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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Sentai just licensed AKB0048, could this be a step towards F?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7opdzX_4kE Just came out on Bluray today!
  3. I just wonder how long it will take for Asylum to try and license it. I can easily see them wanting to snag such a thing to run along side Pacific Rim.
  4. Terrible hair, really f^cking terrible hair. Aside from that, looks interesting.
  5. AO completely ignores the events and character motivations of the original series. Much like Orguss 02, and Macross II, it feels like it was made by someone who watched less than an episode of the original, and tried to fill in the gaps with random crap.
  6. You do realize that the only difference is that the Japanese release dub of ep 4 hasthe propermusic and sfx, as well as a rumored alternate take or two.
  7. It ran for a lot more episodes than I thought it would. Any word on a last ep? Or are they just straight pulling the plug? Regardless, give me my Blu Ray, and I'll be happy.
  8. Or more likely, the middle finger is simply being given to HG and their legal threats.
  9. You're getting that feeling too? lol...then sign....then lol again
  10. I wonder, if that mention of a download code will be for some custom Macross 30 skin....
  11. I'm still hyper over episode 5's end, that will probably be one of my top great ending teasers of all time. Can't wait for 6.
  12. I already have the domestic Honneamise release, and the recent Japanese Blu Ray set. But if the ever put out a subbed domestic BD, I'd totally support that. Also, odd that they licensed Diebuster without Gunbuster.
  13. I actually thought that bottom pic looked like a dude..
  14. That's ignorant. Disney has shown with recent Marvel and Tron projects that this is no worry at all.
  15. That was a pretty epic typo, well played.
  16. Oh no, nothing anti-American at all...aside from the part where Space America bullies the Space U.N. and the subjigated Space Germanty to attack the poor Space Middle East if they dare to help the fleeing denizens of Space Japan. And that's all well before Space America turns out to be THE INTERDIMENSIONAL SPACE DEVIL!!! So yeah, nothing insanely anti-American about Ressurection at all. Also, Nishizaki loves blonde women so much, that he takes every opportunity to show it by killing every single one of them that appears on screen...
  17. Keith

    Macross 30

    Valkyrie toys are cool, but these games are like being able to play with Valkyries in a more dynamic way
  18. You're the only one who thinks shoe that aren't about glistening muscles are somehow homosexual...
  19. You're right, there was one sweaty men wrestling half naked scene, which isn't nearly enough to keep you entertained.
  20. Saw it Christmas day, and it was f^cking awesome!
  21. And if there's nothing wrong with it, there's nothing wrong with it.
  22. While I agree that the price is prohibitive, the release is region A, which makes it compatable with all North American players.
  23. Hopefully. The only worry here is that it was skipped over during the last batch if "HD DVD" releases. But considering how well these Blu Ray sets have done for BV, I'm hopng they decide to prep it for release after Plus.
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