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Everything posted by M'Kyuun

  1. I got an Alpha vibe from it, too. Usually I'm not too impressed with transforming jets in the TF world... I've been spoiled by Valkyries; however, the jet looks pretty good, and moreso considering it's a triple changer. That bot mode is lovely. The grey color of the proto works well...seems a shame to sully it with red. If they used dark red judiciously, combined with an overall light and dark grey paint scheme, it might look alright. I don't think bright red would be very complimentary. Looking forward to seeing the carrier mode, and a final painted prototype.
  2. Personally, I wouldn't dream of sullying the beauty of this bird with FAST packs; she's gonna look great naked on my shelf.
  3. Looking very good. It'd be nice to get it in FB2012 colors, but that box art looks fine to me as well. The foot design looks lineart correct in the CAD art on the box. Like the VF-19, looks like a fair bit of die-cast for durability, and a very streamlined jet mode. The cockpit even moves to allow the chestplate to lay over the canopy per the lineart, a first for any VF-4 toy or model. Totally stoked for this thing.
  4. Kreo is a bit disappointing, considering they're billed as a Transformers product, but don't actually transform. The sets are made by Oxford, which are a pretty high quality clone of LEGO. There are some transforming Transformers building sets in Japan, but IIRC, they don't work with LEGO.
  5. I added my vote awhile back. I share the concern over licensing; another project, based on Shaun of the Dead, recently achieved 10K+ votes, and is being reviewed for possible release as a set. The LEGO Group have already expressed their concerns about the subject matter and licensing concerns. So, if these valk designs achieve 10K votes as well, licensing will most likely be the greatest obstacle to seeing a wide release as an actual set, as much as I'd like to see it succeed. The model is pretty impressive. The hips use official LEGO ratcheting joints, not ball, which are much stronger and hold poses well in larger models. There's a Youtube vid showing transformation. It has a "perfect transformation" design, and looks pretty solid.
  6. Just watched the video for the first time. I think this will go down as one of the greatest cheats in military aviation history, especially in 30 or 40 years when everything is finally declassified. I share their disappointment. There was talk of a possible bomber variant or derivative based on the YF-23, and I read somewhere that at least one of the testbeds was removed from exhibition for awhile. While I don't know specifics, I can believe that, even with the current trend towards unmanned aircraft, design and characteristic-wise, there are lessons to be learned still from this 20+ year old airframe. I'm exceedingly glad that both planes remain intact and are being looked after with care and pride. The crew chief made me smile...alot of stubborn pride there. Good stuff.
  7. Very empty indeed. When we pickle a plane, of course all avionics, engines, certain antennas, egress and life support equipment, flight control and landing gear actuators (replaced by solid rods or some other rigid structure) are removed, and most servicing doors are riveted or welded closed. Additional parts, lines, wires, etc will be removed as deemed necessary. Oil, fuel, and hydraulic fluid is drained, and depending on whether the plane is going on a stick or to the boneyard, preservative hydraulic fluid may or may not be serviced. It's lot of work, but it's liberating knowing you don't have to reinstall the stuff. I helped pickle a B-1. Just as David says, alot of off-the shelf parts are used on demonstrators. Read Skunk Works by Ben Rich, chronicling the development of the F-117.
  8. I believe Northrop themselves actually had the red hourglass removed, as "Black Widow II" was the team's unofficial nickname for the plane. The plane has such a great story...when the YF-22 won, we all lost (except for Lockheed).
  9. From my time in the AF, and speaking with at least one fellow who actually worked on it, it was superior to the F-22 in terms of speed and stealth, which were two of the primary requisites of the design to be chosen. The only thing the F-22 had was its pitch vectoring, and Lockheed, with its excellent history of delivering on time and under budget, sold them on lower maintenance costs as well. The latter has proven false in retrospect. Moreover, conservatism from the top was certainly a major factor as well. The YF-23 pushed the envelope, and the old farts in the Pentagon were scared by that and fell back to what's been tried and true in the past, rather than gambling on a new design. In my opinion, one further factor at the time was that Northrop was still profiting from the sales of the B-2 at $2B per aircraft, and quite simply put, it was Lockheed's turn. As I'm sure everyone knows, the acquisition of a new aircraft is entrenched in politics, which is why we still don't have a new tanker to replace our 50+ year old KC-135s. Personally, I find the F-22 ugly from every angle except straight down. It does some neat manuevering with the pitch vectoring, but it's pretty useless, really, since the objective of war today is look first, shoot first. we don't want the enemy to see us, and, while it looks cool in movies, dogfighting isn't really what we want to do either, which is why we use our stealth bomber to eradicate an enemy's air combat resources so that we maintain air superiority from the beginning of the offensive. The YF-23 is beautiful, and I lament the short-sightedness of Pentagon and AF leadership during the late 80's, early 90's when the choice was made to go with the less superior of the two designs.
