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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Superman killed cities, Kryptonians, and a giant lazer, way too OP to mix with Batman in a live action movie, but that's the same problem DC has always had.
  2. DC is owned by Warner, or at least osely connected. And I think Warner licensed both franchises for potential movies.
  3. Sorry World Events, HG now owns all your Voltron 'cua of a microscopic footnote kn your contract that they stamped on after you signed it. Don't worry, they'll do absolutely nothing productive with it.
  4. They should have had a nuclear Jeager go critical and take out a large populated city mid-fight. "That" would have given a political reason to pull the program.
  5. Pssst, part of that timeframe is for the return trip.
  6. Maybe it's not out yet, but is a trailer for it.
  7. http://www.kizumonogatari-movie.com/
  8. I don't really see this leading to a major influx of robot movies. If it didn't happen after transformers, it probably won't happen now.
  9. The original release was 9 discs, and thks new one will be 5 disc's and remastered a bit. It's this remastering that raises the potential for subs. Besides, show's like Oreimo and Haruhi have already set the precedent for later box releases having subs ghat initial releases didn't.
  10. Kizu was already done as a movie. It hasn't had a home release yet though, but hopefully there will be subs when it does.
  11. Also, prepair to have your mind blown apparently! Optoimus Prime is a Gundam, stick a "V" on him, and he's indistinguishable.
  12. Genshiken 2 along with Nekomonogatari Kuro & Shiro have been keeping me very nicely occupied while waiting for the Oreimo 2 finale. Hell, I think the Monogatari Series is quickly becoming one of my top fave's. Genshiken 2 has been pretty fun so far with it's dominantly female club membership this time around. It's also pretty clear who they're grooming to be the next pres, but I can't wait to see how things turn out regardless. But back to Senjyogahara, man is she really impressing me in the current season. Her whole dynamic with Hanakawa is incredible. As an aside, I'm really not sure how I feel about Gatchaman Crowd's yet. It's definately not what I was expecting so far, not even remotely.
  13. Saw it and enjoyed it as well. It definately could have used a stronger dose of GAR, but I suppose that's just a concept that continues to elude western directors. This movie had a STRONG Robot Jox vibe, I mean really strong. Aside from that, I think I pegged it pretty well with my comparisons to Godannar. My only real gripe was , but aside from that, I wouldn't kick this film off my bluray shelf.
  14. You lost all complaint cred at "dub," especially when that was known long before release.
  15. I hope BV and Big West have started to see tge profit potential of including subs. Unicorn, 2199, AGE, SEED, etc havs all done decent export for them. Plus finally broke the trend on un-subbed Macross releases, so we"ll see.
  16. If you liked Baccano, then you'll definately like Durarara.
  17. "Cat smashingly good."
  18. Since I have no encoding software of any kind, I just used another bluray player. I wonder if there's a way go get Sony to fix the issue on tbeir side.
  19. I personally like SEED and Destiny (in the context of the shoe being aboit a failed attempt to attificially recreste Kira and the Archangel crew) but I like 00 a lot better as a retread. Especially with the whole "evil Amuro" thing going on. And hell, had it not been for tbat terrible movie, I was hoping that the story was leading up to being an official pre-U.C.
  20. Tell that to the handprints on Mimsy's ass.
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