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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I find your lack of talking about KanÇolle now disturbing.
  2. Keep trolling, and you'll go on block with DG99
  3. I'm gonna say get over it. I take bigger issue with Chinese & Korean people being cast as Japaneze characters (Looking at you Memoirs of a Geisha) than this.
  4. Good call, addimg that to my hulu queue, as it's suspiciously abscent from netflix. As for Enterprise, I'll stick through to the end, but man, that slow 3rd season...
  5. I'm watching through Enterpise for the first time (currently on season 3, drudging through the Xindi expanse episodes. I love fanservice as much, if not more than the next guy, but wow. I'm seriousky amazed at how much the series relies on tits, and sheer zhirts with visible nip for a Star Trek show. Who knew Vulcans loved being topless and massqged with oil so much? It's not like ST was ever a stranger to sex, but Enterprise seems to be crutching on it, though it may just be because it takes place in an era without bra's.
  6. I actually think Aldnoah is probably [spoilers]nanomachine based, given what just happened. Inaho & the princess on the other hand were just wearing plot armor. We still don't really know the level of Vers medical science, and she could well be a vegetable, but we'll see. I will at the very least buy that Inaho guaged the trajectory of the bullet, and adjusted his head accordingly to insure minimal brain damage. Plus, Big Boss did it.
  7. -JJ is currently building a new space station to surpass the original. -Sphinx is done, with all personel retaking OSI. -Dean went super emo after Trina moved and got a boyfriend, then found out he was a clone and officially gives zero frakks. -Sgt Hatred is still living at the venture compiund. -Molotov Cocktese uber broke Brocks heart by running off with Monstroso. -Dr Mrs The Monarchs Wife has been scouted for a lead position at the Guild. -Tim Tom & Kevin are probably dead after a failed coup. -Agent 21 is back with The Monarch after failing to rin Sphinx solo. -The Monarch ris starting to remember that Rusty was actually a childhood friend. -Rusty still hasen't figured out how Jonas died. -Hunter Gatherers is now the head of the OSI with Brock in tow. -Hank is coping with everything in stride, and slept with Dermits mon. -Dermit is actually another one of Rusty's kids, and the only non-clone. I honestly don't know how many seasons they intend to go, especially with the short 10 eps of this last one, and the long gaps between. Something seems to be buolding up, and Jonas still seems to be at the center. I just hope Dean gets a girlfriend soon, he's taken on q ton of crap the last couple seasons.
  8. Wait, who didn't like Knights of Sidonia? Reminded me of a fleshed out (see what I did there) Megazone 23 Part 2.
  9. Nope, that was live action Gall Force, wasy mistake to make though
  10. There's also the official HK release of 3.33 on BD with English subs. Also, why not just restart the sub version of anything you haven't finished, problem solved.
  11. Clue #1: Any use of Macross designs would summon Thor down from Asgard to slam dowm Mjor on HG & WB for the grandest litigation the universe has ever known.
  12. I see Cross Ange finishing like an ecchi version of Scrapped Princess, so we'll see.
  13. All caught up on Cross Ange again, damn this show is way better than it should be.
  14. Denki-Gai is pretyy fun, but not as deep as Genshiken.
  15. Yup, thoughr it was fun so far. And dat blonde wig & dress!
  16. Yup, Shiro Bako is holding incredibly strong. I hope they include a version of Kawamori when they start designing the fighters.
  17. I'll wait for an official stream / license.
  18. Don't waste time with Valvrave, it's full of sad and fail.
  19. You really don't seem to be getting this.
  20. I was fine with Scarjo playing Tetsuo in Akira ķzee what I did there?), and I'm fine with this too.
  21. Is anyone legit streaming Amagi? I'll be damned if I've been able to find it.
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