, the Space theme will definitely enhance the existing pallette..I look forward to the next upgrade on LDD, and my thanks to you ,Admiral, and Mr. Sandlin, for taking part in making that happen.
  2. I heartily agree. I've never followed the story at all. Kids might follow the story, but ultimately, I think it's what's on the box that sells the kit. While a few 2007 sets were ok, there were some real letdowns, ie the big battle wagon( I forget the actual name). Too, the 2006 line benefitted from the addition of really well made alternate models that sometimes looked better than the primary, as well as mecha created from the combination of 2 specific sets, all with online instructions. In other words, the first line was about building and possibilities with the sets themselves, backed by a story. The 2007 line did away with alternates, much like the whole of LEGO sets now, and replaced a good gimmick with code pieces that one must look up on the LEGO website. The codes, as I understand it, implied additional storyline abilities of the mecha, rather than contributing to the building process. So, by abandoning the very essence of what LEGO produces and promotes, a promising line failed. The 2008 sets are much improved, but too late to save the line.
  3. Actually, the 2008 line is pretty decent. The 2007 line didn't do well, spelling its doom.
  4. Just imagine what Kawamori-san could have done for the line, though. Vostok 7 I do, and then I go to my dark 'Why God?' corner and cry silently.
  5. As you mentioned Vostok 7, I think LEGO would have definitely done themselves a service by contracting Kawamori to design the 2007 EF line, or a different line of transforming mecha. As Grand Admiral can tell you, LEGO puts new concept sets through some rigorous testing before release, so some of his ideas may not have been compatible, but surely he could have produced some impressive models nonetheless. If nothing else, a UCS mini-fig scale transforming plane (maybe a cargo plane, as LEGO might frown on a fighter) would be uber-groovy. Regarding the VAN-Force, no special pieces were used or created apart from those in the official Exo-Force sets. More's the pity, as I'd love to see some smaller ratcheting joints made. The friction technic pins work to a point, but can't bear much weight. The current ball joints are likewise. Yeah, I'm a LEGO geek.
  6. C'mon, has to be that way for the American ADD Starbucks crowd. Nuance and subtlety would do well in European and Eastern markets, but not so much in the US. This will most likely be a PG-13 story tied to an action figure line, replete with inane one-liners, explosions, too-pretty to be real 20-somethings, and a reimagined storyline to "fit" with the modern world..i.e. the usual thoughtless drek targeting the teen demographic. I hope I'm wrong and the director chooses to make it in the same vein as 300 and Sin City, very true to the original graphic novels.
  7. I'm just glad that the 1/60 scale are being produced for the Soul of Chogokin line. (off topic, sorta) I bought the SoC Eva figs a few years back and they were really well done. Been thinking about getting one of the new Rebuild figs...much improved articulation, and the armor comes off revealing the Eva's true form. (on topic) SoC is their premier collector's line, and I hope they bring all their experience and craftsmanship to the Frontier toys. Granted, I'd like to see Yamato's take as well, since they've proven their dedication to the Macross line. In the end, i hope both companies make excellent versions of the VF-25...competition is good for the wallet.
  8. I want a motoslave, but this thing in no way looks like a $70 toy. Makes me wish that Takara would get the license and produce it in their Microman line. Takara has a little experience making transforming toys, so I think they'd do an admirable job at a much, much more reasonable price. And, it wouldn't hurt for Yamato to have some friendly competition. To their credit, it's a good business strategy...make toys of somewhat obscure older anime, thereby monopolizing that particular market wherein any price can be affixed free of competition. Takara, if you're reading this, please give this project to Alex Kubalsky...I'd love to see his version of the various Motoslaves. So, are they better off selling this at a high price through limited distributors with little to no advertising, or lowering the price to a level that is attractive to retailers such as Target, Walmart, etc., bolstered by an advertising campaign, such as releasing the series on DVD with the usual updates, or creating commercials with new animation or CG action scenes? I'm just a dumb aircraft mechanic, but it seems to me the latter would net greater sales, awareness of product and product inspiration(whereby the animation distributor gets a boost in the market too), and a more global reputation for making affordable , well-executed toys based on older shows that enjoyed a fair bit of popularity back in their day, and are cult faves today.
