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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Now those are some great spoilers, and exactly what I was looking for to tide me over, thanks. I can't wait to see where they're going with this, hopefully nowhere that will . Though that still doesn't quite explain how Interesting.
  2. Unfortunately, the only extra I really wanted but missed with the Frontier was the first box. My solution? Slap all 9 disc's into slim cases and stick them into the second box, and I'm happy with that.
  3. No, you need to see this first episode. If you still love the show after that, then you are beyond help.
  4. Zero already has a BD box, in fact it was the first BD Macross release. I'm not sure about Frontier getting a rerelease though, but we'll see. Plus will probably be next year since the second 7 box is out in december. The real question is whether or not II will get a remaster.
  5. Avengers pretty much opened up the door for the more fantastic technology
  6. Aya Hirano just came out with a new album in march, doesn't look like she's packing it in yet.
  7. Not continuing the anime would be like Scrooge McDuck giving away his money bin. I think they're just being smart about it and waiting for the author to finish.
  8. You haven't watched the movie? Definately check it out, it didn't warrent some of the hate it got, and it's another alternate dimension telling of the story.
  9. Endless Eight strengthen's the plot of the movie if you ask me, In retrospect, E8 is one of the greatest setups of all time, Kudo's to Kyo-Ani for actually having the balls to do it.
  10. I'm waiting on the Funi stream, so I'll see it Thursday. Any chance that they've explained why there's a
  11. Interesting,
  12. All of them!! Such as I'm also curious Things of that nature.
  13. OMG I just watched episode 12, I need spoilers from anyone who's already seen 13!!
  14. While it's confimed to have the dub, I'm not touching it unless it's also got subtitles. Awesome prospect though.
  15. All they have to do is drop it on bluray/dvd. Hell, if they kept Blood & Chrome as a direct to video "wihtout completely slashing the budget" release, I'm sure most would be happy.
  16. I refuse to believe that the people putting together this http://www.macross30.com/1stmovie/anniversarybox/ with so much love and care would stick us with an censored print of the film. A new audio mix, yeah, I can see that. Chances are 2chan will see this release before most of us, so news will be out probably by Tuesday-Wednesday on exactly what's going on.
  17. You know, thinking about this a bit more, I think I have a better fit.
  18. While I don't begrudge anyone for "not" wanting to upgrade, claiming that inferior technology & lossy compression is somehow "better" is delusional.
  19. Couldn't be that little girl, she and hed parents and everone with them physically joined with the scub coral that left.
  20. If the DVD is of good quality to begin with, i can see that. But the more you get used to our new HD era, the more you'll start to notice the differences, which can be quite dramatic. Viewing distance also plays a factor, but in most cases BD's will stomp all over DVD's, so unless it's a fubard & DNR'd all to hell release, or a master that looks just as bad as or worse than a DVD, I'm up for upgrading.
  21. Unless they use cute girls in transforming mecha costumes like the Ranka Dainamu commercial in Itsuwari no Utahime.
  22. Both Legacy (movie) and the game show the same basic event, Tron getting taken down by Clu. The new series (Uprising) show's Tron was pretty badly injured in that fight, but implies he was able to get away. Now the game also show's that Clu used a virus as part of his take-over method. so the Tron we see in Uprising "could" be infected by still under control of himself. Or the series may end with Tron being finally captured & "repurposed."
  23. ???? If you're asking wh y Iso's aren't in the show, it's because they were already whiped out before this part of the story started. If the game Tron Evolution stands as canon, Clu took them out with a virus & mass genocide.
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