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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The Saturn actually did great in Japan, it was the U.S. treatment of the Saturn, its abrupt death to shoe in the Dreamcast, and the international flop of the Dreamcast due to Sega dropping the ball one too many times (stopping support of the Sega CD, 32X, & Saturn was just too much).
  2. You guys do realize xenogears is already in the process of being renewed? Mind you Xenosaga part 1 is an early prequel/remake, but the series will continue on through & past the events of Xenogears (again, be it revised or otherwise). Of course I hate the design style change for Xenosaga part 2, what the hell were they thinking? Though now that I see these FFVII-2 designs, they the Xenosaga prt2 ones don't look so bad.
  3. DYRL was officially acknowledged as a movie within the continuity by Studio Nue in 1987 when Flash Back 2012 came out (3 years later, not 10), though there was no official continuity released until 1993-4. Besides which, who are you or anyone else to say what was specifically intended for the film? As for the Zentradi taking offense, why would they? They did kill the almost entire population of Earth, they would have attacked irregardless of whether the Macross fired first or not, and they're actually portrayed a little more innocently in the movie than they were in the TV series.
  4. What are you, some kinda fascist? How could you not want to watch the intro & ending????
  5. Screw that, let's hope someone releases the 2 series unmeshed together, mayhaps in a couple HK DVD box sets once they come out on R2 DVD.
  6. More immersive to deal with bad acting & vastly off translations? No thank you!
  7. Who the hell listens to dubs anyway? More ppl then you can imagine. More ppl enjoy watching something dubbed then watching it subbed.... and you know that very well. And such people obvoiusly don't care what crap voices they're listening to anyway.
  8. Who the hell listens to dubs anyway?
  9. Admittedly, I never saw the arcade version, or even the DC version of Federation Vs Zeon, but what the hell is wrong with the PS2 version? I finally found a copy at ebworld brand new last month for $19.99, so I snagged it. Personally, I think it's a beautiful game, the renders are nice, (much more so than J to J), the control is great (I'm even getting used to the space batttles, though I've yet to get a newtype rank over D...), and the MS selection is increidble. Just how much better did the other incarnations look?
  10. How is ADV releasing it any worse than Streamline?
  11. i don't know, I was majorly dissapointed by Journey to Jaburo. I think I'll hang on until Aeug VS Titans.
  12. Woah, wait a minute there, everybody will love Mahoromatic, EVERYBODY DAMNIT!!! And seriously guys, DYRL is way more accessable than Macross Plus, let's not even start there. BTW, the next one who calls Plus the "Top Gun" of anime will go immediately to my crap-list, not a fun place to be. If by that you mean it's a cheesey 80's piece of fluff, with that stupid midget Tom Cruise, I don't know how you could possibly mistake Macross Plus for top gun. There's way too much plot in Plus to ever compare it to top gun. One last thing, ADV finally licensed all 3 parts to Megazone 23, so we'll finally get to see a decently subtitled set. Maybe if we're lucky, there will even be a soundtrack included.
  13. HG is indeed impeding "all" Macross releases in the U.S. Sure they'll claim to "help" any release, be it for a hefty sum. They're trying to take a piece of a pie which they don't own. For more, see the HG licensing debate topic. One more note though, You'll notice Tokyopop has removed all mention of licensing 7 Trash! Second thing, I personally don't have a broadband modem, don't have a DVD burner, don't have software to encode files to MPEG-1 to make VCD's, and would much rather have a physical represnetation that I can easily use with my DVD player than a file which I'd have to spend multiple hours downloading just to hope I have the correct codec for it. And I do pick up all licensed releases of shows I pick up HK's for, unless of course it's a majorly botched release like the dub only Star Blazers.
  14. DYRL has no plot holes, it's just a trimmed down version of the story. Compare it with any given hollywood movie of equal length!
  15. Don't be a chickenshit, show DYRL. You don't need precognative knowledge to see it, that's why it was made. Escaflowne, same as DYRL Galaxy Express 999: Simply awesome. Giant Robo: Absolutely no way in hell you can miss. Record of Lodoss War OVA: With the current LotR hubbub, it's easily accessable. Castle in the Sky Please Save My Earth
  16. ....Where the hell have you been? You're waiting for Viz??????????? You might as well just give up any hope of seeing the movies on DVD if you're waiting for Viz. Bah! If you've got a region switchable player, head on down to DVDasian.com & pick up both movies right now (the first movie is encoded to R3, Adeiu is all region). English subtitles, Japanese audio, all the extra's you could hope for on such a release, etc. In short, simply perfect! If you don't have a region switchable player, then head on to animeniacs.org, and pick up the HK DVD's of the GE:999 movies (subtitles aren't as good as the R3 releases, but they ripped everything else). They also have the first 2 volumes of GE:999 TV (great subtitles), and all 3 seasons of Space Cruiser Yamato (great subtitles). Then maybe you'll see what a good story the Bolar Wars was.
  17. DVD release? Not terribly likely, hell, I'd be surprised if a full set of the show still exists anywhere at universal. All this talk of late 80's, early 90's cartoons has been drudging up memories though. Does anyone remember Bucky O'Hare. I remember the show itself as being pretty cheesey, but it had a catchy theme song.
  18. End of next year? Not likely, since the first half of next year will have Zeta's box & invididual disc releases, while Seed & the craptastical U.S. SD Gundam will own the second half of next year. I wouldn't expect ZZ for at least 2 years. With that said, if you're going to pick up ZZ, also pick up Victory just so you know Tomino hasn't lost his mind. Mind you he wasn't fully in charge of the first 20 episodes of ZZ, they none the less reflect someone's insanity at Bandai. Luckily the second half was saved.
  19. Nope, DVD isn't out until next month, so not even I have seen it yet! BTW, you never did answer me on what you thought about GE:999
  20. There was no comfirmation that the Macross was actually the Alus, or that the Alus even existed. Any way you cut it, in the TV series continuity it's a Supervision Army ship, and in the DYRL continuity, it's a Meltrandi gunship. As per usual, the Macross II writers were on crack.
  21. Guess that means Victory still wins the episode count wars, ha!
  22. The MI DVD set is great. There's only 1 episode with bad subtitles (episode 16), but the rest are fine. As usual, check out animeniacs.org
  23. Roy's heat shield was only gold as the light reflected off it just right, Max assumedly uses a similar dark reflective color in his blue heat shield.
  24. While I absolutely hate the Aeon flux character design style, it was pretty toned down & tame in Phantom 2040. The show itself was pretty good though. Maybe I'm one of the few who did manage to actually catch the whole thing (right to & past him finally finding his father, and discovering the true nature behind the major accident that had occurred), but I definately liked it.
  25. Ah, but there were indeed kids, or did you forget about the Exo-Scouts episode? I'll agree, the show was for the most part cool, but got way too weak at the end. Neo-Lords, & other assorted varients went against the purpose of the Neo-Sapian revolt (i.e. not to be used as tools). Super plant powers...:::shudders::: what the hell was up with that? Was it a necessary plot element? Did it serve any true purpose other than to telekinetically stop Phaton from pushing a button? Phaton clones, bah! Dark Matter, all it served to do was lead to a canceled plot about aliens coming to look for the humans who stole & used their precious resource....sounds painfully familiar! As it stands, there would have never been a robotech crossover, it was just for the toyline.
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