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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Yeah, let's go up to Valhala & kick his ass! Anyway, I remember seeing this when it aired, it alternated on Sunday mornings (almost typed "Sundam" for those who care, what a bizzare fruedian slip) with the really bad first Robocop cartoon incarnation (not that the second wasn't even worse).
  2. Summer? Hell no, Zeta better come out before spring! As for HK sets, there's only 1 currrently available, the MI set. I also wouldn't necessarily call this a last stand. Wing did very well, G did pretty well, and they screwed themselves over with the 0079 release by making it dub only. That alienated the massive portion of the fanbase that would have bought it. Seed will inevitably kill Wing in sales, Zeta having subtitles will find its market, and with a little luck, we'll get the true SD Gundam OVA's, wish they'd hurry up & release an R2 set.
  3. While it's not "much" info, it is at least firmly stated that it will absolutely come out next year. Hopefully that's also an indication of what the box art will look like. http://www.bandai-ent.com/news/news.cfm?id=70
  4. Here's hoping we get an HK dvd before christmas!
  5. "Except," that previously, each & every other "release into pick used a direct comparison that showed the difference in "mastering" size. See: -AnimEigo's Macross -ADV's Mospeada -ADV's Southern Cross The fact that they didn't use the differing sized comparision pic's for Robotech (despite showing video quality differences) hinted at a potential direct re-master from the bad VHS quality tapes they'd been using. Argue argue argue, bitch bitch bitch, end of story. Like I said, HG & ADV had previously "factually" stated that such a remaster wasn't possible, and despite having it in the works for almost a year, decided to wait for a few more sales to unleash the news upon the public. Apparently "crap happens" when new information becomes available doesn't it?
  6. I don't think I trust Nishizaki not to kill off Yuki or Kodai, so I'm definately looking more forward to Matsumoto's re-interpretation.
  7. After Nishizaki got out of jail, he claimed full ownership of the franchise. They spent this past year fighting over it, and Nishizaki finally folded, deciding to split it between them so that "the fans would benefit." He initially won the case, but Mastumoto took it to appeals. Luckily it was resolved before getting too nasty. My guess though is that Matsumoto just isn't up for Nishizaki's death counts anymore, and wants to put more of his own flavor into the story, and vice versa. Rumor is that Mastumoto's version will re-introduce the apsect of Harlock being Kodai's (or rather his new name's) brother.
  8. After a year of digging, I've finally found an official page for it. Still can't figure out if it's a full series, OVA, or movie, but there's some good info here, including character bio's, pictures of the new ship design, no cosmo tigers, an odd crosspromotion with an auto-service station, underground city designs, etc. Definately still looks like it's a remake of the original Iscandor storyline, and a cool update at that. I'm deifnately looking more forward to this than Nishizaki's Yamato Rebirth. -Matusmoto's Dai Yamato -Nishizaki's Yamato Rebirth For those who haven't been following, Matsumoto (as I said) is working on a brand new interpretation of Yamato, and Nishizaki is working on a new continuation of the original Yamato (guess even he gave up on the 2525 OVA). And while due to the out of court agreements, it looks like Matsumoto had to change the character designs & names a bit, (I also haven't fully warmed up to the new Yamato design) he's got the strong story side. Nishizaki's got the original designs, names, and ship design, but he's no Matsumoto. I can't wait ot check out both, hopefully more info will be available (& U.S. licenses) next year.
  9. Yadda yadda yadda, HG also said they'd never do a remaster, etc etc etc. That was the first shot released, and a perfectly viable one to base an early assumption on. End of story.
  10. Basara never (until Dynamite) played guitar whlie flying. He sang to pre-recorded tracks (likely an intelligent karaoke system that detected when he was & wasn't singing to keep up), while using the guitar stick as a normal control stick. It wasn't even playable until the slider was placed all the way at the top of the headstock (like in the M7 movie). Playing notes as such wouldn't have done anything. It was moving the guitar stick, and using its slider & switches that allowed for flight control. i.e. no differnet from a regular flight scheme. There's no point in not having them. Far more sci-fi robots through out history have had faces than haven't. Doesn't hurt anything, an entirely superficial statement, and like I said, theren'd be no point in progressing past the standard large VF-1A large camera eye by your standards. As opposed to the mroe stylish eye-visor like VF-1S design. Anime is first & foremost, like any other entertainment medium, something you take in as a whole, i.e. story, visual, audio, etc. There's been no legitimate argument of why a Valkyrie can't have a face, especially when it actually serves a purpose in 7. They're not used as combat machines, and the faces just help distinguish them that much more.
