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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I suggest you re-watch that DVD. Go frame by frame during any Chilam communications, and you'll see Misa topless! You'll also note Vanessa pops up during Kei's girlfriend reminicing, though I think he calls her Shammy (scandelous!).
  2. It's not really a lack of interest, as much as it's a lack of access. Once there's an HK set out, or an R1 license, I'll be all over it. Until then, I'll wait to pick up Cosmo Warrior Zero & Arcadia together, as well as hoping for the day ADV releases all of the Queen Emereldas episodes in a set so I can pick that up. I'm still trying to surpress the fact that it's been almost a year since the last GE:999 TV HK DVD set, I HATE WATITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. If it weren't for the fact that Orguss 02 is a cheap bastardization to everything that is Orguss, I would congratulate you.
  4. Isn't that one with the fast pack's being lowered also on the 20th anniversary DVD?
  5. Rename it Super Dimension Fortress Musai-cross, and you'll have an excellent Macross/Gundam custom
  6. The Evil "were" the Prototypes! The whole "leave miclones alone" schtick was to prevent Zentradi from attacking Protoculture, or Protoculture influenced worlds. When contradictery orders were given so that the Zentradi could freely attack the Supervision Army (comprised of brainwashed Protoculture), the previous order was nullified. When the Protodevilin were finally put away, and the Protoculture decided that they wanted to reclamate the Zentradi into normal "culture," the Zentradi saw that as a threat, and used their new "free to attack miclone Supervison Army," as a free for all to attack anyone who threatened them. As such, we have the end of the Protoculture. Project M was indeed a project to replicate Minmay's effects.
  7. Just because I know it will suck, does not mean I'm not interested in seeing just how badly it will suck
  8. Bitch, you can't handle these chips!
  9. If Kawamori had said "they settled here, the end," there would be endless banter about where the planet was, would so & so visit it, would they leave there and pop up here, etc. The only safe way to minimize hope of ever seeing them again, is to make them completely vanish. Doesn't make them dead, doesn't rule out the possability of them settling, it just shuts people up period.
  10. single huh? lol The aftermath of this topic header Just started watching M7 with my GF and now I'm A) single B) sleeping on the couch C) divorced D) out of the closet its official, Im not watching it. Its got me scared And BTW, my fincee thinks Im a dork for having the toys models and watching cartoons, she wants one of my 1/48 yamatos (no way jose) and she gets me potatoe chips without me having to call her a bitch,,,OH, and if lifetime is on the big TV she knows we wont have a tv anymore, I can sit through the lovestories on TBS, but I just cant handle lifetime Stop being a baby, watch it damnit!
  11. The AFOS was not sent "by" the Protoculture, they actually set foot on Earth, as such the AFOS has nothing to do with evolution per-say. From what little Kawamroi has given in interviews, it would more likely seem to be some sort of defense mechanism.
  12. This is also TDK interactive, aka "we're going to make a game better than VFX2, oh wait, maybe we'll just copy the VFX-1 engine, shorten the levels, and pretty it up 'a little' and call it robotech" This game will suck, get over it!
  13. Well, I wouldn't call Zeta's subs "awesome" though they're passable for most of the series. I guess MI fixed thier set, which is all I need to know, it's going into my next purchase The way things look, I should have Seed by Tuesday/Wednesday at the latest, can't wait.
  14. The Protodevilin are inter-dimensional beings comprised of energy, they don't "look" like anything, they wouldn't be on Earth, and even if they were on Earth, they wouldn't be dormant with Spiritia flowing on an island right freakin' above them! It isn't a Protodevilin, end of story! It's not even an Evil, as it's not "biological" enough to be, it's just some leftover Protoculture tool/weapon. The Protoculture themselves came to visit Earth, leaving it behind, then left (hence the leaving). There's no way the fish people, nor protoculture evolved humans could have done a lick of damage to anything the Protoculture made, so that's right out too. Most likely, it just rotted over the years under the ocean.
  15. Or the fact they can only go so low otherwise they won't break even. $16 per disc equals Robotech DVD single price, and that wasn't even remastered. Cyc Correct, and when you account for online discounts, it's even better. I got it for $69.99, which made it $14 a disc.
  16. Hey come on, what about the HK 0079 set!
  17. Psst, all music produced for any series is designed to both interest you in the series, and the music. Considering that Nue & Big West went the "let's find an actual band route" proves how much dedication they had to the show. Personally, I'd have been pissed off if they didn't release soundtrack albums, I absolutely love Fire Bomber, and it's sad Humming Bird isn't releasing anything new anymore. When all is said & done, M7 wouldn't have worked without a real band doing 3 albums worth of material. As for the fanservice, what the hell are you guys talking about? There's "ALWAYS" been fanservice in Macross. From Roy checkingout Minmay's ass in the very first episode, to Max checking out Milia's tits. And that's without mentioning either shower scene (TV series or movie). "Plus" (not pun intended) there was Sharon Apple, who is 100% fanservice (and more power to her). Lucy in the MPlus Movie Ed, and now Sara in Zero. Macross is all about fanservice, 7 having no more than any previous or subsequent series. Remember, Kawarmori & Mikimoto were big Gundam & Yamato fans, both of which have their share of fanservice too. Do you recall Analyzer constantly pulling up Yuki's skirt? Amuro catching Mirai coming out of the Shower?
  18. The AIFOS isn't protodevilin, it still appears to be more towards the mecha side than the biological side. Just as Natter-Valgo wasn't Protodevilin (from GICM) it was just a piece of Mecha for Gabil to use as an assisting unit.
  19. Thing is, what's the point in centering a game around Ride Armor, if you can't ride with it!
  20. Why are you beating around the bush... Just ASK if you want to feel my muscles. M7 isn't necessarily as gay as it is lame and sad... also a pedophile show as it attracts its sick audience with panty shots of a 14 year old girl. YOU WILL LSITEN TO BASARA'S SONG!
  21. That shitty robotech game is more than enough to counterbalance the good to not so Macross games.
  22. Just tell her you'd rather watch that then the typical aaron spelling crap, american idol, reality show of the week, shitty sitcom, etc. If she can't understand that, just say "shut up bitch, and get me some potato chips."
  23. No, it's quite fair. 5 dics's, 5 episodes per on 3, 4 episodes per on 2, which means you're only paying $16 per. Quite a fair price. Hell, it's one of ADV's best priced sets! And yes, the video errors are true.
  24. It'll give us false hope from seeing a decent anime based game released here, instead of another shitty robotech one!
  25. The sad thing is, this is supposedly the favorite series of ADV's president, and this is how it gets released?
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