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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Dicaprio is too stocky to be the ridler, just doesn't work, hell, I'd buy him as the penguin though. That's not a hard choice at all!
  2. The main issue is profit. If "syfy" started churning out more quality big budget programming, people would continue to expect it from them. If they can get people to keep supporting their low budget supercrap, then no one will expect more than that, and they'll continue to rake it in. This has been going on since before the "sci-fi" channel existed, back when whoever is apparently currently in charge there was in charge of the USA network original movies.
  3. Considering how things turned out with Ledger, I'm very happy with the endng. At this point, I'm not sure how they could have mentioned The Joker, aside from a passing comment about him escaping. Perhaps not addressing the issue was the best solution. All in all, it was the ride I wanted it to be, tying in more with Begins than Dark Knight. I also refuse to compare this with The Avengers, as they really are differently styled franchises. Both delivered equally this summer on their own terms.
  4. Is the direcotr's cut of Blade Runner an OVA? (ok, it's not animated, but you get the gist) Is the director's cut of any movie that was released in theaters "ever" considered an OVA? The short answer, no. The question isn't whether or not Yamato 3's dub aired in your area, the question is whether or not you bothered to look up info before you posted it.
  5. That would be a b!tch movie to give Renton no spoken lines. Have we been given a reason for why Ao calls Eureka "Anma" instead of "Mamma" ? First time I've come across that in anime, so I don't think it's a Japanese thing.
  6. OMG you haven't seen it? You need to netflix, hulu, youtube,or whatever your favorite method of viewing is to see it. You're seriously missing out on some hilarity.
  7. Cancel? If I was fine with "Noooo" & the new Jabba's palace song, I'll be fine with whatever happens here. Besides, the new prologue has me very intrigued. Will it be the gane intro? A text scroll? Something else entirely?
  8. Speaking of the Joker, are there any referencs to him at all?
  9. Really? Only 10? Well hell, give me my damn bluray then Disney, and I'll consider this a success.
  10. Listen closely to the song. "Days" fades in progresively through out the op.
  11. If that were the case, they'd only have to release the OVA & skip the movie ed. We'll see though.
  12. So how much longer do you think it will be before natives start getting their hand on pre-street copies? Monday? Tuesday?
  13. Here ya go!
  14. I just don't buy into the philosophy that says people don't have the ability to make their own choices, regardless of what circumstancial ubrining they have have had. You can tortue someone for 20 years, then let them out on the street, and they will likely make one of two decisions. -This is the way the world is, and now i'm gonna go do that to someone else -That sucked, I'm never going to do to someone what was done to me. Get it? Sure it's more complex than that, but utlimately, things come down to a simple decision. With that said, haven't had a chance to see the movie yet, but I should be in by Sunday at the latest. Just not sure if I want to take the time to watch Begins & Dark Knight again first.
  15. Those two developements dont' have to be mutually exclusive. Considering the bit of info that was given out about trappers in ep 13 I'm starting to doubt this series will be wrapped up in 24 episodes, but we'll see. The second op bearing such a blatant homage to the first E7 op could iether imply that this series will lead into the first, or that these events are only the beginning of this story.
  16. A mid-season hiatus isn't a bad hting, happens all the time, Clone Wars included. The clue was last weeks episode didn't have a next ep preview after it I guess. The fact that they're still making the effort to show upcoming previews during comic-con is also a good sign. At the very least, it's a lot more than Thundercats got.
  17. Next week will be very interesting for the fanbase, thats for sure. Quick poll, how many of us picked up the last DVD remaster a few years ago? I can't help but wonder if owning that has something to do with my not being bug by the prospect of changes in this release. Of course part of me thinks this is some kimd of elaborate scam set up by a group of fans who could'nt get LE preorders in and heard about the screening edits.
  18. No, the gunman is the only person to truly blame. I don't cafe who raised him, turned him down for the prom, or showed him Terminator 2. Individuals who make profoundly stupid errors in judgment are still ultimately responsible for their actions. Even if everyone in that theater had personally told him they fhought he was a piece of sh!t, then stole his favorite mittens while laughing in his face, it doesn't validate thos actions.
  19. l can't help but wonder if Naru will turn out to be
  20. That article still reads a little funky, so I'm not sure it says that the censored scenes specifically reported from the screening are tge changes they're talking about. The changes BV seem to be talking about are op/close changes.
  21. Just watched ep 13, this series is officially win.
  22. I'd actually liked to have seen him (heard) singing the song now rather than lip synching, but still cool.
  23. The episode title was "Reincarnation." while talking about american cartoons, Home Movies season 3 episode 6 "Rennaisance" had a fight between ren fair geeks & sci-fi con geeks that had a quick shot of a VF-1 in gerwalk.
  24. -Yamato 3/Star Blazers Bolar wars has been on TV, VHS, DVD, and Streaming in the U.S. liooong before being on Xbox Live, so I'm not sure what the "finally" was about. -GitS was a movie, not an OVA. -Laughing man was a movie cut down of Stand Alone Complex -Individual Eleven was a movie clip down of Second Gig. -Solid State Society was an original movie follow up. This has been your friendly neighborhood wanzer-correction.
  25. Doubt it, unfortunately Nintendo is pro-reigon lock with their portables now.
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