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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Keith

    Macross 30

    To put it simply, Artdink cares about their anime licenses, and their PSP Macross games perfectly capture the nuances of the dynamic "Macross" style combat.
  2. Graham, be careful. "He Knows."
  3. From what I recall, Re:Fire was released in 2060-2061, which is after these events take place. As for the 7 fleet disappearing, it makes sense that the UN SPACY would segregate the fleet after the whole Protoculture incident. Especially if the Zero events were still classified at the time. Or Max could have just raised a middle finger to the brass after their complete and total lack of support, giving the 7 fleet up as a sacrifice to try and pacify the Protodevelin.
  4. Keith

    Macross 30

    Artdink? Check. PS3? Check. This game will officially be awesome, and will be pre-ordered at the earliest opportunity.
  5. I'm willing to bet there's a context being missed here. from what I can tell Weavings comments were about the disjoint in the pricess in general. Yeah, he probably should have done research on what he was signing on for, but his comments imply that no one made any effort to do more than hand him his lines, and call it a day. Listening to the dialogue and delvery for all of the VO, I doubt he was the only one. It now makes total sense that every CG character sounded like they were reciting line in a vacuum, they were.
  6. I'm actually fine with how Caprica ended. The remaining loose ends can easily be addressed in a Cylon war era story.Now why syfy doesn't just drop Blood & Chrome on blu-ray I don't understand. It's assumedly done,so why not recoup those costs. But then I can't help but wonder why Universal refuses to put Caprica out on Bluray either. It's like someone decided the franchise was Cancer...
  7. I'll occasionally watch a (legit) streaming version of a show if I can't wait for the retail release, or if it doesn't look like it'll get licensed, but other than that, I buy. I'd watch more on netflix, but they only have dubs, and screw that.
  8. You haven't to take things A1 says with heavy grain of salt. Sometimes the only way he can openly discuss things he enjoy's is by pretending he hates them.
  9. Watch the first two episodes, then get back to me on this.
  10. No news yet, and Gundam SEED Battle Destiny.
  11. That's a great Sivil.
  12. Why do a GoLion movie when Mazinger Z is so much better suited. Definately worth checking out, as is The live action Cutie Honey movie.
  13. I finally got around to watching episode 22, and seriously,I don't know why I keep letting myself get trolled by this series. The ear thing was just as hilarious and lackluster as advertised. The explanation about "Truth" makes absolute sense, and is so convenient that it's not even funny. At this point, I don't doubt that they'll wrap up all their mysterious in surprisingly lackluster ways. I just doubt things will satisfyingly tie in with the original. So much wasted time and potential....can't wait to see the last two eps... ::sigh::
  14. I'm surprised you of all people don't get it. You seem like a prime candidate for joning the Pony side of the force.
  15. Strangely true, though Yamato was pretty damn good too.
  16. Keith

    Macross 30

    Gundam SEED Battle Destiny already played with the idea of getting rid of infinite ammo. Not sure if like...
  17. No, Jonah Hex was the Asylum version of Wild Wild West.
  18. Wild Wild West 2? Never thought they'd make that sequel!
  19. Oh I'd totally import this on bluray.
  20. WTF are you talking about now. A lack of oily musclebound half naked men does "not" make anything feminine.
  21. An excellent point that the other problems keep making me forget about. At this point, she should be locked up deeper than the archetype...which looks like something out of Votoms btw. As for the plot holes and lack of creatof involvement, I think the issues are one and the same. -The bodily scub infestation/sickness makes little sense considering the original E7 world has far more scub, and no such issue. The sickness there was actually becoming psychjcally, not physically linked to the scub. And why does it help adults pilot? -Naru's ears, nuff said. -"All of the scub left," where the fûck are these Nirvash's coming from. -Why are scub traveling back in time, and how, and wouldn't they give the past scub from space too much fufure knowledge? -Oh the "SECRET'S" I don't even know where too begin with the huge infinite plot holes they create for the original, let alone this show. -Truth....same as above. -Why would trapper saturation hurt hybrids, when humans and corraliens are fine? But at the end of the day, I just know the BF-deus-ex-G is gonna save the day. But I swear, if it turns out Gonzy was behind everything, I will forsake this show.
  22. I've seen this trailer already, and nothing about it says to me that it'll be better than Battle Destiny. Sure it's a SEED based game, but Battle Destiny is pretty freakin' awesome.
  23. While I'm enjoying this series in general, it's coming up as some serious fail as a Eureka Seven follow up. Had it been a standalone story with the same/similar designs I think it would be fairing better. But this show is reaking of an all too obvious lack of original creater involvement.
  24. You know, I'm still not sure what this game is, but suddenly I really want it.
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