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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I liked Destiny for one simple reason. LUNAMARIA! No eait, that's not it. It eas the "reverse Zeta" that they pulled. I remember many were excited that a new impulsive pilot was finally "sticking it" to Kirs, okly to find out that Kira was still the star of the show, while Shin & crew were Durandul's manufactured imitators. I actually thought that was a pretty good plot twist for a U. C. series, and worked out pretty well. With that said, I thought OO was a much better seties overall, complete with its evil Amuro.
  2. Been sick all weekend, but not too sick to catch up. I even paused on Kaiki's sketches to see if there was a clue about that closet... Such a tease!
  3. That actually would be hilarious.
  4. Likely all the exclusives are timed, and even if they aren't, it's no reason to pass up the core game.
  5. Now for another important topic: WHAT THE HELL IS IN NADEKO'S CLOSET!? My current theory:
  6. As per usual....OOOOOOOHHHHH MMMMYYYYY GGGGOOOOOODDDDD!!! - The intro was AMAZING, TOTALLY WORTH WAITING FOR! - So much info was packed into this episode, I'm still trying to process it all. And of course... KAIKI ACTUALLY WENT And as always, Senjougahara and Kaiki play together perfectly in this arc, but that intro is truly a masterpiece. In closing, YEAH, PEACE PEACE!!
  7. Unicorn. The NT-D system trumps all Newtype use equipment, including the Turn-X.
  8. Dear Tomino, YOU MADE V GUNDAM HAVE YOU WATCHED THAT LATELY? Love, -Keith P. S. "Purupurupurupurupuru."
  9. Also coincidentally rewatching Spice & Wolf.
  10. This is definately another arc that raises the importance of seeing Nise.
  11. His disguise hairstyle was also hilarious, but OMG
  12. You can also enter codes through the mobile app.
  13. Finished Katanagatari, and I highly reccomend it. Nadia also just went up for pre-order on bluray, it's out in March.
  14. Rumor is that it will be either a double length, or 1 1/2 length ep, so it should he worth it.
  15. I'm in the middle of watching Katanagatari, and so far it's full of all the things I love about Monogatari + fuedal Japan.
  16. I fully expect a Kizu release date and trailer at the end of the season
  17. Is this supposed to be a six ep arc?
  18. I thought Hanamono was going to be it's own stand aloje arc next season, or possibly doe similar to Nekomono Black. Since Daisuki put both 20 & 21 up this week, I'm finally wll caught up. Had to cover up while I was tearing up at work watching the Shinobu Time wrap up, followed by far too much chuckling at the latest ep. Ik sure I didn't look insane at all.. My favorite part, I can't wait to see how this arc plays out. Then I want to buy it all on bluray, and watch it again!
  19. So muxh rage over Daisuki not having the new ep up yet. And crunchyroll is several eps behind. O don't ask for much, but I need my freakin Monogatari fix!
  20. I just ordered both versions of Breaker after watching Build Fighters, and playing the Beta. It's a fun mix of Battle & Musou. As for Full Boost, Vs became a seperate arcadey entity when they released Alliance Vs Zaft. I appreciate it for what it is, though I agree, Battle is definately my fave.
  21. I always go hard, "always."
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