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Everything posted by Keith

  1. After the awesomeness of peace walker, I'm not worried at all.
  2. The first uses the preliminary art, while the second uses the final art. Given the prices there, I'd reccomend going through a proper import shop.
  3. Big Boss is "minimum" ten years older in appearence, and rapidly getting closer to his original MG Sean Connery look.
  4. No, that's not Chico, he's being kept wherever Paz is.
  5. Given the placement of this game, they're getting awefully close to the original Metal gear's timeframe.
  6. So anyway, I am so all over this, especially if it comes with MGO3.
  7. At this point, I'm not sure I like the whole I'm fully willing to stick with this series fo the end, but my holes of it reasonably tying in with the original are fading again.
  8. That wouldn't really explain why
  9. It depends on what you liked about the original. The free rebel surfer attitude of the original is gone. The enemy so far hasn't been much either.No Dewey or Anemone level of rivalry, And definitely no one as awesome as Ray and Charles. Just how good this series will be will depend on how its mysteries unravel.
  10. That's actually a very common problem, here are the steps to follow: 1:Pick it up very gently with both hands. 2.Holding it, walk very softly and calmly to the nearest open field, preferably one with no animal life aorund. 3.Gently set your Beta down, and I do mean "gently." 4. Turn around and run like hell, 'cus that sh!t's about to explode!!!!
  11. At this point, I'm fully prepaired to find out that At least that's the inkling I'm getting so far.
  12. I can't help but get excited everytime a new aspect is introduced. This game is gonna be freakin' awesome.
  13. Even stranger, while the new song does bear some striking similarities to the Days, the actual visuals for the 2nd up share more in common with the Shonnen Heart op. Complete with Truth & Anemone's crazy looks.
  14. Factoring in Kawamori's trips to India, I'd say the probability of it being a coincidence is extremely low.
  15. I just finally read this :::mind blown:::
  16. That depends, did you buy the official release?
  17. As long as they give us a decent last episode that wraps things up, and a bluray , I'll be cool.
  18. "Stomps all over the AnimEigo disc's" doesn't even begin to describe it. After watching the remaster, I'm really not sure I can go back to a lessor master, even without subs. As for another format, 10 years down the line would probably be some kinda digital format.
  19. Hmm, that's a tough one, maybe it's "Frontier Bi" 7, and Glabil will pop up!..?..
  20. Finally MW has joined the pony-side of the force, excellent.
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