  9. Which paint job..bot or dino? Maybe it's the lighting, but the dino pic looks a little too dayglo; the dark colors on the bot pic are perfect IMHO. Jazz will definitely take his place among my top favorite T-formers of all time. His alt does look alot like the Mach 5, but still keeps the Porche look too. It's an awesome design, and the big mirrors just give it more character, along with the "eyelids" over the headlights. But where this fig shines is how smooth and kibble free the bot mode is. The hips are nearly on par with the Revoltech figs. Oil Slick was a nice surprise..i like how grasshopperish his bot mode looks, and his chopper mode is cool. He looks like a loner bot of the green plains and open roads. Cheesy, yes, but fitting. Rant: So why is it that Hasbro/Tak-Tomy even in this line with this toony aesthetic, can't seem to make an aircraft TF as smooth and kibblefree as many of the car bots in this line? Macross proves that it can be done, and done to an extremely realistic, well proportioned level. They tried with SS, but he still has a lot of gaps and his jet nose is just fugly. And as much as I want to love earth mode Megs, his copter fom seems unimaginitive and kibbled. Love his bot form, though, as well as his Cybertron bot mode. Cybertron Megs' alt mode just makes me wanna turn it every which way and quit with a WTF shrug.
  10. Excellent job so far. Looking at the original, the paint seems much flatter. Are you planning on leaving it glossy, or applying a dullcoat? Either way, it looks phenomenal. Can't wait to see it finished!
  11. I didn't like the Classics version of Jetfire..it looked ok in bot mode, but it's jet mode was lacking, and lazy. I would have liked to see a faithful rendition of Skyfire from the show...Classics Jetfire tried too hard to be a VF-1 and a futuristic jet, and just came off looking blech. Classics Galvatron looks pretty good. They picked a suitable alt, and carried out both modes very well, IMHO. I'm psyched about Prowl(he was my first TF back in '84; still love his "look") and Sunstreaker. I'm anxious to see how much Sideswipe looks like the SDCC art. The other '08 Classics haven't really thrilled me. On a side note, Hasbro/Takara-Tomy must really like Alt Mirage's leg transformation. Sunstreaker/Sideswipe, Prowl, and TFA jazz all share the same leg transformation, although their original G1 designs were different. TFA just seems to get better. Jazz, in particular, is just pure plastic awesomeness. Leader Megs looks pretty good; I like his earth alt mode, but he looks more kibbled in bot mode than most of the other Animated figs. Soundwave looks interesting, but I think something better could have been done with Laserbeak than making him some weird spoiler on top of SW's van form. It would have been much cooler had he folded up and secreted away in SW's chest in alt mode, then popped out to become his guitar or condor. Blackarachnia looks great except for her hands in spider mode. It would have looked alot better had they made her arms similar to TFA Prowl's, where the spider leg attachment on her arm is a hollow sheath that can swivel over and cover her hands in spider mode. The way it is now, those hands stick out, well, like a big pair of purple hands. I'll still get her though. I was hoping to see the TF:A Dinobots, but I haven't found any pics from ToyFair. The Marvel TFs actually look decent. Iron man looks pretty smooth in jet form..doesn't look like he suffers the typical massive undercarriage syndrome suffered by so many legions of Transformer jets in the past. Hulk looks good in bot and tank forms. I'll prob pass on these, just the same. TFA and a couple Classics will be filling my shelves this year. Funny, despite hearing that Hasbro's already gearing up to make more movie figs for TF2, I'm not in the least interested. I've found my happy place amongst the Classics and Animated figs.
  12. I wish they'd put his engines on his back in bot mode. His fiery man-boobs just ruin the fig for me. On the other hand, his legs look cool in bot mode, but disrupt the smoothness of the alt's forward fuselage.
  13. Two other things I liked: the liquid metal was called Destronium, paying homage to the Japanese name for Decepticons, i.e. Destrons; and Sari sulking; it's not explicitly stated that he separated them, but seeing her watch BB unhappily from Prime's cab, after Prime made him remove his jets, was golden.
