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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Yup, I just watched back through Bakemono to give nyself a refresher for all that's been goung on too, snd it all flows together insanely well.
  2. Clannad was a great show, just make sure to follow through to After Story, and skip the shitty movie verzion.
  3. The first trailer for the Moretsu Piratez movie has already been released. Back to Monogatari though, a beautiful resolution to that problem, but now...
  4. It's called fanservice, and is part of Japanese culture. Anyone that has a problem with it is clearly racist! Also l, can't wait to see that cosplay!!
  5. When I eventually find some ripping software, won't be a bad idea.
  6. I will never get the hang of touch screen keyboards...
  7. If by that yoy mean Diebuster was a freakin' awesome & worthy sequel, then I'll agree.
  8. Actually, those are ptofeszional subs, not fansubs.
  9. All are subbed, and all are professional, though tgere is an occasional typo.
  10. I'd love to do that to, but I think you have to use a special app to make it happen.
  11. Very important ingredient? Nope, just a dead in the water footnote. The whole point is that it completely failed at what HG and the few remaining fans claim it succeeded at.
  12. Damn, I can't wait to see that!
  13. I aimed right for tge new Harubi season, shrugged and was ready to accept "Penguinbear," and a new Durarara was insanely plausable. A special fist shake at the FMP tease, that's just mean!
  14. Undoubtably, no one is talking about this week's episode of Kabukimonogatari because you are awestruck yet again over how such a seamngly simple event of small significance, has again ballooned into gigantic earth shattering proportions. - I love this show. - It's the best thing on tv. - I weap inside because far too few of our species will ever see it. - I still can't track down a copy of Ai wo Utae, frakk it, I might as well just import the CD. Why haven't the Japanese fully embraced amazon's mp3 shop for my convenience? Don't they know!? I can't wait to see how the events of this arc tie in with the clue's laid out in the last.
  15. Now I'm curious.
  16. And what a major twist at the end
  17. Forgot to include pic's earlier. Lock: Home:
  18. I agree, it wouldnhave been a good show, if it hadn't pretended to be a sequel. But as it was, they completely ignored the set canon of the original series, its resolution, the behavior and motivation of the scub coral, the personalities of the charactes that did return, and kinda dances on theboriginal show in general. To put it another way, it's kind of like a cross between Macross II and Megazone 23 Part 3. Wow Meruru cereal, what an awkward cross promotion with the series in it's full context! In otgerbnews, I picked up my first, and pre-ordered my second, Kuroneko figure.
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