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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Basara & Ray had a little something called "mannerisms." Just because you come off as a fruit doesn't mean you have to go around leather chaps to be 'battin' for the other team.' Oh come on now, nobody ever wore leather chaps. Basara never showed any romantic affection for anyone except Sivil, end of story. That doesn't make him gay, that makes him an alien lover.
  2. Basara & Ray had a little something called "manners." Just because you're a rockstar doesn't mean you have to bang every chick that comes on to you, and it sure as hell doesn't make you gay if you don't.
  3. Ray wasn't gay, he was all over Akiko when the scene switched to Max & Milia's conversation in "Individual Farewells."
  4. That was a bit more than just tentacle extensions But I definately agree.
  5. I think everybody's way too hard on the movie. No it's not as deep as the manga, but it's still a bitchin' movie.
  6. If I'm going to pick up any cheesey sci-fi series next week, it'll be Southern Cross.
  7. Check out the episode where Kinryu dies (& it has the beloved Speaker Pod Gamma), I think it was Deathmatch At Planet Lux. You get some decent full body shots in that episode, be it with the very "roomy" chest armor. Far too roomy for any male. The outfit, legs, ass, chest armor, everything about the design "before" joining with the full Evil body says "female." I don't doubt at all that Gepelnitch is male, but Ivano Gunther absolutely has to be female. Given the way the Protodevilin can freely join with a body, as well as the fact that any prolonged possession leads to a perminent link with the body, all adds up to the high probability of a gender mesh.
  8. I dissagree. I think Ivano Gunther was female, while Gepelnitch was male. The meshing of the two bodies together resulted in the final form being male. Look at the bodies before self Spiritia generation & after. Before (obviously had tits, I'm sorry, but she did), and after she/he didn't.
  9. "Except," that the Haro Camille found has 10 year old circuitry, which adds to the mystery that it may be the "true" Haro. As for how he would end up on the moon? It's possible that the cleanup on Aboa Qu led to dumping waste on the moon.
  10. Is this an OVA or TV series? Have there been any HK DVD's yet??
  11. There's no reason why both versions of the OT shouldn't be included. Either through branching, or seperate disc's (anything but double sided!), they should absolutely be there. I'd also love it if we could get a bit of an epilogue with the orignal cast (obviously post Jedi), be ti for only 10 minutes, half hour, whatever, to see what happened in the ST universe after Jedi. As for the box set itself, I'm hoping for a stylized square box, with a flip open lid in the front of Vader's helment. Inside, have each and every spine a different light saber color using a holographic shiny effect.
  12. Nope, 10, she was born in 1993
  13. I don't see how you could possably like the designs & part III over part II. Mind you part II's designs were "different," part III's designs were just plain crap, in a sad attempt to low budgetly mesh the first two design styles together. For the record my views: -Part I Great -Part II: Excellent -Part III: Macross II
  14. Let's forget all this nonsense, and remember Kawarmori the Gundam fan.....ahhhh much better. To be fair, I did give harry potter a chance, sat through the sorcerers stone, and found it boring & super weak. If only all movies ended with the "hero" falling a sleep & spontaniously beating their enemies!
  15. That's encouraging to hear!! I am currently in the middle of rewatching my Mac7 Fx discs and I don't notice any compressions problems whatsoever. Those dvds look fine to me! The colors are beautiful and clarity is top notch! On a related note, Do you know who AHQ are??? Freeze frame, or slow-mo some scenes, you'll see that there are actually a fair share of bad compression artifacts to be seen. Though considering there's still no official release, and though the subtitles are bad, the video is much better than the other HKs.
  16. Actually, I don't think HG had anything to do with the cover art. A member here (though I haven't seen him around in quite a while), Garoquel made them. He ran a page called Macross Milcomnet. Apparently AnimEigo asked for the wierd wireframe design style. Though I guess it could have been HG not wanting any competing artwork, who knows. Irregardless, as nice a guy as he is, he was responsable for the crappy compression on the images that were used in the finals. I saw the artwork a few months before it went to press, hell, I saw the full color preliminary artwork (which was similar, just full color, very nice too I might add), and those images I was shown had the same bad compression bleeding. On the bright side, I did help fix a couple typo's, Minmay's age on the second volume was almost listed as 16 in an episode listed before her birthday!
  17. You're one crazy guy, wish I had $1700 to blow on R2's. I highly doubt FX will rip the DBZ box sets though, especially since they've been having some compression problems on recent R1 rips. When it comes right down to it, you're never going to have a better option than the MI sets. All things considered, if you didn't mind/notice the compression problems on the FX Macross 7 set, then you won't have one with the MI DBZ set.
  18. Mauled? That all depends on which incarnation of Eve you decide to take
  19. That's your only shot at getting a rip of the R2 box set. Your choices are: Pay $700-800 for a non-subtitled official R2 release or Pay $180 for a re-encoded HK version with very good subtitles (though I doubt perfect). Your other option of course paying even more than you would for the official R2 release, and picking up Funimations craptacular R1 disc's, or the HK rips of those. I think the only true option is clear
  20. If you can get FX to do it, more power to you! Well, I was just wishful thinking there for a moment. But do you know if they actually offer services where they will add english subs to R2 dvds? I am presently exploring the idea of having a third party company translate THIS for me. The first box is done, so chances are the second bo will be too. The only problem is that Toei has been anal about tracking U.S. HK distributers, so the releases are a bitch to find. I think the first box wound up in about 5-6 volumes. You can tell them from the regular HK R1 rips becuase the R2 set rips have blue & yellow cover art with just Goku's face.
  21. If you can get FX to do it, more power to you!
  22. Bottom line is, video wise, AnimEigo could only use what HG handed them, and unfortunately those weren't included.
  23. I'll believe it when it ships!
  24. Just how bad is Viz nowadays? Still no Galaxy Express DVD's (not that I haven't long since imported the R3's), so still pretty damn bad.
  25. Yeah, it's (MZ23) a rip of the Indian Video release, complete with their watermarks.
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