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Everything posted by Keith

  1. It could be a whole big Dirac Sea re-enactment.
  2. To be fair, the dubs have been crap. Considering he spent a huge chunk to buy the tv series rights from Gainax (Eva now belongs to Khara), i'd be hard pressed to side with anyone claiming that he trolls the fanbase. As for 3.33, actually sit and watch it again without kneejerk reactions to the differences. What actually is different is small, with the changes holding relevence that won't be known 'til 4.0. Aside from an early aggression from Gendo (a big move yes), just about everything else parallels with the series - Everyone hating Shinji. - Misato and Ritsuko moving against Gendo. - Rei III. - Kowaru.
  3. 4.0 will maybe be out someday Anno is draggin' his feet.
  4. Won't happen at all, not sure why you guys are still falling for this stuff.
  5. Do you know how mad their moms would be?
  6. Not yet, but all of Diiscotek's releases have been reasonable.
  7. I think this actually gives the hackers legal owners of the Robotech Franchise. All hail the new license holders, "Hacker Guild."
  8. They touched on that a bit already with the double agent luring out cells for the empire.
  9. A rep just posted over at the mania.com forums, look like we can wxpect a late July / August release.
  10. Sure glad I got permabanned YEARS ago! Hell, years before the last hack
  11. I'm gonna call it now. It's the only way the circle can be conplete.
  12. Nope, as Lucas had at least some direct involvement with the animated shows. But this argument is moot. Anyone who cries out "why does this contradict what I read in so & so novel / comic" are who I'm directong the licensed fanfiction comments to. If you still want to argue about it, then you obviously aren't paying attention.
  13. Don't recall the wxact dates, but I did flip past a couple eps while waiting for the DVD"s.
  14. Yup, only the films, Clone Wars, and the current Rebels series are canon.
  15. When Imagineasuan (was a badic cable channel) licensed it a fee years ago, they also broadcaat it, subtitled.
  16. Which begs the question, would any Sith actually worship Vader? On one hand, I kind of get the impression Palpatine never came out and said he was a Sith, wouldn't make sense since most non-force userrs would have zero distinction between what the two were anyway, and it would have undermined his taking out the Jedi in the first place. That leaves any future darkside force users to place Vader as an iconic super-Sith who single handedly brought down all the Jedi, with no clue of what his final acts were.
  18. The first ep of Triggers "Ninja Slayer" is up, and it's AMAZING! A new successor to Inferno Cop is born.
  19. Novels were always licensed fanfiction, always will be.
  20. so this starts when?
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