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Everything posted by Keith

  1. ME!ME!ME! featdaoko' by Teddyloid [+18 NSFW]: http://youtu.be/Byat1q09mpM NSFW, but Hideaki Anno / Studio Khara, and incredible. Currently searching for a way to buy this!
  2. Yup, and I can't wait to see him take EVERYTHING back...
  3. I know there's a Japanesr & European BD release soon, but not sure if it's rrlated.
  4. Voyager discs weren't significantly cheaper. Also, you can't afford NOT to buy it!
  6. You're walking into a very obvious minefield. Sure you don't want to take back your question?
  7. The real question is, where is artdink's next Macross or Gundam game, Macross 30 was fun, but too much story, and not enough of what makes their games great.
  8. I like SAO, it's pretty fun most of the time, when it:s not dark and rapey...
  9. I swore I was done with these figures after Nimi, but sure enough I have Floght Suit Yuki & Yurisha on order...
  10. Don't care, want it anyway, it couldn't possibly be worse than the SEED or SEED DESTINY movies.
  11. Downloaded Dengeki Bunko Fighting Clinax. Mow I want an Oreimo fihhting game sooi bad!
  12. Why wouldn't you power watch? The whole seties is out, just import the rest.
  13. In case it hasn't been said, this show is f^ckon' magic.
  14. I take it as this. I like fanservice, I like mecha, and I like tongue in cheek Foxy Brown styled action drama's. The next ep previews show they are 100% just making what they're they're making. As for the examinatuon scene at the end of the first ep, that was a totally in story with what was going on.
  15. I disagree, it works on every level.
  16. The second Valvrave op was better, but everyyhing else Valvrave is 100 times worse.
  17. I don't know what you guys are talking about, Cross Ange is incredible for every reason why! Also loving Parasyte, though I hope it raises Aya Hirano's popularity back high enough to get us some more Haruhi.
  18. We still doin' this?
  19. I'm still not sure how I felt about Samurai Flamenco. Without spoilers I'll just say don't get comfortable with anything, ever.
  20. BV handles the Japanese relesse. Voysger is an HG styled zombie company.
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