  14. It's definitely worth it if the toys give you a sense of awe, or pride, or happiness, and you have the spare ducats lying around to throw at a collector's toy. I have and always will love transformable mecha, and the new Yamato 1/60 line and the 1/48 VF-1 series are, to me, some the best ever produced, and IMHO, the best Macross variable toys produced to date, so to me, they are worth every penny, little flaws notwithstanding. Choosing just one is tough, but there are plenty of us here that own these toys and will gladly give you the pros and cons. If I had to choose just one, ultimately I'd hold out for the upcoming 1/60 VF-1. The 1/48 is damn near perfect, The VF-0 gave Yamato an opportunity to take the basic VF-1 design and innovate, and the new 1/60 looks to be a smaller, more refined version of the 1/48. And, the VF-1 is the quintessential variable fighter in all of Macross. hope this helps. -M'Kyuun
  15. I like both complex and easy transformations, but articulation really sells me. Classics Mirage is my favorite of the Classics line, and maybe my favorite Transformer of all. His alt mode looks great, and his robot form is pure love...easy transformation, great aesthetics(I like skinny bots), prob the best articulation of any T-former to date, and virtually no kibble(the front wheel assembly detracts mildly- would have been cooler if Alex Kubalsky(sp?) had designed them to hinge down to lay under the chest/intakes.) I hope AK is involved more with the second wave of Classics, as he really has an incredible talent for incorporting a high level of articulation while maintaining the vehicle aesthetic. His Movie BB and Classics BB both illustrate the point as well. Can't say I care too much for this new Sunstreaker..looks like a kitbashed Alt Mirage to me, and I didn't like the leg design on him. I hope they make him, or at least Sideswipe, look just like the art shown at SDCC, i.e just like G1, only poseable with a, IMHO, better looking Lambourghini-esque car mode. While seemingly needlessly complex, Alt Grimlock is still my favorite, with the RX-8 molds(Jazz/Meister and Shockwave) second, and Skids my third. Most of my collection are Binaltech, so the metal content makes them heavier and harder on the joints, so I tend not to play with them. Actually, I don't really play with any of my toys, except Classics Mirage, who is just straight-up excellent. Payload is prob my favorite Movie/game toy..his alt mode looks good, he's very well articulated, and looks fierce in robot mode. The Alt RX-8 design really was a step up from the Suburu- the way the legs form the back seat is just awesome, and its poseability is much improved. I never liked the wheels touching the ground on these and the original G-1 designs' feet, and I wish they'd made them fold flat against the bottom of the feet, but still a great toy, and probably the most playable of the Alt/Binaltechs, IMHO. G1 Prowl was my first T-former, and I've been partial to his "look" ever since. I'm really looking forward to the Animated toys. If you can get past the cartoony aesthetic, they're superbly designed, capturing the cartoon look very well, and still managing to have remarkably poseable and kibble-less to nearly kibble-less robot modes. I can't wait to see the Earth-alt Megatron prototype. I like the Osprey, and it's a new direction to go with Megs. I'm more excited for these toys than I was for the Movie.. I still don't care for the Movie designs that much, although some of the toys were unique, and well articulated for the most part. Su's work is more to my liking..very G1, but with very detailed joints, hydraulics and such, making them look more realistic.
  16. The YF-21 is looking better with every new pic released. The feet sticking out looks a little odd, but given the challenge of fitting those long legs into a very small area, I think it's a good compromise, and they're bent to conform to the same angle as the tail. Yamato's come a long way from their old 1/72 scale toys, and I'm glad to see that they're not afraid to be innovative. While I've always liked the YF-19 better, I'm loving the 21. I hope the ball joints on this are stronger than those on my SV-51, or they use ratcheting joints for the hips. As for the VF-11, I know there's a pretty good chance it'll be made. While I'm not crazy abt the full armor, I'd love to see that beauty with fast packs in the future. I liked SHE's solution to the 11's heatshield.
