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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I'm still torn on Crusade, so much awesome potential lined up for a senseless slaughter. TNT should have been ashamed of themselves. Also, I enjoyed Lost Tales for what it was, but refuse to watch Legend of the Rangers.
  2. Start with the movie "The Gathering." And don't expect a whole lot to start making sense until mid season 2.
  3. Finally up for pre-order! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-011718&page=top
  4. Last Starfighter & Babylon 5, top contenders for needing redone CGI to fix them up and make them HD presentable.
  5. Steam! Alex had no special powers, wasn't born into responsability, didn't really have a mentor, and aside from Grwg, didn't have anyone specially looking out for him. Alex used 100% hard work and guts!
  6. Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure.
  7. Did anyone else pick up the definative edition BD set? As cheese as the show was, I still love the lightbulb headed base commanders, centurian costumes, and Jayne Seymour with no bra. The I've only rewatched the pilot, but the remaster is great. There are two versions, regular (widescreen crop of Galactica & 1980] and Definative ķ widescreen + fullscreen versions of both series + movie). If you pick it up, go for the definative, two defferent groups worked on the remasters, with the widescreen crop coming out way over processed, and the fullscreen looking very cleam & pretty (still plenty of grain, defects, and effects problems, but vastly superior).
  8. Bomba?!
  9. They're missing out on a huge opportunity by ignorring the Wuzzles. They're two types of fun, wrapped up and rolled into one. I also wonder why no one ever talks about Studio Ghibli's remake of The Littles.
  10. With who? There was only Hawkeye's wife and Black Widow. Chances are Hawkeye got some, but I'm not dure who else you're expecting to get busy.
  11. There's still hope that the Rainbow Bright movie will be true to its source.
  12. Something tells me that this was all a brilliant scheme to kill that dead horse of a forum.
  13. lol, even that got made, and still no Robotech movie.
  14. SHIELD fell, Hydra was around screwing with alien technology, much explanatiom do you need? And as for the second "done," that seemed to have a lot more to do with being an Avenger than being Iron Man.
  15. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00J8LXD56/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1431067946&sr=8-1π=AC_SY200_QL40&keywords=assault+on+arkham+blu+ray&dpPl=1&dpID=61aQTHflSYL&ref=plSrch
  16. What's tge mystery? He just lost his house and suits, not his money and blue-prints. Looks like he fully moved into Avengers tower, built more suits, and whatnot. Likely the fall of SHIELD would be enough to make him actually wsnt to suit up again. His heart being fixed isn't a factor in being Iron Man, he perfected Arc Reactor texh in Iron Man 2.
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