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Everything posted by port

  1. It just can't suck...it can't . Please.
  2. Yes! Dude that sucker is sweet !
  3. Yeah .
  4. Kinda wanted to do a little clay look on his feet.
  5. double sorry
  6. Got some more work done today.
  7. Dude! That looks SICK! I love it. Super nice work man.
  8. Dude, That so funny . Naah... my wife thinks it's the coolest thing I have out all my toys n models. We have are own money to burn.
  9. I'm running out of room for Sabers.
  10. You have got to be kidding me . Sad! This is going to suck so bad.
  11. I don't have a pic but my fav toy was Big Track.
  12. Sorry double post
  13. This is going to be mildly weathered. I don't know if you have this kit but it looks real cool.
  14. Alright, next time I say that this my last Gundam... don't listen to me .
  15. port

    Ok Here Is My Stuff

  16. port

    Ok Here Is My Stuff

  17. port

    Ok Here Is My Stuff

    He's some of my stuff.
  18. Hey guys, I was talking to Chris today and got on the conversation about the heads that he's done. Now I've seen all the extras he's got but I would like to see them on you Valks. How do they look? Thanks Dave.
  19. Sweet pics man... that fb looks great! Makes want to buy another. That Core Fighter looks great. Keep it up dude.
  20. I freaking love the F91. I want that in a PG. That other one has Prince boot
  21. Here are some of my 1/60 Fighters.
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