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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Yup, Akame ga Kill fell flat on its ass. I wonder if it'd be too much to aso, to try and get the Manga writers to give anime original scenario's in these situations.
  2. Looks like Mari Iijima's rabbit just died, may want to pass alomg condolences through the usual social media channels.
  3. Nope, it'd have to take place off earth to be canon.
  4. Yup, I was satisfied.
  5. Well, I dkn't know how successful 2199 has been, but I'm pretty sure we'rr safe. Many soundtracks, tons of merch, a full series that was 2 episodes longer than the standard 2 cour runs shows get these days, a tv run, a compilation film, and this new film.
  6. Yup, though Neko Kuro takes place immediately before Bakemono.
  7. Bakemonogatati, Nisemonogatari, Nekomogatari Kuro, Nekomonogatari Shiro, Kabukimomogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari, Koimonogqtari, Hanamonogatari, and in a month Tsukimonogatari.Seriously though, aside from the above series, try easing back in with Yamato 2199, and Space Brothers. Knights of Sidonia, Psycho-Pass, & Kill la Kill are all easilu Netflixable, but you should check out Crunchyroll, even if just the free version of the service.
  8. Any word on the bluźray street date? Prettu sure I need this movie to live. Shame about the no hints about a sequal. I wad hoping that dince Hijikata popped up again, we might get some underconstruction Andromeda teases.
  9. Major Chaika story payoff this week. So good.
  10. Works out for me, since I just ordered all 7 seasons of ST:TNG on bluray during black friday sales
  11. I'm so glad I finished up through 6 last night, talk about a close call.
  12. Call me crazy, but I don't like the Figuarts at all. Face sculpt is off, breast are shaped like implants, and she has no ass. The Megahouse proportions may be exhagurated, but they look a lot more natural.
  13. Yup, sh!t just got real.
  14. I'd say it was more like a Space Brothers styled series, about anime production.
  15. Just watched Journey To Remember, not nearly as bad of a clip film as people said.
  16. Inou Battle was epic.
  17. I'm thinking a probably implemented version of II's enemy Emulators, i.e. an enemy that sings and wins over the percieved "good guys."
  18. The incest conedy in anime isn't even remotely new. Remember Mackey?
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