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Everything posted by Keith

  1. That's an awesome medley, how an anyone hate?
  2. I gave in and watched the first two parts too. I definately like what I'm seeing so far, and hope Universal decides to release Caprica on bluray too, if this does well enough.
  3. That was Rei III, who may not make an appearence, at least not yet.
  4. I think it should be pretty obvious who and what Mari is, i.e.
  5. Mmmm, delicious cupcakes....
  6. Not necessarily, but you might not want to put off fidning out for too much longer.
  7. ::Reads press release:: "Blah blah blah UNRATED (read: random tities thrown in version) HOME RELEASE EARLY 2013." Excellent. I'll wait for that one.
  8. Uprising has turned out to be surprisingly good. As for Tron's gear in the pilot, I "think" he was in generic guard gear, besides which, Rinzler never talked (well, almost never). Considering the state of things when Legacy, I don't seen any possible resolution but a "bad end" to this story. And I'm cool with that.
  9. Only the LE version.
  10. Hmmm, wish this was a Vita, but I'm curious regardless.
  11. At this point it'd be a moot issue if you did get a bad burn, but did you buy the complete release, or did you grab the individual discs?
  12. The booklets are grear, including one just for sheet music. It's in real notation, not Basare scribble. I haven't checked out the commentaries to much, but everyone seemed to be having a good time on the bits of the first ep commentary I checked out.
  13. That's hilarious! It'd be pretty tough to find, but there was a very small official DVD-R run a few years ago. The subtitles are "mostly" great (...moo....), and a lot of the pressings had some problems. But if you can find it, consider yourself lucky. \I've already seen the live action movie, and recently picked up the series. I'll probably start it after Durarara!!
  14. Things we don't need to happen? An onslaught of Force Ghosts. Things that might be cool? The balanced force user concept from Clone Wars.
  15. After seeing how well Disney has handled their Marvel license (Avengers et al) their own classics (Tron Legacy / Uprising), and given PIxar free reign (as long as they churn out some Cars every so often), I'm not worried about this at all.
  16. Did anyone else pick up the new FB7 single and the first 7 BD box? Both are just as awesome as expected, the BD's are another solid H presentation. I can't wait until BV puts plus on bluray, and hell, I'd love to see a remaster of II as well.
  17. I've heard rumor of an LE for the PS3 game, and I'm crossing my fingers that the bonus is a Vita version of the game.
  18. At this point, Clone Wars is pretty awesome, so I'm more than willing to give some new flick's a go. Also, I'd be damn surprised if it didn't come out at some point that Lucas has cancer. Terrible if true, but i can't think of any other reason for such a drastic decision.
  19. While I on the other hand am totally digging these re-do's.
  20. Good riddence, the EU stuff is garbage to begin with.
  21. ....What?
  22. Actually, that's precisely why it has "everything" to do with HG's future. With his more shady business dealings likely being seized, his only source of quick cash for legal will be parting out and or dumping the "clean" businesses. That, and really, if Tatsunoko gets wind of things, the probability of them yanking their rights away is pretty damn good.
  23. It was pretty soapy, but that kept the female fans coming.
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