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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Yup, other factors to take into account are the type of cables used, HDMI is best, but there is still a noticeable leap with component cables.
  2. -MSG movies -Zeta TV -ZZ -CCA These will give you the most enjoyment out of watching Unicorn.
  3. That, I don't agree with, just what was so open about it? Never minding they totally pulled an Escaflowne + Gall Force, I think it was pretty solidly decided with a "this happenened, now don't screw it up again" kinda scenario. The only way that the original BSG could possibly fit into things would be if the Cylon's used the embryo's they were harvesting to re-seed the thirteen colonies. All indications point towards them using them for ressurrection research, so I doubt that happened. Plus there's the whole lizard people, count ibly, etc aspects of the original that just don't jive well. Not to mention the fact that the Cylon's didn't seem toc are about "any" of the other human ciivlizations that they came across in the original, which really made no sense. No, I think the timeline goes something like this: -Whatever happened on Kobal was the original set of events. Someone invented Cylon's, Cylon's became near human, civilization exploded when the two failed to merge back together. 12 colonies go in one direction, the Cylon survivors go in another. -The original Cylon wi-fi existence survived the Kobal events, and decided to try again. Zoey Graystone is influenced by it, and given the wi-fi Cylon code to recreate their existence, and events snowball again. -BSG TV happens, events play out again as they did before, but this time with more wi-fi angel meddling, and things just "barely" work out. Now Humans/Cylons have become one hybrid existence and settle down on Earth. Flash forward to the modern era, and you havae a cautionary tale about being careful with how you use and treat advanced technology, because some day it might advance to an equal scale as you, and or perhaps a general cautionary tale about racism. No matter how you cut it, the ending makes total sense as long as you accept that Starbuck never "actually" came back in the first place, she was wi-fi enduced hallucinazation running on the grand ole anceint Cylon-God internet.
  4. So if you care more about the subs than the PQ, why not just watch the existing DVD's?
  5. YLOD seems to be more random than anything. I've seen plenty of first gen PS3's run for many hours on end with no problem, aside from the fan kicking into high. Obviously ventalation is an issue, as is maintenance. I try to vacuum mine out at least once a month. Replacming the HDD may also be a good idea, mine was acking a little funky years ago until I upgraded the HDD from 60 to 500gb. After that, it's been fine..
  6. You obviously haven't seen the Bandai bluray set. All AnimEigo had to work with were HG's shite masters, and that stone has been bled for all its worth. Bandai's BD remaster on the other hand looks like you're watching the animation cel's projected directly onto your screen.
  7. "No" Bandai did not crop the picture for the Bluray, Animeigo zoomedgheir master out a bit during their remaster to show more of the overscan area, and advertised it as such. Bandai's discs remain at the original broadcast ratio
  8. I know Diebuster had a couple new science lessons, but I'll have to check again to see if Gunbuster did.
  9. Very interesting, I hope Funi can swing a quicker license this time.
  10. Sounds like about what I was expecting once news of the major changes came out.
  11. Spoilers never ruin my enjoyment of a good story, I tend to enjoy repeat viewings just as much as the first
  12. How many? All of them! An HK official sub BD is 6 months out at the earliest.
  13. Did they even watch the original series? :::sigh:::
  14. Are you sure that's not Alto?
  15. Keith

    Macross 30

    Hmm, not sure about the whole collectable / customization thing. I just hope it doesn't get crazy expensive like Assault Survive.
  16. Loved Azumanga Daioh, and I'd say it's a bit more than just K-On without music. Glad to hear it, what'd you think of the incredibly awesome ending?
  17. So he gives you some free music, and you make fun of his fandom on his FB account? Dick move.
  18. Third Impact did "not" happen in the last movie, Kowaru prevented it. Correction, apparently in this version it was. Now I really can't wait to see iy.
  19. Totally forgot to be honest. Any word on the Funi stream?
  20. So wait a sec, from what little I'm hearing, it seems like more are being integrated. If so, then this will truly surpass both series.
  21. Keith

    Macross 30

    And yet, the LE isn't fundamentally "more" expensive in the long run.
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