  17. QFT! But, I don't think Bay is too concerned about giving his characters character. He only seems to esteem sh!t talking, explosions, and action sequences. Only Prime had any sense of character in the movie, and, honestly, I didn't even really care for his dialog, as much as I liked hearing Peter Cullen again. It's a shame that a movie called Transformers focused so little on its title characters. I wish it had been more like TF:A, as the writers are at least trying to invoke some of the characterizations and details from the original show, which is more a nod to us old guys from the 80's. They didn't have to do this; I think Hasbro knows its true audience, but changed the wrapping enough to appeal to today's kids as well. So far, while it does have its quirks, the show is pretty good. Are the characters cliched? Sure, but try finding a show without them. IMHO, most animated shows revolve around established cliches. Personally, I think it's the best TF show since Beast Wars/Machines. I found every Japanese incarnation of the franchise utterly unwatchable, just teeth grindingly terrible. Still, there's a part of me that still wishes they'd gone with the JL/Superman/ Batman:TAS look and writing style. JL had some rather mature writing at times, and decent plots. It's one of my all-time favorite American animated shows. My final thought is, thus far it seems as if some of the Decepticons are being written as smart, capable enemies, so I'm hoping the show doesn't become a typical "see how the bad guys make really stupid decisions/actions/comments and proceed to get their asses handed to them shamefully the minute the good guys show up" show, much like most American animated shows.
  18. Are you using LDD, or a fan made design program? LEGO makes ball and socket joints, as well as ratcheting joints (Exo-Force type). Unfortunately, they aren't included in the LDD Factory parts pallette. You can use parts from certain Creator and MindStorms sets, but a model using parts outside of the Factory pallette can neither be uploaded nor purchased from the factory site. The sparse pallette and a few parts alignment/interlocking issues are the major limitations to what is otherwise a good program, and a good marketing tool for LEGO. However, even with its limitations, the new version of LDD is far better than its predecessor. Fanmade programs offer a lot more flexibility, but are dependent on newer parts being created and uploaded into the program, and generally are a little more complex.
  19. LEGO has the Speed Racer live action movie license. They didn't do a bad job, as the cars are recognizeable. I wonder why they didn't use more smooth slopes for the front of the Mach 5? Sadly, I don't think they built in any of the car's special features, either. Great thing about LEGO; easy to mod. I'll be adding a few of these to my collection when they hit shelves. http://eurobricks.hosting.ipsyn.com/eurofo...=12059&st=0
  20. Actually, Kawamori-san designed a transforming model he called VAN-Force, but not an actual Exo-Force(EF) set. IIRC, the LEGO Co. approached him to design a unique model. The instructions were online, I believe, and the parts could be acquired by buying a couple of the first wave of EF sets. I think it was only intended as a cool publicity factor for TLC's then new EF line in Japan, but internet lurkers discovered it. Mr. kawamori designed a second model more recently, but I can't remember what it was called. I think it all came about due to his several appearances with his Valk models built of LEGO bricks, and given his reputation in Japan, TLC capitalised on it to give the line an extra boost in Japan. Incidentally, I've read some interviews with some of TLC's model builders, and there are a few among them who would like to produce a line of transforming toys. I think Exo-Force was a step in the right direction, but not quite there yet. I think they'd have to produce their own line, as Macross is still fairly obscure in most of the world, and Hasbro has an iron grip on the Transformers rights. They already share the Star Wars license, and have put the kibosh on TLC's early efforts to sell just the SW minifigs separately, which is why they've changed tactics and introduced Battle Packs, or army builders, which contain abt 4 figs and a small vehicle just to say that it is still a building toy. Personally, I'd love to see any transforming line from LEGO, except in Bionicle...not really a fan, though the kids love it.
  21. Thanks for the links. Happy New Year!
  22. I tried downloading a Torrent of Frontier Ep 1, but all I got was the sound, no picture. This was my first attempt at downloading video, and I'm a little frustrated. Can anyone suggest a decent subbed Torrent for Frontier.
