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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Yup, proper video + nice packaging was all I really cared about too.
  2. The weird thing is that tge PSP Gundam games have gotten digital releases but no sign odlf any Macross. I wonder what's up.
  3. HD collection comes with a code to download MGS 1.
  4. Oh please HG, try to threaten Disney over this, I want to see them toss you into a legal black hole!
  5. I will say that Satsuki looks damned good wearing
  6. Ordered so fast, I forgot to post about it!
  7. Since the end of Frontier, when I mis-read "Macross 11," snd thought Grace sent Vsjra after the "Macross II" fleet. Between that, and the existence of SDF ships like the Global, I can rationalize the shoes existence somewhat in canon if they wanted to make minor edits.
  8. There have now been 4 Transformers movies (well, in a couole months anyway), just as many Akira live action movie pre-pre-production restarts, and a live action Yamato movie, all since this was announced. Wjat will it take to make people realize it's not gonna happen, Avatar 2 being finished? Hell, we're even getting new Stat Wars movies.
  9. According to thr translation on danbooru it says
  10. Don't look if you haven't seen ep 18 of Kill la Kill. This is probably the funniest thing ever.
  11. At this point, it makes absolutely no difference what happeneod. Either HG shut it down or they didn't. It was an unlicenced fanwork based on a zombified franchise. If money was lost, then it's money that should have either gone into an original work, or licensing. I don't like HG either, but this project was clearly doomed to this outcome from the start.
  12. He's here to infinitely troll, it's what he does, and why I've had his posts on block forever. Back on topic, dat Kill la Kill had so much Go Nagai this week, it was incredible.
  13. That one is our fault, as I remember joking to that effect whwn the PacRim plot was forst announced.
  14. I'm all caught up on Space Brothers, marathoned through the first half of Aquarion Evol, finished AKB0048, am crawling through the early eps of Gatchaman, love what's up so far on Robot Girls Z, etc. Monogatari wrapping up its second season left ke incredibly hunfry for shows. Hell, Oreimo wrapping up didn't help either. Also watching through Arpeggio of Blue Steel, and just finished tge Girls und Pamzer OVA's, Squid Girl Bonus eps, Tine of Eve, and lots of stuff. I'm trying not to get wrapped up in much more, as everything will have to gwt shelved when the Nadia blu-rays come out next month. I'm also glad I held off on re-watching Eureka Seven, since that's also hitting on bluray soon.
  15. Got mine too, and it is quite awesome. Makes me really regret not picking up the Andromeda though, hopefully it won't be too many years before the next version.
  16. Robot Girls Z is officially the new hotness. Who would have thought a moe interpretation of Go Nagai would work so well.
  17. Lupan / Dirty Pair styled comedy/action. If you dig that, then there's nothing not to like about Space Dandy.
  18. Isn't it pre-assembled? BTW, cancelled my Starblazers version, and ordered a proper Yamato version of the GX-64.
  19. I thought seeing Kirara without her pink wig and in plain clothes solidified het Meer-ness.
  20. Yeah, but the new BSG wasn't any more original than Frontier, so that shouldn't count either...
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