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Everything posted by Keith

  1. And at $600, that would cost more than the console and the HDD put together!
  2. Already ordered a 1TB drive for mine, since my PS3 is already at capacity with 500GB
  3. So, who else pre-ordered Full Boost? Gunpla Build Fighters also convinced me to finally pick up Breaker.
  4. Kind of ironic at this point in her career, but she's given us some awesome performances, wo I'll forgive her. I still love the Escaflowne TV & movie theme's she did.
  5. If not for the impending "Darkness," Araragi would be having the time of his life. The onlyvthng that has disappointed me about this arc, is the lack of an Op & theme for Shinobu. I was really looking forward to one.
  6. http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1538245?tags=monogatari_%28series%29 It was a full version when I uploaded it, not sure why the site compressed it down, but whatever. Just click on "view original" from the link.
  7. This weeks ep is actually what I thoght we were going to get last week. I loved the art style used, and it feels incredibly decadent to get these glimpses into Shinobu's past and mentality. With even more teases as to the events of Kizu, I can't wait for them to finish and release it.
  8. Finally finiahed Watamote, and I hope it gets a second series. Even if it doesn't, after the Oreimo rollercoaster, I'm glad to have a nice silly parody series to balance it out.
  9. Funi currently has 2040, and this release is all about the original.
  10. Oh DG, your complete lack oof sense regarding spoilers has solidified my decision to keep you on block!
  11. No, the movie needlessly killed Kodai. It's one true failing. 2199 ended as it should.
  12. Nise is fluff at first glance, but is also full of major plot l, and foreshadows a lot to come. If you're not motivated, at least watck Neko Kuro & Shiro. If that doesn't make you want to watxh everything else, nothing will.
  13. I think they were leaving the possibility open for Now hurry up with the ssequel so I can see a beautiful new update of the Andromeda.
  14. I still think you guys are missing the point of this, but whatever. I've got my $100 pledge in, don't care about the bonus pledge items, and will be part of the vocal Mania.com/aod.com community that asks for the video not to be screwed with. I'm hoping for Hurricanr Live, and Holiday In Bali as extra's. If AD Police make's it, awesme. But I'm pretty sure it and Crash weren't remastered in Japan, so not sure how much point there is in including them.
  15. I think it was directly an "h wait a minute, almost for forgot I could do this."
  16. What a delightful arc setup and tease episode that was. I don't think I've ever been so happy to be strung along with minimal info before. And as usual, watch completely through the credits!
  17. First, Rebuild is a movie series, not an OVA. But that Gurren Lagann box is totally worth it.
  18. I don't suppose this one s being released on the japanese kindle is it?
  19. I'm honestly still not sure about Trigger and Kill la Kill. All the right to alent is there, but something isn't quite clicking. Khara on the other hand is hitting it out of the park. I'vr finally seen 3.33 with subs, and that film is every kind of amazing.
  20. I still enjoyed Stella, it's a solid Gainax b-series, though not as good as Hanamaru or Dantalian.
  21. Evangelion "should" be the next Gainax show to get a full HD remaster for BD. I was actually surprised they skipped to Gurren Lagann. But considering Honneamise, Gunbuster, Nadia, Diebuater, and FLCL have all been done, Eva has to be next. And I will totally import a full TV serires + movies set that mirrors the Gurren Lagann release... maybe a bit smaller...
  22. A pretty good recap ep overall. I actually thought Tsubasa Cat would get its own, but I like how Nise ws rollex up alng with it. But enough of that, I'm ready for the next Shinobu arc, and I hope it ends with a trailer for Nise. At this point, I really hope someone decides to bring the light novels over here.
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