  23. M'Kyuun


    Actually, I believe the program was developed in 2005, and the current version is a far superior upgrade. The limited parts pallette is really the only drawback, and the interface between parts, i.e. positioning parts on the model, can be frustrating. One needs to manipulate the model a great deal at times to look for the "sweet spot", but it is still much better than the previous version. I created a model and bought it. The parts came in a single bag with an inventory list. The program also lets you choose among a series of background graphics to decorate the front of the box. The box has a plastic window so that the graphic shows through. It's a nice feature, and it's cool to receive a LEGO set that you've designed. The instructions do not come with the model; they are created automatically by the program, and can be printed out, or just viewed step by step or as a movie online.
  24. Where did you get that G1 was targeted at 10-14 year olds? Which age group do you think they were selling the toys to? By comparison, Beast Wars had a more mature tone and heavier issues, with a considerable dash of slapstick and lowbrow 'adolescent humour. One hallmark of Transformers cartoons (except for Beast Machines) is to never take itself too seriously. You give G1 far too much credit. I don't give all G1 credit. In fact, after the first season, I found it unwatchable, as the plots, dialog, and interactions among the characters became simpler to appeal to younger audiences. However, the bulk of the original 16 episodes from the first season were arguably more mature. The writing was more appreaciable to a 10-14 yr age group, while I'm sure Hasbro was targeting the 5yr and up demographic to peddle toys. I was thirteen, and I still remember its impression when compared to other shows airing at the time. I agree that Beast Wars was more mature and pretty well written, Rhinox's farting ep notwithstanding . I don't mind a little lowbrow humor. Hell, I'm a military acft maintainer...we define crudeness. However, I think Bay and his writers were looking for ways to appeal to the teenage audience, and, IMHO, they handled it clumsily. I was hoping for more maturity, and from the serious tone implied by the trailers, I had hopes of a darker, edgier movie. I committed the sin of having expectations, and thus the movie was disappointing. Like many here, however, the toys have captured my interest far more than the various animations. This movie was a good thing in terms of impacting the sophistication and look of the toys, as well as showcasing ILM's incredible talents. It's not the best Transformers media out there, but it is entertaining. I'll know what to expect next time around. On that note, I'm curious how the new animated show is going to be. Personally, I'd love to see a Transformers show written like JLA and the recent Superman/Doomsday movie, produced by the WB. Good stuff.
  25. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that Frenzy's head was quite large to become a cell phone. Good point on his head's aesthetic being completely non-compatible with a cell, either. I can't see how any of the T-formers in this movie could come together so seamlessly in vehicle form. They should be spiderwebbed with fine seamlines, for all the fragmenting that occurs during transformation. The anime magic is pretty apparent throughout. Overall, I thought the movie was so-so. I liked the attack on SOCCENT at the beginning, the serious tone. I wish the focus had been more on the conflict and personalities among the robots and less on the kids. Sector 7 was just plain cliche' and, well, dumb. Megatron wakes up speaking English...why would he? He hasn't had access to the Web, and more importantly, why would he deign to speak our language? The long rocky relationship between Megs and Starscream, an odd mix of animosity and respect, was supposed to be conveyed by a single exclamation by Megatron concerning Starscream's apparent failure "once again". And, neither Bonecrusher nor Devastator(Brawl) even had so much as one word of dialog. They existed only to provide a target for final battles. Sadly, this wasn't the movie I was hoping for. It was cheesy, the humor was groanworthy, and it did not live up to its title in execution. OK, I 've always had a soft spot for the G1 3-part pilot's story. It provided enough background to explain their exodus from Cybertron and their ages-old conflict, told the story through Spike's eyes without his character becoming the focus, and better developed a large number of T-formers' characters in less time than Bay's movie. Too, Spike was already an adult working on an oil rig with his father, thus eliminating cheesy adolescent shenanigans. IMHO, the pilot, although targeted at 10-14 year-olds in the mid-80s, had a more mature tone overall. I hope the second movie focuses on the robots, finds a darker more serious tone, eschews the adolescent humor(like robots pissing on people), relegates the kids to background filler, omits Sector 7 altogether, and...well, I know none of this going to happen but I can hope.
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