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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I'd throw Orguss in there, though not much of it takes place in Space,l that ending was just freakin' awesome. Another one not taking place in space at all, but being strong in that vein is Giant Robo. The pinacle for me would have to be Yamato & GE:999, 70's Matsumoto was a genius.
  2. The BGC DVD's aren't as bad as some are saying. The video isn't majorly flawed, and my only real gripe with the set is that M2K used the dub video masters (and as such, the english ending credits). If they'd have used the raw ones, the set would be in better shape. Suffice it to say, there's a reason AnimEigo is authoring disc's themselves now. As for Crash, I own Macross II, Orguss 02, & Megazone 23 Prt III, so owning Crash won't kill me
  3. I trust they'll improve the subtitle script. You'll recall they re-did both the Z & ZZ sets with improved subs, so this could likely be a similar case. Speaking of the 0079 set, aside from subs on it, is it true that it's missing portions of episodes 23 & 32? I've been eyeing it for a little while now, but haven't commited to picking it up yet. And while Encounters is looking like a more promising purchase, I still haven't seen Zeta Gundam listed in it. Wing & Seed MS's are all well & good, but Zeta stands above all!
  4. 25 biznitch!
  5. There isn't too much difference anymore between the two, as MAC has tossed away their old version in favor of ripping FX's version. FX Benefits - Better encode (though still not perfect), all intro's, endings, & next episode previews intact, all omake present, and complete series including Encore, Dynamite (note, the "to be continued" last 2-3 seconds from each Dynamite episode were strangely clipped), & the M7 movie. MAC - If you can find one of the old sets you will get "slightly" better subtitles than the FX set, but no Omake, & only 1 intro/ending per dsic.
  6. Looks like MI finally did a full HK set, so I just placed an order. Should see it in a week or too, and I blame you guys for making me anticipate seeing it! It also claims "new subtitles," so hopefully they'll be better than the previous individual HK DVD subtitles out there, or at least up to par with Victory's translation. Unfortunately, it's probably still a TV rip though, as the last 2 R2 volumes aren't due out until next month. Oh well, if I like it, I'll pick up the R1's anyway.
  7. I was pleasantly surprised by the ending, definately not what I was expecting after robotech. Spoilers Seifret destroye the Zor ship, and the pieces destroyed the Protozor plants, leaving all Glorie inhabitents safe from their tri-effects.
  8. There's at least one person who's absolutely obsessed with Sylia.......MACKY! My favoite part would have to be just about everything, with the music standing out (I probably watch hurricane live more than the OVA's). Still haven't seen Crash, though it's on my plate for next year. 2040 had a ton of potential, but was hampered by ADV's influence trying to make it an Evangelion clone. The invasion of A.D. Police headquarters was cool though. I'd say while not the best, I enjoyed it. I hope they bring back the orignal styled hardsuits for 2041 though.
  9. Irregardless of whether she's just someone you want to poke, or whether she's someone you want to spend an extended amount of time with, you should never hide your hobbies/interests. It's not fair to either of you.
  10. It's "Milia" end of story!
  11. Hey shut up! They'll replace the disc's....probably in a month or so...probably. It's still watchable, the backgrounds are fine, but anything/body moving has a bit of a strobe effect. Besides, the Mospeada set was a solid good set....and I never said ADV didn't suck, I just said I want a perfect subtitled version of Megazone 23 damnit!
  12. I suggest everyone do what I did, and write a letter to Bandai begging that they release their new Macross game in the U.S.
  13. Damn right, BOMBA!
  14. A heads up: Click here For anyone that did pick up the SC set, there has been a glitch found on disc 4. I won't be up to that episode until later tonight, but it's damned annoying if true. Damn you ADV, I've dodged all your glitched bullets until now, you bastards!
  15. LOL! Keith, you so crazy! Of all the RT, you want THAT? Why not ask for that clip of RT3K as well? Well, I have a copied from rental VHS version....but I want it on DVD! It's just so bad, right down to Santa Clause, robot cracker cats, male pattern baldness exedore, superbucket britai, she-male-milia, and thatgirl gone wrong Misa, it's just so....ownable!
