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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The Inbit only detect HBT, and while they can swarm, the U.N. Spacy has reaction weapons that would whipe out any given mass of them. As for the Refles, Basara & Sound Force would turn her around, making the whole invasion moot. Major difference between the two continuities is that in Mospeada, Earth had barely ventured out to Mars & Jupiter, while in Macross, people were all over the frakking place in colony fleets. Most likely Basara would send the Inbit to hang out with the Protodevilin, and they'd kick it back in whatever dimension they went to.
  2. I'm in my early thirties. And you wouldn't believe some of the things I've done with cardboard since then! I{ishimoto Just as long as you don't follow that up by posting a picture of your wife, I think we'll be safe Natural follow up being, have you done a custom Yamato? Can't have the Arcadia without the Yamato. Or better yet, something more befitting the scale you build in, a custom Andromeda?
  3. The same usual Macross greatness, with much much more fanservice!
  4. More epic how? If an supposed ochestra sounding like a guy on a casio keyboard is epic to you, then what a wonderous world there is outside for you to explore. The Macross soundtrack was much more emotional, professional, varied, grandious, & just plain frakking cooler. The robotech soundtrack remains eternally dated even when it was new.
  5. That is not amano, unless he's hit the bottle again.
  6. Ok, it shipped, now it's just waiting for the damn thing to arrive. Has anyone gotten a hold of it yet? I find myself anticipating it more than I expected. I'm starting to remember bits & pieces of mangled robotech plot from when I watched it in 85. I can't wait to see how much more sense the original makes
  7. There won't be anything (content wise) released after the final extended version, that would just be silly. I'm going for the standard extended versions (no bookends, A&E special, or statue). Don't have room on my DVD shelves for bookends or statues, nor the large box's they come in.
  8. Never been bumped once. My plan is to rise up in the ranks to admiral, take over HG, and sell them to Big West!....is it any more silly than how HG's tred to take over the macross license?
  9. Except that it's still just a fansub, and they themselves seem to have been confused on the issue. Not submittable as law
  10. What are you talking about, she was always crazy, that's part of her charm. Remember the whole baby tossing thing? To be fair, Max was too. "You tried to stab me to death! I MUST HAVE YOU!" I think we can let that one go..... Bah, the whole knife fight thing is small potato's. All women get crazy once a month. She was hot, she was available, she was a virgin, and she loved playing video games. How often does that happen? Damn right Max scooped her up.
  11. She's quite under-age you sick puppy.... Bah, she's of ripe child bearing age on her island. If I was animated & had one of those carved sticks.....
  12. What about the preview changed your mind?
  13. Damn, mine still says "available to ship" but hasn't actually left yet. Stupid bastard probably won't get it here until the end of the week!
  14. What are you talking about, she was always crazy, that's part of her charm. Remember the whole baby tossing thing?
  15. Basara isn't even remotely closed minded, he's just not a murderer, end of story!
  16. Maybe just having watched Orguss last year has something to do with my interest in the series. The design style (character) seems similar, and the catchy theme (& promise of fanservice) just add to the deal. I got it for $69.99 at dvdplanet, looks like it'll ship within the next day or so, & I should see it by tuesday/wednesday (hopefully) friday/sat at the lastest. As for extra's, I think there should be a book of interviews & such much like the one included with Mospeada. The specific contents aren't known. Sketch/line are too should be incldued too. Guess I'll just have to tell everyone what I thought after
  17. Mylene never chose, though I can tell you she "will" eventually end up with Gamlin. The M7 fleet is still underway, held back by the massive reconstruction effort I'm sure. Basara doesn't take advantage of women, and the second time Rex came at him, he wasn't even concious damnit! He's a gentleman, that's all there is to it.
  18. I'm sorry, but if Gundam can have Samurai masks, then the Sound Force Valkyries can have faces. What the hell is the big deal anyway? Lots of mecha have faces. And Mylene rocks damnit!
  19. I read it, love the M7 Plus bit, and still say they did it before Stargazer
  20. You guys are just frakking with me right? Trying to mess with my head by praising Macross 7! Suffice it to say, I'm an the early major 7 fans (at least as early as U.S. fandom goes), and do enjoy the story more than the original (mind you I really love the original series too). I still remember ordering the first 6 tapes of the fansub back in 97-98 (isn't it sad that I can't remember what year anymore?) and only intending to watch a couple episodes that day. Suffice it to say I ditched whatever college homework I had, and wound up watching as many episodes as I could before I crashed, finished the rest I had the next day, as well as sending out for the rest of the series (which was a grueling 2 week wait!). Immeidately I loved Basara's character, loved the music, and was fully engrossed in the story. To this day I still try to fit in a viewing of 7 once or twice a year with my regular anme viewing. Just such an awesome story. I'd personally love to see a metalic red VF-19 Kai, and a whale blood red VF-19P from Yamato.
  21. Like I said, Ray eventually did poke Akiko right before leaving on the Stargazer mission, end of story! As for Basara, he's just not the kind of guy who takes advantage of women, and only Sivil was able to fully grasp his attention.
  22. I've been hedging back & forth on whether or not to pre- order it, but finaly decided after watching the trailor on the Mospeada set again to go ahead with it (plus it looks like Arcadia was pushed back to the end of next month anyway). Unfortunately, I probably won't actually "have it" until the end of next week the way DVDplanet has been shipping lately, but I am anxious to see the series in its proper form. Hell, I never did bother to watch all the way through the robotech version, but it has to be better than that!
  23. They should've gotten the chick from Austin Powers 3. I hate to say it, but Halle is too old & anorexic for the part. Now if they got her in her "BAPPS" days, that'd be something different
  24. I'm a simple man, and love the Zeta & Nu.
  25. In fairness, in the world of the Matrix all the hot chicks are already taken, Neo awoke pretty late in the game. Beggers can't be choosers. Errr, what I meant to say is living in a post apocolyptic world cuts down on the probability of hot chicks most likely.
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