  10. Got my Blazer from HLJ on Monday. It's amazing...gorgeous, tight, and heftier than most Yamato valks due to the die-cast. Had to transform my YF-19 to compare. The YF-19 is still a sweet design, but the VF-19 is an improvement in every way. No regrets. One thing I did notice, however, is that, in fighter mode, the gunpod lifts the nose tires off the ground just a little bit. Anyone else have this issue?
  11. I'm saving my pennies for the VF-4. I'd still like a renewal VF-25S, but if I have to make a choice, Yamato has me. Not feeling the VF-171...I think it's the skinny legs and small feet; prefer the beefier VF-17, just can't afford it.
  12. I'm hoping that the aft two sections of fuselage will be die-cast, or at least incorporate some die-cast, as both weight and torsion will stress those parts in battroid. I'm interested to see how they engineer the leg transformation. That's a potential weak spot unless there is a good locking mechanism, assuming they use a swing bar to move the knee from fighter position to battroid/GERWALK position. I've been hoping Yamato would tackle this for quite some time. Given all they've learned, and moreso what they've demonstrated with the VF-19 and VF-17, I'm extremely excited to see the final product. To that end, I hope they pour the same level of passion, problem-solving, and just general excellent engineering into this as their last few releases. I'm guessing the demand is going to be high, since this is the only VF-4 toy to be released, and certainly at Yamato's level of detail and engineering.
  13. I'm glad to see that they are making the cockpit section "sink" into the forward fuselage so that the upper body lays flat, per Kawamori's lineart. I was wodering if they'd do that, as it creates the problem of what to do with the ventral stabilizer. I love these design progress shots, as it's interesting to see how they solve various issues in the transformation. The transformation engineering is what attracts me to these and other transforming toys more than any other factor, so I appreciate the more astute members here that point out all the flaws and fine details that may make an impact on the final toy's accuracy. Yamato's solution to the lower torso is simple and elegant; glad they went that route rather than copying Experten's over-complicated design.
  14. Right there with ya. Prowl was my first TF. I've been hoping for years that they'd make a version of him that matched his original G1 box art, or as close to it as they can get with current knowledge and techniques. The Classics version is mediocre at best; I still want a G1 MP Prowl. MP Sideswipe looks fantastic, and gives me hope that the rest of the G1 cars will receive the same treatment. As for Prime toys, I've only been to a couple Walmarts in my area, and neither Voyager Prime nor Megs are selling. I got Wheeljack and Soundwave. I may grab Arcee if I see her, but I'm inclined to wait for a possible redesign. Her batwings and copious back kibble don't look very good. I like TF:Prime (got 1st season on DVR), but I have to agree that it lacks the spirit of Animated. I think Orci and Kurtzman do a far better job writing the series (I'm sure it helps that they don't have Bay mucking up their story with his "direction"), but the way they write Prime, as if he's quoting from an ethics textbook, makes him feel like a robot instead of a character to me. I realize they want him to be a moral character, but , despite Peter Cullen's delivery, he sounds too stiff and preachy to me. Despite the ludicrous non-talking Bumblebee and Preachy Prime, it's a pretty good show.
  15. I hope that comes true soon. Even a rapid proto pic would give an indication of what's to come, not to mention give lots of folks here ample opportunity to smite the panic button. I'm nowhere near as astute as most of the folks here, so I'm glad when some of these concerns reach Yamato, via Graham, and eventually end up as improvements on these toys. MW: frequently influential. sometimes educational, always entertaining.
  16. I'm with you, Mike. The DOTM figs have lingered at all my local retail stores. They lost an entire season's worth of selling time for Prime toys, esp since movie toys weren't selling, at least around my area. You'd think they would have wanted their new show's toys in stores in time to compliment both the launch of the Hub and their new Transformers show. Then again, maybe they were holding back to see how the show was received before pouring funds into toy releases. Still, I lurk TFW2005.com enough to know that die-hard transfans go apesh!t over nearly every new TF product, be it Hasbro or third party, regardless of how craptastic said products are.
  17. Well, nothing like getting your design direction straight from the source. I'm glad SK is willing to work with these companies. After all these years, it has to be a neat experience for him to see his designs fully realized so accurately in toy form, Bandai's V.1 VF-25 notwithstanding.