  11. Uh, it looks like there is further information available. . . but I just have to say that basing your conclusion on one image on the RT site is a bit, uh, inconclusive. If you're talking about the image of Milia that is split (that is no longer showing up on the site, btw). . . there is no indication whatsoever that this is an actual representation of the restored image vs the actual image. Rather, it is most likely a simulation. Indeed, I even have my doubts about the "split" demonstrations they did for the Animeigo DVDs. Are they true side-by-side representations or are they "simulated?" In any event. . . that promotional shot of Milia's face being split down the middle doesn't indicate squat. H A guess made upon the then bare bones information given. No more, no less. BTW, you're like a week behind
  12. Screw all that, just re-dub Anakin from Episode I with a kid that can act!
  13. I wouldn't catagorize it as a weapon, but irregardless, how is it any more far-fetched than Lucas's use of the Force, Tomino's Newtype powers, X-men, Superman, any given U.S. comic superhero for that matter, and a veritable cornicopia of other applications of esper/chi, etc etc powers that appear in anime. You single it out like it's some anomoly amongst fiction when it's far from that. Hell, it's the most unique application in years. -The passion & emtions generated from singing channeled into a usable energy, that energy used to move others into seeing past idiotic conflicts. This is what Macross has been about from the start. It doesn't take killing to be a great pilot. A guitar which is attached in a manner similar to the standard two control stick flight scheme, making it no different. Just what the hell is wrong with that anyway? If you're going to argue that, then why not argue that every Valkyrie should use the standardized VF-1A large camera eye. On a highly stylized swan schemed VF-11MAXL. I appload Kawamori having the style to do such a thing. Hell, I can't remember it having been done since the female mecha in Mazinger (unless you count the female autobots in transformers). All of these complaints being extremely superficial. Her constant screaching didn't have any effect, if that was just the case, it would have. It was the feeling she put into her singing which reached Isamu, not just the noise she was making. That's the whole point. The whole point of Sharon (like the Jamming Birds in 7), was to show just why manufactured attempts at altering peoples emotions doesn't work. Instead of using emotion to trigger reactions in people, she was designed to alter their brain chemestry through lights & sounds, and used that ability to control people (once she became self aware). The true battle became one not between Isamu & Guld, not between Guld & the Ghost, not between Isamu & the Macross, but between Myung's true feelings expressed through her music, and Sharon's artificial control inflicted by music & light. Different interpretations are well & fine, but being wrong is simply being wrong
  14. Start with the 0079 3 movie box set.
  15. Flash Back 2012 established the newer design, coloring, & overal rebuilt larger size of the Macross. As has been said, after Kamujin's attack, the Macross was put under a massive reconstruction/refit effort. The ship seen in DYRL is the Macross 20 years after it was refitted. Exedor seen in DYRL reflect's his physical upgrade to increase memory storage & re-macronization. DYRL was filmed using contemporary (2031 era) ships, people, flight suits, VF-1's, etc. As such, DYRL reflects Macross TV's 2031 technology & people. The continuity continue's through Plus (2040) & 7 (2045-2047), all evolving from the TV series & FB 2012 (2009-20012).
  16. 1.Macross will "always" be about music. 2.Macross has & will always be character driven first & foremost 3.Mecha have always taken a back seat to characters & music. 4.7 was far from over the top, it was a natural progression of the setups from the initial TV series. 5.Plus had music as a huge emphasis, what were you watching? Hell, the pivotal moment came down to Myung waking up Isamu from Sharon's mind control with the emotions conveyed through her music (something else it shares with 7).
  17. Haven't live action adaptions of video games taught people anything?? Sheesh....though the Cutie Honey movie looks interesting....
  18. Second? This is the 3rd. The second was Plus & 7. As for any new seires, hopefully there will at least be a cameo by Basara, Mylene, & Gamlin, if they're still roaming around the galaxy.
  19. Here's a question on the philipines dub. Where the robotech songs used? Or were some other vairent of songs used (i.e. the vocals). I'm wondering now if that was maybe what became of HG's attempt to dub Macross, only releasing 3 episodes in the U.S., but perhaps having finished the dub before deciding to do robotech, then releasing it in the phillipines.
  20. Ha! I can still rile up studio reps for answers!!
  21. Nope, the Zeta box sets will ship first quarter! THEY WILL!!! The individual disc release however is another matter, I can see that not happening until after Seed.
  22. Hmm, taking a look at the picture on rt.com, it looks like both sides are of the same size (i.e. not zoomed out like the AnimEigo remaster). Now that it's safely ruled out, I again would have to say that they remastered the tape sources (most likely scenario, seeing as they'd have to re-time, slow down animatin, etc, if they went back to the original source tapes), leaving for an odd looking remaster. All they can really do is a basic filtering, and try to re-adjust the color/contrast, which would still leaving it inferior to the AE disc's, as the detail has already been lost from the initial transfer. All in all, all I have to say is, WHERE THE HELL IS MY MEGAZONE 23 SET!
  23. There's lots of great stuff out there. -Galaxy Express 999 -Space Cruiser Yamato (not the starblazers version) -Giant Robo (there's a great set that was put out in Korea with english subs) -Arcadia Of My Youth -Orguss -0079 Gundam movies set -Zeta Gundam -Victory Gundam -Gundam Seed -Macross 7 -Mahoromatic -Mospeada -Mazinkaiser -Cowboy Bebop -Another vote for Irresponsible Captain Tylor So much good stuff out right now.
  24. Question is, just what the hell is going to be 5.1 about it? Even assuming they used stereo sources for the music, would they be bold enough to borrow the SFX only track that AnimEigo got from Big West? Or re-do their own sound effects ala Manga with MP Prt-4, or Rhino with the Transformers? Or will they just go the cheaper route of making a fake stereo mix. I'm actually interested in finding out what happens with this release, especially if they only re-insert scenes for "voilence," still leaving robotech edited for "video."
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