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Everything posted by Keith

  1. This topic will close in 5... 4... 3... 2...
  2. Yeah, shame on us stragglers. Hopefully there will be a second run of Yuki's.
  3. I wouldn't ask you, because I know you'd make absolutely no sense.
  4. As a longtime Yamato fan, 2199 is just that good! ...I still say it's a ZZ/Orguss mashup
  5. Side note: I just picked up the french bluray release of Caprica. It's very awesome if you have a player that can convert PAL/50, since aside from that it's region free.
  6. Nah, I think we jusf stopped paying attention.
  7. Nothing is wrong. Syfy holds the right to automatically cancel or sh!tcan anything that may unintentionally be a quality product.
  8. That would be because they didn't just miss the nostalgia wave by waiting far to long to ride it, they've drowned in the undertow.
  9. The overlapping vocals are a bit busy, but aside form that it's pretty awesome, especially the bass.
  10. And don't forget to watch Astro Plan.
  11. E.Y.E.S. of Mars is what you should watch next, followed by Puni Puni Poemy, and Robotech II: The Sentinels.
  12. Clannad was full of epic manly tears
  13. Sadly, all we're getting is Ressurection, and that'll probably kill any remaining U.S. interest. What's really funny is the first couple volumes have a preview for Ressurection in the extra's. Comparing the two directly, it's like including a Shadow Chornicles preview in with Frontier blu rays.
  14. Macross 7 is 9000% Macross. Don't hate just because the spiritia is too strong for you!
  15. Yup, and the universe rewarded my impulsiveness by giving me a sh!t-ton of overtime last week to balance it back out. It was destiny!
  16. That's the thing, I was actively avoiding this thread, but then I watched Moretsu Pirates, and then the new trailer for the upcomign Harlock movie, then I peaked in here and saw the vol 5 preivew and immeidately ran to order the first 4 volumes!
  17. Where do you get Eva from Pacific Rim? Everything I've seen about that movie is completely Godannar!
  18. No, you are from the bizarro universe where the Nadia movie is considered a qualiy production.
  19. I think the presence of Hijikata is proof that they're already looking ahead to Yamato 2. OMFG I can't wait to see the Andromeda!
  20. I was holding out to see if it would get a domestic release. Then someone posted up the volume 5 preview, and my willpower crumbled. Plus, Ressurection left a really bad taste in my mouth.
  21. Just finished 1-10. OMFG, this version is surprisngly awesome.
  22. Good story, very solid shooter. Hell, I tested it for months, got a free one, and still pre-ordered the limited (non-songbird statue) edition.
  23. Now you're just trolling. Enjoy your Fudgy.
  24. Strangely enough, I broke her 3 times while playing through at home... I can't stand the face sculpt on that Elizabeth figure.
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