  18. I'm curious whether they're going to mount the knees on a swingbar to place them closer to the intake, or just have the knee joint itself mounted low in the nacelle to serve as both kneejoint and rotation point for transformation. I'd prefer the former. Hopefully there's a fair bit of die-cast and ratcheting/locking goodness employed in this area, or it will rapidly devolve into a floppy mess. I have faith that Yamato will deliver a good design in the end. I like to believe they approach these Macross projects with something akin to passion.
  19. I'm not getting the criticism of FOC Prime; other than too-small feet, he matches up to the CG model pretty well. I love his truck mode, and I like his bot mode enough to get him. I was hoping for a better fig of Jazz, but , yeah, those legs are really skinny making him look top heavy, but his car mode looks good. Contrarily, I think they nailed Shockwave's bot mode, but when I have to ask, "what is it?" when transformed, I lose interest. I'm not crazy about the WFC and FOC designs, anyway, but I can tolerate the ones that are at least comparative to real vehicles. I have a low tolerance for "Cybertronian" designs, as it seems to give license to make absolutely crap alt modes, and justify them by saying they're alien. At least Prime looks like a truck and Jazz looks like a passable car. I think the Animated Cybertronian designs were excellent. I have to agree that Animated Shockwave is a better toy overall than FOC. Had they given FOC Shockwave more of a tank look, he would have been a great toy. The Prime toys are ok; I plan on getting Arcee, Wheeljack, and Soundwave. The rest are meh. I'm also bummed that the First Edition line was canxed in lieu of RID, esp when they traded their nice smaller show accurate weapons for giant ridiculous weapons. It's disappointing, to say the least. As for the news that Bay will direct a fourth movie, albeit a reboot, my hopes that someone who actually cared about Transformers would bring a whole new look and feel to the franchise has been utterly crushed asunder, doused with napalm, and ignited with white magnesium flares. I do have to wonder, however, since Prime is the new look in the continuity, are the reboot characters going to look more like TF:Prime, or remain shardy skeletons with shardy parts hanging off of them?
  20. I have to wonder what Hasbro is thinking when they produce a line of toys that represent the CG show well, build anticipation for that line, and then short sell it before canxing it altogether in lieu of toys that are not what we the consumers want. I echo the sentiment about no 3rd season of Animated...I really liked the show and loved the toys, which again, saw some limited releases towards the end, and a couple that were only Japanese releases..I'm looking at you TFA Blackout. But no, the Hasbro creedo seems to be suffer releasing our tv show toys only as much as absolutely necessary so we can crank out millions of Bay's movie toys, which continue to mock gravity upon their comfy pegs at all my local retailers, whilst any toy from Generations, Reveal the Shield...basically Classics and non-movie related toys...disappear quicker than cupcakes at a fat farm. For the record, beyond saying the special effects are well done, there's nothing else I like about Bay's movies, especially the aesthetic. I didn't want to like Prime, since the movie influence is evident; however, I watched the show, and enjoyed it. I've been looking forward to picking up a few toys, Arcee in particular. Looks like it's going to be the usual proverbial hunt for the needle in the haystack. I used to love collecting toys, but it's becoming an exercise in frustration.
  21. Pretty cool. Be neat if it transformed...granted it'd have to be greatly simplified, but still...
  22. The Prime toys should start showing up soon, and hopefully that'll put the kibosh on movie toys, which proudly warm the pegs at my local Wally. I'm looking forward to getting a Prime Arcee and Wheeljack...the rest of the figs, while decent, I can live without. Being unemployed may affect my selectiveness, as well.
  23. Despite some minor nitpicks, this is the best pistol alt-mode Megatron toy I've seen. The shaping of the legs could be improved a little, but overall, it looks great...that face is spot-on...one of my many issues with MP Megs. The only other beef I have with this is that the lower abdomen doesn't have the familiar red side vents and collapse into the chest...for whatever reason, I like that part of the transformation. Anyway, by not being absolutely slavish to the Walther P-38, but still making him look like a believable pistol, maintaining the basic G-1 transformation, and achieving a bulkier bot mod, I think they've got a winner in the making.
  24. I agree with separate missiles, otherwise I'm more concerned that they pour the love into this like they did with the VF-19 and VF-17. Engineering a robust swing mechanism for the leg, while allowing for strength and flexibility will pose a challenge for them, I think. As mentioned earlier in the thread, I also hope the shoulders rotate, as arm movement would be pretty limited otherwise. TF Animated Lugnut is a good example of this done right. As for extras, they're nice, but after all this time, I hope the focus is on creating a solid toy with exceptional engineering, functionality, paint, and, hopefully, endurance.
  25. I'm also hoping it's a toy and not a kit. It's a beautiful design, one that would look great next to my VF-1.
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