  16. Ain't no HK's with excellent subs, and from my inquerries to the HK companies, there will never be anything more than there currently is (it's been done adiquately, and admittedly aside from the subtitles, they're fantastic sets). There is that independent effort over at rightstep.com, but for $20 a disc, I expect a hell of a lot more than a 4 episode a disc DVD-R with only a jewel case. HK DVD's are significantly more durable than DVD-R's, and subtitle script's are plentiful. At the very least, technology will arise one day that will let us add our own subtitles to DVD's without using DVDsubber or some other program that doesn't require me to watch DVD's with my crappy playback software/hardware on my computer...
  17. I actually heard about this coming a couple weeks ago, glad to see it actually happened. This is just the thing we need to prove HG is full of crap whenever it threatens legal action. Let's see them do something about this! BTW, does anyone know if the sentinels is included? I have a massachistic need to own that, but don't actually want to buy the DVD set it comes with. One more thing, check out the new issue of Newtype (Angelic Layer cover), one of the new contest prizes is get this: -3 mini AnimEigo Box sets -ADV Mospeada Set -ADV Southern Cross Set. What a bitchin' prize.
  18. If anyone hasn't picked up the 2 disc special edition of Big Trouble In Little China, do it ASAP. It seems to have almost entirely dissapeared, with a movie only 1 disc edition in its place.
  19. The treatment given to Macross by AnimEigo absolutley wouldn't have been close if done by ADV. The box art "may" have been better, but that's about it. Bottom line is, those who want to find Macross, will find Macross. I doubt the sales on Mospeada or Southern Cross will top the sales of Macross.
  20. No anime should be live action, NONE! However, I'd love to see Star Wars done this way: -Episode IV: A New Hope - Leji Matusmoto (He could best display the wonder, mystery, & hardships of a young mans new journey) -Episode V: Empire Strikes Back - Tomino (He could best display the crap hitting the fan aspects). -Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi - Shoji Kawamori (Climactic ending space battle, culmination of a love story, & a conclusive yet open ending). As for the first 3 films, probably a similar split, if not done by other anime directors.
  21. I haven't found her annoying. While she does still ignore orders, rush into battles, etc, she's still pretty good natured, and is all business when a battle is in action. Plus the regular showers don't hurt either. The plot so far is pretty simple, not too much background on the Zor, and what is told is told through exposition at the beginning of each episode (like in the second or 3rd episode when we're told over the city PA that they found out the aliens are called Zor by monitoring their communications). The familiar Macross Seiyuu also help entertain. Overall, I'd say whle a weaker show than Orguss, it's still fun. BTW, the episode count is 5/5/5/4/4
  22. Watched the first disc last night. Video: Remastered definately, colors are brighter, but it's also noticably granier than Mospeada, and has that same blue cast to it. Overall as good as could be expected. Audio: Pretty good, but also has a fair amount of static in it. Probably due to the show being less maintained than Mospeada. Extra's: Just some line art & clean opening & ending on the 5th disc, and some previews on the 4th disc. The show is fun so far, but the terrible mecha designs is probably what hurt its potential & got its run shortened.
  23. I still find it amazing how much they had to change his designs for the animation, but I guess they did the same for all the Final Fantasy games as well. When you consider the fact that Tatsunoko contracted the animation, is it that much of a surprise?
  24. You kids today, I swear. You get pretty well ripped DVD's bootlegged & $10 a pop of a show that may never get released here, and you bitch about the subtitles? Sheesh!!!
  25. Ok, got my set today. I won't have a chance to watch it until later, but I did take a peak at the book included. It's not nearly as interview intensive as the Mospeada one, there are a couple of paragraphs, but not too much. There is an extensive chart of different military factions, as well as some character & mecha bio's. Overall, not bad at all. I'll give more impressions tomorrow once I actaully watch some episodes.
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