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Everything posted by Keith

  1. If this does turn out to be the last season, I stand by my oriignal feeling that the mini-series fits in perfectly to bookmark the beginning and the end.
  2. Obvious question, but did you check the offending disc's? When I picked up my set there was one disc with some definate funk on it. Cleaned up fine, and played fine after.
  3. Arjuna may not have been the action show it was advertised as, but it hardly sucked.
  4. Parrying is actually not as hard as it seems. The trick is to set it up as you see an attack coming, i.e. don't wait to time it with an attack, use it pre-emptively. Normal is definately on the hard side though. I'm at the last fight, and I've had to go back and level some stuff up just to try and hang out through it. Very fun though.
  5. I don't knowwhy you're all hating on Bear.
  6. You sir, absolutely deserve to see the Nadia movie at this point!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIDz2uwqHsM
  8. Why would you watch TUYBW when you could watch Mahoromatic! I'm currently watching Nisemonogatari, and so far I'm loving it as much Bakemonogatari.
  9. A lot of Seiyuu have been dying relatively young the past decade.
  10. I really can't wait to see it.
  11. Was there one? I thought it just me laughingv my way through the movie.
  12. You just now caught that?
  13. Keith

    Macross 30

    You'll get over that pretty quick.
  14. The solution remains the same it has always been. Keep your PS3, problem solved!
  15. Do we have a release date for the 4th film yet? Aside from "Probably in 2 years..."
  16. After the way the last arc ended, nothing would surprise me in this one.
  17. Yup, it's a laptop SATA drive, the hardest part in the process depends on what generation PS3 you have, i.e. the "really" old models (like mine) have screws that strip if you breathe on them. Aside from that, it's an incredibly smooth process. Just make sure to have that thumbdrive with the current firmware ready.
  18. More importantly, why does Ben Kingsly look like he's about to bust out into a rap?
  19. That's nothing new though. There are plenty of classic Sega CD & Saturn games which will never see the light of day again, that absolutely require maintaining older consoles.
  20. -The ultimate satisfying yet troll ending absolutely has to go to Escaflowne, F^CKING WING GODDESS!! -The most satisfying open ending? GUNBUSTER. All we need to know is that Noriko & Kazumi made it back ,and still had a home to welcome them. I'm tearing up just remembering it...manly tears that is... -The absolute worst complete & total not make me give a sh!t ending, not to mention disavow any knowledge of the shows existence? Big O II. -The best surprise twist ending? Giant Robo (OVA). So much win was had there, so many misguided intentions, complete misunderstandings, epic battles, and the tragic, not to mention completely unncessessary, loss of Gin Rei. -The best epic tale of man who can only succeed through failure ending? That's gonna have to be a tie between School Rumble & Gurren Lagann. And really, who doesn't feel for Simone & Harima in equal measure....And before you say it, there was no other option for Harima either, he had to stick with his love to the absolute end, even if there was a perfectly reasonable (and really, better) alternative, but that wouldn't have been true to who he was. As for Simone, just like Gunbuster, so many manly tears. -Best long drawn out battle "did it better than DBZ long before DBZ" ending? Yamato 2. -Best go out like a total frakking badass ending? Cowbo-psyche! Orguss. Kei Katsuragi easily trumps Spike by going back in time and both killing his badass self, as well as being killed by his badass self. BADASS! But yeah, no ending left me so empty and angry than Big O II. The whole freakin' sequal was an uneccessary wash. I'd much rather stick with the "It's Showtime" ending of the first series.Honorable mention goes to Megazone 23 Part 3 for completey ruining Part 2's ending. But even that is more stomachable than BO2.
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