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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I can see Teresa convincing the Yamato of the huge threat Gatlantis presents, and possibly repairing the WMG on Telezart.
  2. Still waiting for Crunchyroll... Platinum Spice:
  3. I've caught up with the current chapter of the Space Brothers manga, and have the waiting for more manga & anime blues. Unfortunately, what'a out would probably only fill about 15 or so episodes.
  4. I just can't wait for more period, as Monogatari is the greatest thing that ever was or will be.
  5. Never sell anything you don't want to sell, and relarely purchase something while worrying about its rersale value years later. Aside from that, I say go for the Japanese blurays, they are awesome.
  6. The standard version doesn't have the bonus disc with the pachinko footage.
  7. Glad I got my initial release, beautiful box sets for both halves.
  8. That actually ended a lot simpler than I thought it would. I wknder if someone actually did get fired this time!
  9. 300,000 in 9 days? Have the delusionals started writing Toby Mcguire to front the rest yet?
  10. http://rpg-home.lunar-net.com/lunarweb/lunar2mcd/bosses/omni_zophar.gif
  11. Also has the remaster trailers.
  12. Ai wo Utae (Nekokonogatari Shiro / Kabukimonogatari end theme), of course it is also mh ringtone...
  13. Protodevilin were far superior to each and every Sentinels shenanigan.
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