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Everything posted by Keith

  1. For those interested I took a look at Funi's release of the live action Yamato movie. The original Japanese credits are intact, and strangely enough, an English dub was made, despite rumors of Kodai's actor having a contract barring that.
  2. It could be a nice inbetween adventure about seeking more lost Iscandar tech.
  3. All you need are teo turntables. Place the bluray on the first, or "primary" turntable. Yhen place tge dvd that you want to tale the audio from on the second, or "secondary" turntable. You may hsve to adjust the RPM's, as the sampling rate on both are going to be slightly different, but once you get that done, you should be fine. I reccomend starting with 45 RPM's.
  4. Madoka Magika Rebelliin is AMAZING!
  5. It was more the "You wished for this" copout that bugged me. Definitely a spastic story!
  6. Watched the end of Samurai Flamenco... What a wierd ride that was.
  7. OMG, That remaster is beautiful.
  8. Nadia wasn't Gainax's fault, NHK demande a longer run, and Anno told them to get bent, and walked out. Medaka Box wasn't finished yet, so instead of writing an anike verion ending, they decided to stop snd wait for the light novels to finish. But if you think yhat character hafn't been seen before, then you weren't paying attention to the backstory.
  9. I'm currently all caught up on Space Brothers, but notice no new episodes are currently listed. Is the season over? And if so, when is the next season?
  10. Just watched the Kill la Kill finale. Honestly, I'm not sure if this series was trying be Gurren Lagann, or a Go Nagai show, but all in all I enjoyed it. Not nearly as original as most Gainax efforts, and definatrly not at Gurren Lagann or Gunbusters level, but I like where Trigger is going. I also checked out Little Eitch Acadenia, which shows a lot more promise from Trigger. Beautiful animation, and a fun stody, I can't wait til they finish the second ep.
  11. Robot Girls Z is over, it was just the 9 shorts (3 episodes).
  12. Well known, wxcept to those who only watch dubbed anime on tv.
  13. I didn't even notice the rack, coyldn't get past the butterface. I wonder if you can stick Briareos's helmet on her..
  14. Wow she looks terrible. Please tell me tge movie design doesn't look like that.
  15. Get to it! In hindsight, I somehoe completely missed that this was an Aramaki film until I was watching it. Not sure how I managed to miss that fact until reading his credit, but oh well.
  16. I just picked up and watched the official HK bluray, since it was released with subs. This was a surprisingly good take on Harlock far better than Endless Odyssey and Harlock Saga. Mind you, the same fundamental Hatlock tale is told here, but it manages to be just different enough to be fresh. No, this isn't up to snuff with Arcadia of My Youth, but then, I don't think anyone expects it to be. What it is though, is the best Harlock we've gotten in quite a while, and easily better than the live action Yamato movie (which I also liked) though nowhere near the level of 2199. High points include the way Yatteran and Kei steal the show, in propper fashion of their characters, as well as the beautiful cg throughout. Low points include the way Tochiro is almost completely ignored, a slightly ambiguous ending, and the fact that Mimay has a moutb for sone reason! I haven't heard a lot of talk about this film, but it's totally worth checkong out. It's not the best Harlock, but it's still some pretty damn good Harlock.
  17. And again, why not hljust do that to begin with. Worst publicity stunt ever.
  18. Nadia + BD = OMFG YES!!!!
  19. I was walking through the parking lot at my work today to go get lunch, wearing my MW VF-1A on launch arm shirt, when someone walking buy says "Nice shirt." I look, and see that he's wearing a Macross line art with SDF-1 written on it shirt, lol.
  20. Rightstuf always ships as soon as they have stock.
  21. Yup, it's a oretty nice set, and how I'm currently watching.
  22. Started the first 4 eps of Psycho-Pass... wow!
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