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Everything posted by Keith

  1. And, I thonk it says the box version comes with a digipack to hold the series. http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00SH08DWM?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
  2. Has anyone else been reading the Space Brothers manga while the series is on hiatus? If so, such an epic freakin' tease at the start of chapter 243.... Love this series though.
  3. It's thinking like that, that gave birth to the abomination that is fanfiction in the first place.
  4. WTF, Army of Darkness Vs Xena? It even makes Xena's head hurt.
  5. Wow, and don't forget the epilogue on adultswim.com
  6. Next Time: Robotech x My Little Pony - Zor Is Magic! "In this series, the SDF-1 interdimensionally folds to Equestria, and everyone aboard turns into a pony. All Battloid Veritechs have four legs, and wackyness ensues when the Zentreadi follow!" I f¥cking dare you Yune!
  7. Dirty Pair is classic, make sure you watch everything, and then watch Crusher Joe.
  8. Usenet alt.fan.macross completely died.
  9. He sold out, it used to be about the music...
  10. Yes, and also, Event Horizon works as a spiritual suscessor.
  11. That one, and typo in my post.
  12. Nah, ever since they showed the denon Demon chick, it was obvious he was a smalltime pawn.
  13. Nope, Ange is a work of genius that just initially appeared to be a train wreck, you'll see.
  14. Eww, Rhona Mitra has a mannish face, and fake lookin' tits, no thank you.
  15. Actually, I'd bet that GitS is much better known by non-anime fans than Appleseed will ever be. The Matrix borrowing the opening cypher style scroll from the first movie alone probably puts it in a higher awareness than Akira. Stand Alone Complex running on CN is another big factor.
  16. Yup, polar opposite of Valvrave.
  17. Yup, it's definately nore Strike Witches than Arpeggio or Girlz Und Pandzer, but I'm cool with it.
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