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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Prediction: Original series crap murky mono from the ADV release + crap redone SFX from Robotech Remastered release + Robotech Remastered crap Ops & Ends, for the ultimate "Do Not Want" box set.
  2. I adapt & learn surprisingly quick!
  3. Bioshock Infinite, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, XCOM Enemy Within DLC, a couple uncredited odds & ends, and most recently COD Ghosts MP. All QA Btw.
  4. Before 2K moved to Vegas, I left and went to Infinity Ward.
  5. Exactly, which is why I still propose that those of us with a few bucks to burn support this on the merrit of watching the comedy ensue during production, take bets on when it will actually come out, and marvel at jow the few remaining fans swear that it's the greatest thing ever. It's kinda like a reality show... Sadly, only in name.
  6. Sh!t cobbled together, I think Yune designed it with the Kingdom Hearts Gummi-Ship creator.
  7. Inferno Cop! Why has no one mentioned this series here, and go watch it right now!! Inferno Cop! Why has no one mentioned this series here, and go watch it right now!!
  8. I'd love to see a project greenlight style documentary, chronicling blunder after blunder. That in itself would justify the target budget. Also, pledges should comw with a code to reinstate robotech.com forum accounts, so I can gloat about how I've saved robotech to banky & crew.
  9. Xenogears? Maybe, I was thinking more Megazone 23 Part II, but potato potahto. As for Ena, I got the impression it was the remote portions of Guana, sometimes tentacles, sometimes... Well you know.
  10. You guys will see! When I'm mysteriousky watching my Shadow Chronicles rehashed into a single episode that will only ever be released to us donors, you're gonna be so jealous! Of course by jealous, I mean shaking your heads wondering why I'd waste the time & money.
  11. Well, the point is that you shouldn't have to clear your cookies, the drop down should aways be there.
  12. Came up fine in the search on the PS4 app. Watched and enjoyed the first season yesturday, can't wait for the second. Did anyone else get a najor Megazone 23 Part 2 / Ergo Proxy vibe?
  13. Since Shadow Chronicles came out, we've had: -4 Transformers movies. -2 Frontier Movies. -Pacific Rim. -8 major Marvel Movies. -5 minutes of newish footage in a Love Live Alive mangle.
  14. Come on, we should all do it. Jusy imagine the look on the faces of the 5 remaining robotech fans, when they rralize we funded their sequel episode that will go nowhere. And then laugh as we watch the next full Macross series.
  15. Watched all of Knights of Sidonia today, very Megazone 23/Gunbuster/Ergo Proxy like, can't wait for the second season. Argenvollen ep 1 was fun too, can't wait to see where that goes.
  16. When I have a copy of the pilot to go on my shelf next to The Shadow Chronicles, The Sentinels, & Codename Robotech, we'll see who's laughing... Also, I really shouldn't make these decisions drunk...
  17. Screw it, I'm in. I'm backing this trainwreck because I want to watch the world burn!
  18. Macross II: The Movie: http://youtu.be/4KeeCcAzCEA
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