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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Has the most important question been answered? Will it play japanese disc and/or digital based games?
  2. I can't wait for this game. I know it's probably not there, but has there been any word about online multiplayer?
  3. Wait a minute, there's someone on MW who isn't 30-40+? :::mind blown:::
  4. I agree, the Excelsior is the Andromeda of ST, both figuratively and literally. That ship was build explicily to f^ck sh!t up in style.
  5. F^ck, how long after the Japanese release was the subbed HK release, 1-2 months? I cant' wait!!
  6. Hell, it's been what, 6 years now?
  7. I agree, the D is what it is, a big ugly cruise ship. It's the product of a borring peaceful time in ST history.
  8. I'm sorry, but I have to correct one important point here. They didn't pull a "Star Trek III," they pulled a "Yamato 2."
  9. I like to think she actually believed Char was dead, and stopped carring.
  10. It all starts so innocently with Zero on BD, next thing you know you're just waiting on Plus & II to complete your collection...
  11. The "Wanna Be An Angel" scene in 5.1 is worth it alone.
  12. Perhaps after you'll learn to head the warnings of others. Some roads aren't meant to be travelled...
  13. No, you don't understand, the Africa episodes aren't filler, they're a crime against nature. The only thing worse is the "movie."
  14. If you're gonna cover this, then you should include the full lineage of tha original crap movies that began the rain of crap.
  15. Stick with it, then trudge through the island episodes, then COMPLETELY SKIP THE AFRICA EPISODES, then the sweet sweet pay-off.
  16. Keith

    Macross 30

    Also, this being a "full game," chances are the Valkyires can be upgraded like in the PSP games. I don't know if you remember stock stats in the PSP games, but they're much slower than fully upgraded Valkyries.
  17. How about the guy that directed "Transmorphers" lol.
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