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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I don't know, I thought The Black Hole was incredibly awesome for what it was, of course I didn't hate Prometheus either...
  2. Are the current bluray episodes lacking this theme?
  3. After the last batch of episodes, I can't help but wonder just what they're setting up this time.
  4. Actually, nothing was "recycled," you're just ignoring the bigger ramifications of DYRL being an in universe movie. -Exedor had himself re-Macronized and upgraded. -DYRL used a later block of VF-1 for its filming. -Milia's flight suit is actually closer in color scheme to Hikaru's than her original one. -Much like the VF-1's, Zentradi seem to have been produced in "blocks," not surprising or out of character considering the long production run the Protoculture gave them. In the TV series it could be assumed that the Bodolza fleet is actually a very "old" fleet, used an earlier design command ship, etc. The Meltran that were present in the fleet would have to have been cobbled in during the Protodevelin / Supervision Army conflict, and were issued custom male cruisers, but maintained use of Quadran Rau's. At various points between 2012-2031, "newer" Zentradi / Meltrandi fleets were encountered (such as the Chlore fleet), with later issue ships and weapons. DYRL used exclusively later issue designs from the UN Spacy, Zentradi, & Meltrandi to keep things simple and contemporary to 2031. At least that's how I like to view it.
  5. Keith

    Macross 30

    This isn't even out yet, and it's already the best game ever!
  6. I still attribute Judou's Newtype powers to Kamille.
  7. Looking at what happened to the 7, Frontier, and Galaxy fleets, I don't think it even matters...
  8. Actually, I totally buy that the EFSF is in too much of a shambles to send other ships in. Remember, the Solar Ray took out a crap-ton of the fleet in 0079. And while the Titans were taking over/rebuilding, a lot of that got taken out in the last days of Zeta. Neo Zeon has the benefit of being abscent during most of what happened in Zeta, and by the looks of it, aren't exactly fully up to snuff either. Flash ahead a bit to CCA, and both the Earth & Zeon fleets still seem to be composed of a handful of ships. Hell, Unicorn would seem to back this up too.
  9. Their sales would increase to such an incredibly minute degree, that it's not even remotely worth the effort. Those of us that import are gonna import. Those who don't like import prices won't change their mind just becasue there's a translation. Throw in the random problems having multiple languages in a game produce that add to QA time, and I doubt it will happen in the foreseeable future. Solution? Just import and enjoy!
  10. Keith

    Macross 30

    If it's anything like their meeting in SRW Alpha 3, then it'll be freakin' awesome.
  11. ZZ gets downright awesome.
  12. Clones or no, this last episode on Mandalor (sp?) was the most badass of the series.
  13. Actually, they're priced average for similar releases. With that said, It's doubtful that the series will be licensed before it's finished. The good news is that Funi has shkwn interest in the franchise by picking up Ressurection.
  14. The TV set is well worth it, the extra's are awesome, and the remaster is phenominal.
  15. Very true. I completely ignored ScraPri until a friend told me how awesome it was.
  17. OMG, so many plots just paid-off, I can't believe it. Mayhaps CW will wrap up this year.
  18. Sayonara no Tsubasa didn't (to my recall) have any head explosions, and that tends to be the area that the Japanese ratings specific target. Believe what you want, but I do currently have an inside track on these types of issues.
  19. I'll never understand people who complain about fanservice. Especially when there''s a good show to back it up.
  20. Actually, Spiritua is totally explained. All life in the universe gives off wave motion energy.
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