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Everything posted by port

  1. Well I thought I'd never do it. But this G will not be weathered. This G is my wifes. She picked the colors and where they are going to go too. I told her that she's going to have to model off the finished kit.... but you guys my drull over her to much . Just kidding. She's excited already about the way it's looking. I'm real fortunate my wife loves anima and my G kits.
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  6. Finished up the wings. It took alot of paint.
  7. I did this by accident but I thought it looked cool. Oh yeah thats my daughter you hear.Im000168.mpg
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  10. Got all the armor done and started the wings. After this I thought about doing a Strike in the colors that my wife wanted. Black armor, silver frame and a redish orange body. Or I'll start a Zak. Will see. Thanks for everyone help.
  11. I'm glad eveyone is waiting for there order, I thought I was getting robbed. Three weeks for me .
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  14. Some more pics.
  15. I have to say my Gundams are all looking alike. Same old weathering. But I can't bring myself to do them any other way. I wouldn't mine trying sell some of them. But who would buy them? I could use some ideas.
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  18. The Wings feet look cool. I've put off doing this kit because it was the smaller of the PG. But, I glad I bought two.Because I like the way this one is turning out.
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  22. Ahh! Nothing like drinking beer and building Gundams.
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