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Everything posted by Keith

  1. With this alternate universe jumping that they seem to be incorporating, I can't help but wonder if Elena is
  2. Let's save the doom & gloom until it actually hits retail. Then we can all panic if applicable.
  3. If ED-209 didn't look like a valk in GERWALK before, he sure as fµck does now.
  4. There was some interesting backstory this week. Also a grear render of Quorra, they really captured Olivia Wilde's eyes.
  5. First I've heard of that, what did they cut out?
  6. I could very well be wrong, but speaking as someone who has imported several of Bandai Visual's BD releases, not limited to but including: -Gunbuster -Diebuster -Macross Frontier TV & Movies -Macross Zero -Macross TV -Char's Counterattack -Gundam F-91 BV has always added content, and never removed it (additional content includes things such as the Earrings in Zero, and new science lessons in Diebuster). I'd be "very" surprised if BV took the time to track down all of the extra material they're including just to fubar the release with unnecessary edits. Mind you BV "has" been known to gimp rental releases, and that could actually be what happened here. They may have done up a special rental print of the film with the wierd edits and shown that in theatre, while the retial release remains umolested. A good example of this would be the video encoding on the Japanese rental version of Gundam 0079, it had inferior video encoding from the LE boxes they put out.
  7. Much like the Alien & Aliens, I don't understand why you people think something happened after the first Highlander. Next thing you know you'll be telling me that there was some TV series that conveniently featured an entirely different McCloud and had stupid plot twists like a group of clandestine mortals secretly "watching," an ancient immortal who can't remember his own past, and evil quickening building up enough to turn other immortals evil. Everybody know's that the "game" was won at the end of the movie, anything else would make no sense whatsoever.
  8. I think the real question is, how does it compare with Kick Ass?
  9. Considering the state the soundtrack was in for the last release, I'd be surprised if they didn't have to completely re-assemble it for this new mix. If they forgot a bit of music that is terrible, but not a deal breaker for me.
  10. Bamboo Blade, it's about a "mostly" girls Highschool Kendo team. Could also just be BV being cheap and not wanting to give up the full goods until the BD release. Remember, this is anime we're talking about, things far more graphic than those blurred shots get released all the time, don't see any reason to retroactively edit something now. This is also the Macross franchise, the same one that was decided Guld's death wasn't graphic enough the first time.
  11. I definately wouldn't worry yet. Was it an all ages screening? Did they blur the showef scene? Considering how much hell the Japanese fanbase would rain on them, I'm guessing BV is smart enough to avoid that sh!t storm.
  12. Oh yeah, I'm up for this! The only real question is who will get it here, Sentai or Funi.
  13. Check out 1.11 & 2.22. Trims out a lot of the fat of the TV series, add's in a newer not so whiny Shinji, and some pretty badass battles to boot.
  14. Why waste time making a movie based on a shitty dub property?
  15. I think they should have gone the Chirico Quevie route, and have the whole mess be a behind the scenes plot to create a new Overman.
  16. Just stay away from the Flay & Katagina room!
  17. Not after Char hit her with hte Bazooka-Bukkake...
  18. Unless Sayla, Haman, & Rain are available for "special services," then that's too damned much!
  19. The only downside is that it will still be minimum of a year+ before we see a U.S. release, hopefully we'll get another legit subbed HK bluray.
  20. They have other shows on Disney XD? :0
  21. Now I don't see the issue with the worms. We see worms crawling through the soil before hand, we see black goo spill into the soil, voila, much bigger & violent worms. The same thing happened to them as what happened to the bearded guy who gut the face full of acid, ressurected by the black goo as a much stronger & more violent version of himself.
  22. What are you talking about, the world loves us! Hell, we invented Robotech!!
  23. Yup, thats how I learned geography, though it's amazing just how small Middle Earth is. I mean really, they should have hit Mordor within a day.
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