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Everything posted by Keith

  1. You mean the songs that raise the singers spiritia level high enough to access the protoculture tech?
  2. Yeah, but thanks to rebuild, we've got 3rd and 4th impact to worry about now!
  3. It's christmas, put down that haterade!
  4. Do yourself a favor, stop, just stop. If you want a decent Eva knock-off, watch Rahxephon. If you want to watch Eureka Seven, watch Eureka Seven. AO will just break your heart.
  5. First off, Gundam releases have been experimental for a while now. The 0079 movies have had sub's on their last two releases, while the TV series didn't. Unicorn was specifically a test to see just how well such a release would do via export, the results of which led to the SEED remaster & Age having subs. Wings of Honneamise, Akira, The Gunbuster/Diebuster Gattai movie, etc, were all originally intended for dual region release at Japanese prices, which is why all of those Bandai/Honneamise era releases have subs. You'll note that both the Gunbuster & Diebuster OVA's despite having full sub scripts did "not" retain their translations when Bandai Visual put them out on bluray.' But to hell with all that, this can be summed up quite simply with the mention of the Haruhi Suzumiya release. Why did that have English subs? Because they believed it would get some extra cash, and they had no intention of giving BE the bluray license. Here's the clincher, why didn't the Japanese release of Disappearance have subs despite the full translation already being shown around at con's? Because they had already licensed it out to BE, and didn't want to step on their sales. That's right, the second reason (after the mone yinvolved in bothering to sub and time those subs) is because it helps Japanese companies maintain higher licensing fee's.
  6. We should all get some of that orange energy drink.
  7. It will be a true thing of beauty. I really hope they end up remastering and releasing II on bluray as well, I'd really like to see it on something other than a composite master.
  8. Actually, the exact opposite is usually true, the original licensing company also maintains ownership of translations done on their material. This is why you'll usually see the same dub and or sub when shows get relicensed. The reason more Japanese releases don't have English subs after translations have been made is because they don't want to spend the time and money to implement and time the subs.
  9. F%ck dude, how can anyone NOT want this? And where the hell is Macross II???
  10. Keith

    Macross 30

    Going by the color scheme, I'd say the missile poid is actually Regult inspired, which predates the TREAD by a couple years.
  11. lol.
  12. The Godannar Jeager has two pilots because the twin drive requires two hot blooded individuals working together to power up, duh!
  13. That is bizzarre as all hell, gotta check it out later.
  14. Keith

    Macross 30

    Haven't used them myself, but they have a great rep.
  15. And that stood for the original timeline. Things obviously changed.
  16. Keith

    Macross 30

    :::watches trailer:: I'll say it now...BEST MOVIE/TV FRANCHISE GAME EVER!
  17. The events of First Contact and Enterprise are enough to account for any further changes.
  18. Yup, once the crash patch was released, it was awesome.
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