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Everything posted by Keith

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (unless there's a pretty box to house the whole series...)
  2. It was recently announced that Bebop was already being shopped around for a U.S. Bluray release. I'd be surprised if we didn't have an official announcement at AX or Otacon.
  3. I loved Gunpla Builders (and Angelic Layer, and G Gundam), so I'm all for this.
  4. We'll just say the GL set was less than $500 with Amazon JP pre-order discounts. The U.S. release is 100% an import of the Japanese release., though I hear it comes with a booklet to translate one of tbe production books.
  5. Gurren Lagann just came out on Thursday in an epic 15 disc LE set with absolutely EVERYTHING. -The complete series + the broadcast version of episode 2. All using yhe Bandai Ent subs (and dub, if you go that way). - Both movies, also subtitled. - The DS game episode 5.5. - Parallel Works 1 & 2. - The Yoko Kirameki "Pieces of Sweet S.t.a.r.S." - The Yoko goes to Gainax live action shorts, and lots of theatrical release press events. - 2 or 3 drama CD's. And another CD with the Yoko single, B-side, and a couple of the Parall works exclusive songs. - 2 bigass books with various artwork and whatnot. All of this comes in a huge vinyl LP sized box.
  6. The 3 ep OVA was announced over a month ago, plus, they handled the first season the same way. With that in mind, I like that they took the time to fill in all of the backstory that they did. Especially Kirino's beef with Manami. Still need to watch the new ep of Titan, I've been busy with the Gurren Lagann BD set.
  7. Ideon, Macross, DYRL, all things Itano worked on before.
  8. The final (pre-OVA) ep of Oreimo 2 was 100% delicious backstory and motivation. Now all makes sense, and it's gonna be a long 2 month wait for those final 3 episodes.
  9. To hell with the subs, that freakin' remaster, OMG, the composite quality of the old Manga DVD's is incredibly obvious.
  10. After the whole Rising fiasco , Kojima ain't puttin' up wit' no sh^t.
  11. Here'e something to chew on. Who handled the first digital distribution of Robotech? Give up? It was Manga. Likely as part of a deal to stfu about Plus.
  12. "Yes Please" and also "Snatcher."
  13. Already have the Bandai Visual / Honneamise Honneamise (lol) Blu Ray / DVD combo released domestically a few years ago. But I may pick this up just to support such an awesome license rescue.
  14. Seriously guys, switch over the the Japanese track sometime!
  15. Plus will never get released on bluray in the U.S., not while H.G. is around. As for the SFX, the Manga dub of ep 4 has the wrong SFX track to begin with, so there's no sense in memorizing that.
  16. All I know is that I've got a Gurren Lagann bluray box waiting for me at home today, and it's gonna blow away the DVD's that were released domestically. Totally worgh the import price with all of the extra's.
  17. No, Bandai Visual closed it's U.S. branch because of the higher Japanese price structure. Bandai Entertainment closed because of the shinking market.
  18. ::Quickly skims topic::: What? No one's said it yet?! I just watched the movie edition, and all I can say is "THIS IS ANIMATION."
  19. That wasn't a defect, the dub was never completed.
  20. So far I'm having an absolute ball! Also just started Gargantia, and I'm up to ep 7. Like where it's going so far, though it reminds me a lot of Eureka Seven.
  21. Oh, that's right. This forum has an ignore feature!
  22. What's not to like about Lucky Star? It's fast paced otaku oriented slice of life.
  23. How close to the current manga volume is the snime now (Titan), I get the feeling that has more to do with the pacing than anything.
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