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Everything posted by Keith

  1. All I know is that Anno has been itching to have Kamen Rider "Rider Kick" kaiju since Gunbuster, he'll find a way.
  2. Rider Kick. Except it's Hideaki Anno, which means that it will inherently be epically amazing & kibd blowing.
  3. That's just crazy awesome. I bet the box yells "OPEN GET" when opened.
  4. Not yet, though Mark Hammil has come out and said he would not accept the role if offererd (I guess because they both played The Joker?)
  5. I just want them to release a soundtrack with their cover of "TV Party."
  6. Why is it "loading up on stereotypes" or "another box to check" if it's a female led series or includes some kind of diversiry? You do realize that implied inverse of that is that a non-diverse male led series is somehow a "norm" being diverted from. Just sayin'.
  7. Fun star wars things happened: - Saw Boba Fett get out of the Sarlacc pit. - Got to meet Sand People & learn more about them than just yelling, sabotaging races & rapimg Smee to death. - Grogu got to train a bit with Luke. - Luke started down his bad teacher path. - Grevius Chef droid attack. - Rankor rampage. - Pimped out Naboo starfighter. - The Armorer is still kickin' & staunchly upholding "The Way." - Bib Fortuna is finally dead. I'd call this show a success.
  8. Haven't seen this mentioned, but this movie establishes that the entire coming of gozer in both films could have been stopped by opening ghost traps under Dana & Luis after they were possessed.
  9. This is possibly the best case scenario, B5 will now assuredly be saved from the stank of CW millenial soap opera syndrom.
  10. Just picked up the blu-ray. I will say that this movie was insanely fun, equal parts Goonies as it is Ghostbusters. It's pretty clear to me now as I suspected that it takes up after only the first film, with the only thing even remotely hinting of Ghostbusters 2 being Ray's Occult Shop. For some reason I was also reminded a biy of "The Real Ghostbusters", buy maybe that's just becauae of the gunner seat. But who knows, maybe Sony will opt for a Ghostbusters multiverse. Despite all the panning I really liked the 2016 remake.
  11. To understand all you have to do is pay attention & watch. Or you know, if you happen to notice subtle differences in the mytholofy of Evangelion vs the mythology of Christianity. Tiny little "nearlu" insignificant things like alien supee science used to colonize space, then userped by one said colony (Earth) in a of events to steer Evolution (Seele) and undo a perceived rejection (Gendo). But then it's a double edged sword to claim it not being wise to speak of absolutes when trying to claim an absolute.
  12. Yup, zero actual christianity in Evangelion, if you want to understand the story better watch the earlier series "Nadua: The Secret Of Blue Water."
  13. Even though he's trying to do it bloofless Boba Fett is still running a syndicate. Running to the local authorities is the right way to make sure no one ever does business with him. Beside's, if the Republic was capablr of taking down the Pike's, they would be gone already. I'm not sure how far their expanse was under The Empire, but with Crimson Dawn seemingly gone & The Hutts dropping, they don't seem to have much competition.
  14. I can see being wary of teaching an impulsive student. The fact does remain that straddling the line is still dangerous. Through out only Ventress & Ray (despite their alliegences) have successfully crossed between light & dark because of their zero cares for sides.
  15. Exosquad is ripe with possibilities, the main story ended & left the door wide open for a new conflict. Hell, I"d even take a reboot of "Bucky O'Hare.'
  16. A Live action Bionix Six would be at heavy risk of litigation for the already "borrowwd" 6 Million Dollar Man & Bionic Woman designs.
  17. Seriously though, they should just re-title the show "The Mandalorian Gaiden: The Book Of Boba Fett." I can remember a time being pissed that Disney un-ceremoniously canceled "The Clone Wara" off of CN after they bought up the franchise, but so much of that is paying off now. I know some may be mad that Boba has been sidelined, but things are shaping up to be as rewarding as Maul & Obi-Wan's last duel in Rebels. As for 'the choice" Lastly
  18. I kinda don't even want to know how they'd trimmed it down.
  19. I'm hoping all tracks hit digital.
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